Political Pistachio

Douglas v. Gibbs - Mr. Constitution

Political Pistachio

vote button ballot
By Douglas V. Gibbs

When the Democrats, Progressives, Leftists, Authoritarians, Criminals and communists in America (then again, I am being repetitive) aim to do something, they know darn well when the law, Constitution, or ethics stand in their way.  Like common criminals, usually they perform the dastardly deed anyway, or they find a way around the obstacles that might stand in their way.  It is unconstitutional (and Red States are pushing back against it) and against statutory law to use taxpayer dollars for political campaigns, especially when such an effort is launched by the federal government.  But, in classic leftist Democrat fashion, progressives (and other lefty Biden administration allies) are using legal loopholes and the power of the federal government to maximize Democrat votes in the 2024 election at taxpayers’ expense, and they claim the whole thing to be completely legal.

The troops have been mobilized through allegedly nonpartisan charities that target Democrats using demographic data as proxies.  They have been put into action thanks to the Biden administration’s unprecedented demand that every federal agency “consider ways to expand citizens’ opportunities to register to vote and to obtain information about, and participate in, the electoral process.

After all, we have to save our democracy, right?

The pro-Democratic Party charities have gone into action using taxpayer monies and “dark money” vehicles, all following Biden’s call to register the voters, deliver ballots, harvest ballots, and do anything else necessary to ensure the 2024 Election defeats Donald Trump in the presidential election, and the dreaded racist democracy-hating Republicans in the congressional, statewide, and local elections.

Time magazine admits what the left is up to, describing the effort as “a well-funded cabal of powerful people, ranging across industries and ideologies, working together behind the scenes to influence perceptions, change rules and laws, steer media coverage and control the flow of information. They were not rigging the election; they were fortifying it. And they believe the public needs to understand the system’s fragility in order to ensure that democracy in America endures.”

How do you steal an election through rigging it and committing a long list of fraud?  You call those activities something else.  It was “fortified,” and “ensuring democracy endures.”  After all, from their point of view it’s okay to operate in an unethical or unlawful manner when they are trying to save the democracy from fascist, racist, phobic, Christian Nationalist, domestic terrorist MAGA Republicans, right?

I’m sure I left out a few phobias, but you get my point.

Interestingly, the communist, progressive left used to try to fly under the radar.  As described in The Unseen Hand, a book by A. Ralph Epperson:

“Someone once described the deception as, ‘One way they look, another way they steer.’ The strategy is to promise the American people and to deliver another. Never make it appear that you, the candidate, are supporting socialism, or are a Socialist, even though the platforms you will support after your election are indeed socialist in nature. And you must never deliver so much socialism that the American people will discover the exact nature of the game and remove you from office.”

“The reason the socialists must deceive the unsuspecting citizen was made clear by the London, England, Sunday Times which stated that Socialism was defined as: ‘competition without prizes, boredom without hope, war without victory, and statistics without end.'”

“In other words, most people don’t want Socialism and they don’t wish to live under the Socialist economy, so the Socialists must resort to trickery and deception, by a series of lies offered to the people by lying politicians.”

A few pages later, on page 51 of The Unseen Hand by A. Ralph Epperson, it reads:

“The socialist machine slowly climbs the ladder to total control of the market place.”

Now, they don’t operate in the shadows, or slowly, anymore.  The assault is out in the open, and they are trying to gather all of the troops for the all-out war against any political opposition as quickly as they can.  Trump has become a clear and present danger to their slow plans to fundamentally change America into something the Founding Fathers never intended.  

The Republican Party, unfortunately, for the most part, acts like no assault is in play.  They are either in on it, or completely oblivious to the fact that the hard left had kicked everything into high gear and has their war planners working overtime.  The GOP simply plays by the old rules with old attitudes and a strategy that seeks not to offend anyone or sound too radical.  They are fully convinced all they have to do is make sure the voters realize that Biden’s four years in office has been not good for America, and we should be fine.  They refuse to admit the Democrats cheat, lie, and steal.  “Be careful,” they also remind you.  “Don’t say anything the left might make fun of, like that the 2020 election was rigged, or that the Democrats are a bunch of socialists, because we don’t want our messaging to offend moderate swing voters.”

In States like California, the statewide Republican Party apparatus will also warn the candidates to not sound too conservative.  They are convinced to win they must be democrat-light.

While the laws in place for tax-exempt nonprofit groups explain that a group may engage in voter registration and get-out-the-vote drives so long as they do not “refer to any candidate or political party” nor conduct their activities “in a biased manner that favors (or opposes) one or more candidates prohibited;” Democrats seem to be exempt from any punishment for violating those laws.  That was apparent during the Obama years, and it has become more pronounced during the last election cycle and this one.  Wealthy donors get around limits by throwing their money into private foundations they know operate in a manner that they approve of, while being careful not to mention that they actually engage in partisan activities.  Left-leaning charities are well-known that they are left-leaning, but get around any trouble by simply registering and mobilizing demographics that tend to vote disproportionately Democratic behind a veil of non-partisan “let’s preserve our democracy” promotion.

Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg and his wife Priscilla Chan accomplished their big money in politics venture in 2020 when they funneled some $400 million through two progressive–led but purportedly nonpartisan nonprofits into election offices across the country.

According to American Greatness dot com, “That money disproportionately went to jurisdictions that Joe Biden won in the pivotal battleground states that delivered his victory, often flowing to left-leaning nonprofits to whom election offices outsourced the administration of sometimes critical functions.

In April 2022, a primary conduit of these so-called “Zuckerbucks,” the Center for Tech and Civic Life, announced the launch of a successor to the 2020 effort – the U.S. Alliance for Election Excellence, a five-year $80 million program “to envision, support, and celebrate excellence in U.S. election administration.”

“The left has assembled an impressive ‘election-industrial’ complex of non-profit organizations that is constantly working towards goals like ‘promoting participation’ targeting ‘underrepresented minorities,’” said Jason Snead, executive director of the conservative Honest Elections Project. Such terms, Snead says, “are code for identifying and mobilizing liberal voters.”

The website continues: “‘Nonpartisan’ and ‘charitable’ voter registration and get-out-the-vote groups” are the Democratic Party’s “electioneering super-weapon[s],” said Parker Thayer, an analyst with the conservative-oriented Capital Research Center in Washington, D.C.

Born of a plan “commissioned by [Hillary] Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta, funded by the Democratic Party’s biggest donors, and coordinated with cut-throat Democratic consultants,” Thayer writes in an extensive analysis of the group’s efforts, “the Everybody Votes campaign [has] used the guise of civic-minded charity to selectively register millions of ‘non-white’ swing-state voters in the hopes of getting out the Democratic vote.”

It does so by funding and training over 50 community groups to register voters to close “the voter registration gap in communities of color,” which it attributes to “modern forms of Jim Crow laws,” such as voter ID requirements, the group’s executive director, Nellie Sires, said in a January 2024 interview.

From 2016-2021, the Everybody Votes Campaign, doing business as three entities, collected over $190 million from major Democratic Party donors, unions, and environmental activists. Some of the largest donors include the League of Conservation Voters Education Fund; the New Venture and Hopewell Funds, managed by for-profit consulting firm Arabella Advisors; and the George Soros-funded Foundation to Promote Open Society – all 501(c)(3) public charities or private foundations forbidden from supporting “voter education or registration activities with evidence of bias.”

The Everybody Votes Campaign distributed the funds to a slew of left-leaning state-based voter registration organizations largely in eight pivotal states from 2016 to 2019 – Arizona, Colorado, Florida, Georgia, Ohio, North Carolina, Virginia, and Nevada – and then to Pennsylvania, Michigan, and Wisconsin in 2021.

According to Thayer’s analysis, the Everybody Votes Campaign’s voter registration push “would have provided Democrats more votes than the total margins of victory in Arizona, Georgia, Nevada, and Pennsylvania,” securing Joe Biden’s victory in the 2020 election.

That, coupled with other fraudulent methods and cheats made sure that most of the Democrats they wanted to win pulled off victories.  Money and a few tweaks here and there, and the Democrats feel like they can pull off anything.

Republicans have not caught on.  Their super PACs play by ethical rules, putting out election guides and putting some money in advertising, but they fail to try to appeal to the populations who need to be told something other than the echo-chamber rhetoric of the Democrat Party.  The GOP spends money only on races they think are safe, and pretty much no money on independent organizations that could be getting out the conservative vote, or ensure that the ballots of Republican voters actually make it into the bin at the registrars and are counted fairly.  Conservative grassroots groups are doing some of that kind of work, but the political party at large acts like its 1952 and if they wave enough flags and put out enough TV ads the people will come out and vote for them.

Meanwhile, Biden has the Democratic Party using the “unlimited funding, resources, and reach” of the federal government and agency offices located nationwide,” to turn out favored voters.  

I am talking about Executive Order 14019, President Biden’s March 2021 unconstitutional shift by the left into a higher gear for Democrat Party electioneering.  His directive demands “promoting access to voting,” making it sound like he’s trying to save America from a bunch of racists who are trying to keep certain people from voting.  He ordered every federal agency, more than 600 in all, to register and mobilize voters – particularly “people of color” and others the White House says face “challenges to exercise their fundamental right to vote.”  It further directs the agencies to collaborate with ostensibly nonpartisan nonprofits in pursuit of its goals; a move that says, without actually saying it, “we’ve got to out register those white supremacists who are trying to suppress the vote so that they can get their great white fascist Donald Trump back into office.”  They didn’t literally say that, but the Democrat voters and uninformed masses have been hearing that kind of rhetoric for so long they are trained to hear it, even if it isn’t said.

Executive Order 14019 put into action left-leaning think tanks, consulting firms, and non-profit organizations in a manner that is greater than before.  They have to.  The cheat they have planned for 2024 might not be sufficient to keep them in power.

The goal has been to generate around 3.5 million new or updated voter registrations annually.

All of the lefty organizations have been mobilized, and ready to work directly with the White House and agency officials.  Never mind that their is no enumerated power in the U.S. Constitution authorizing the executive branch to operate in such a manner, much less allow Congress to make any laws for any elections outside of congressional elections (Article I, Section 4).

An email was unearthed exposing details about the order, emphasizing that “[U]nlike 2020 wherein the shadow campaign was conducted by private citizens seeking to influence government election operations from the outside, the threat we face in 2024 is being launched from within the government itself.”

Biden’s team closely guarded their strategic plans to keep Congress and anyone else off their trail, hoping to carry out the order, implementing the actions needed, and influence the vote the best they could without too many people realizing it was unconstitutionally being done; and worse, with the use of federal taxpayer dollars.

Beyond the work through organizations and what we’ve talked about so far, they also set out to work on registering new voters at naturalization ceremonies.  Of course, hard lefties are not going to stop there.  Now, the “let’s make sure illegal aliens can vote” push is in play, too (because they know for a fact that when illegal aliens vote, they usually vote Democrat).  While Speaker Johnson says that a push for election integrity is in place to keep illegal aliens from voting in the 2024 Election, we know that the lawless Democrats will do what they can to work around anything the Congress tries to put in place to guard against illegal voting.  Multiple times the Constitution of the United States declares that only Citizens may vote in U.S. Elections.  This is not the first time the idea of illegal aliens voting has been pushed by the Democrats, in mid-term elections, and even as far back as 2016, and before.  In some States, like California, the Democrats have been working to even make it so that felons can vote.

The Department of Education is in on the unconstitutional federal play to make sure the Democrats win, too, using federal work-study funds to pay students for “supporting broad-based get-out-the-vote activities, voter registration,” and other activities.  Scott Walter, president of the Capital Research Center, as reported by the Epoch Times, said that the Department had previously threatened schools “that you better be registering students or you could lose your federal funds.”

Whitson’s Foundation for Government Accountability submitted an amicus brief noting that “all of the federal agencies FGA has identified as taking active steps to carry out EO 14019 have one thing in common: They provide government welfare benefits and other services to groups of voters the vast majority of which have historically voted Democrat.”

The plaintiffs alleged the executive order violated both Pennsylvania law limiting voter registration efforts to non-federal actors, and constitutional provisions reserving election laws to the states. On March 26, a district court dismissed the case, claiming the plaintiffs lacked standing. Whitson told Real Clear Investigations that others would likely lodge similar lawsuits, building on the Pennsylvania legislators’ case in the wake of the dismissal.

According to The Federalist, the plaintiffs intended to appeal their case to the U.S. Supreme Court. 

Despite a number of States attempting to ward off the federal government’s electioneering, the efforts by the federal government have increased with funding, training, mentorship, and other resources.  

The Daily Signal lists as among those organizations The Center for Civic Design, which works with election offices “using research, design, accessibility, and plain language to remove barriers in the voter journey and invite participation in democracy.  Another is The Elections Group, to “implement new programs or improve processes for voters and stakeholders.  Then there’s The Center for Secure and Modern Elections to “modernize the voting system, making elections more efficient and secure.”

Critics argue their aim is not a non-partisan effort, but that they are a part of the problem and are nothing more than an ambitious Zuckerbucks rebrand.

Snead’s Honest Elections Project published a report in April 2023, which came to the conclusion “that the Alliance (U.S. Alliance for Election Excellence) is a scheme to use private funding to strongarm election policy nationwide.”  The report shows that many of the Alliance’s launch partners, starting with the Center for Tech and Civic Life and the Center for Civic Design, are funded by major Democrat-tied, so-called “dark money” groups such as the Democracy Fund and Arabella Advisors’ New Venture Fund and Hopewell Fund.

Democrat-aligned groups also use litigation, much like how the left has been targeting Donald Trump.  The lawsuits in election manipulation, however, are geared towards loosening election laws to benefit the Democrat Party, and the ability to launch schemes that would otherwise be illegal.  The Daily Signal reports, “There are more than 70 active lawsuits right now targeting voter ID laws, anti-ballot harvesting laws, signature verification, drop box regulations, and more.”

It’s a way to commit fraud, but using the law to technically make the fraud legal in the eyes of the uninformed voters, and anyone who might wish to strike out against the action in opposition to the Democratic Party scheme.  They claim to be fighting against “voter suppression and election subversion” when in reality they are setting the stage for manipulating the vote in favor of the Democrat Party.  In the background, however, the federal government is also involved, extending beyond the veritable lawfare barrage the Biden Justice Department has leveled against Donald J. Trump.

In Selma, Alabama at the 59th anniversary of Bloody Sunday, the 1965 police assault on civil rights marchers, Attorney General Merrick Garland declared that “the right to vote is still under attack.”  But don’t worry, the federal government is working to fight for your right to vote (which, in New Speak means that they are challenging states and jurisdictions who dare to stand against them in their push) — of course, it’s all done in the name of fighting against “discriminatory, burdensome, and unnecessary restrictions on access to the ballot, including those related to mail-in voting, the use of drop boxes, and voter ID requirements.”

It’s the ol’ two sides of the mouth routine.  Out of one side of their mouth they tell you they are fighting for your “right to vote,” while out of the other they whisper too softly for you to hear that they are rigging the elections the best they can to hopefully eventually ensure that America is ruled by only one party; the Democratic Party.  Then, as Barack Obama predicted, they can fundamentally transform the United States of America.

Political Pistachio Conservative News and Commentary

donald trump mugshot
By Douglas V. Gibbs

When Donald Trump was charged with 91 indictments it never occurred to anybody that none of the accusations were actually directly linked to any actual crimes.  Nearly all of the charges are conspiracy charges.  He’s charged with a conspiracy to change an election.  A conspiracy to obstruct an official proceeding.  A conspiracy to defraud the United States.  None of the charges say he actually committed any of the actions he’s accused of planning to commit.  His words, according to his accusers, simply said he wanted to commit those actions, and that he was planning on committing those actions.

The presence of a crime being committed, and evidence revealing that the crime was actually committed, are key components of our American System of Justice.  Without evidence, injury to another party, or the actual breaking of an existing law, there is no crime.  If there is no crime, and there is no evidence, there is no case.  There is no evidence that Trump actually committed any of the acts that he’s being charged with because he did not commit any of the actions he is being charged with.  They know that, which is why he is not being charged with actually committing any of the crimes on any of the indictments.  He’s being charged on each and every one of them with “conspiracy” to commit the crimes.  He’s essentially guilty of saying things that may be interpreted by some people that he may possibly do something possibly in the future that might be considered a crime.  Conspiracy to do something is generally not a crime unless, as with actually committing a crime, there is hard evidence showing that the conspiracy existed, and that actions were taken to commit the crime the conspiracy is regarding.

In the case of Trump, none of that exists.

The conspiracy charges were simply a way to get an indictment in place, and then go to court, evidence or no evidence, because the leftist judges chosen for the cases were going to play the game the progressive leftists wanted to tie Trump up in court during an election season whether evidence existed, or not.

In short, Trump is guilty of thought crimes that cannot be proven for the purpose of tying him up with legal troubles during the election year in the hopes of either turning voters off, or using the system with the proper leftist judges in place that might somehow land him in jail.  Or, if they can’t get him behind bars, at least take as much money as they can from him, and destroy his business world, which they hope might neutralize him and his influence.  Letitia James, Attorney General for the State of New York, is fully aware of the game being played, and is playing her role the best she can seeking seizure of his properties and to drain him of as much money as possible.

Whether or not he is actually guilty of any of the crimes he is being charged with conspiring to commit is irrelevant to these people.  The game has nothing to do with the truth, the law, justice, or fairness.  It is all about ruining Trump with accusations, and the hope that some kind of lucky stroke may destroy him professionally or politically…just in case they can’t overcome his overwhelming popularity when the election arrives in November.

Conspiracy to commit a crime is not the actual committing of a crime, but who cares when you can destroy the man in the process.  Truth is not the desire of the left.  Their goal is simply to stop the one man who managed to somehow stick such a large stick in their spokes that it stopped the destruction of America they had been working on during the four years of his presidency.

The conspiracy charges act as a way of charging Trump with crimes the progressive left thinks might occur if their evil opposition was given the chance, but have not.

George Orwell put into the pages of his book, 1984, the idea of Big Brother seeking out thought crimes, and convicting one of such a crime even though the actual crime was never committed.  Minority Report, a film with Tom Cruise, based on a Philip K. Dick book of the same name, toyed with the idea of the future using “pre-crime” technology to stop crimes before they happened.  However, the attempt to achieve Orwellian Big Brother control, or pre-crime conditions have already been attempted a number of times in American History, often during wartime.  One might recognize the famous case of conspiracy prosecution in the 1968 prosecution and trial of American pediatrician and antiwar activist Benjamin Spock.  Spock and four others were charged with conspiring to aid, abet, and counsel draft resisters.  That is, they were charged with saying things that might make the person hearing their words consider resisting the draft.  Prosecutors were never able to show that the “conspirators” charged in the case actually committed any illegal acts, much less were ever even in the same room together.  Still, Spock and three of his “co-conspirators” were found guilty in federal court.  Ultimately, the case was set aside on appeal, and eventually vanished on a legal technicality.  Spock, though sentenced to two years in prison, never served the time since the case was set aside in 1969 by a federal court.  But, the federal legal doctrines underlying conspiracy charges remained in place despite the fogginess of the evidence, and the fact the case never actually put the conspirators behind bars.

Jessica Mitford’s 1969 book regarding The Trial of Dr. Spock, explains, “The law of conspiracy is so irrational, its implications so far removed from ordinary human experience or modes of thought, that like the Theory of Relativity it escapes just beyond the boundaries of the mind. One can dimly understand it while an expert is explaining it, but minutes later, it is not easy to tell it back. This elusive quality of conspiracy as a legal concept contributes to its deadliness as a prosecutor’s tool and compounds the difficulties of defending against it.”

Mitford further gives us the opinion of American Lawyer Clarence Seward Darrow explaining the absurdity of conspiracy prosecutions: “If a boy steals a piece of candy, he is guilty of a misdemeanor. If two boys talk about stealing candy and do not, they are guilty of conspiracy—a felony.”

Why is it so absurd?  Because, once again, conspiracy is based on words…speech and thought.  You know, the very concepts enumerated in the First Amendment of the United States Constitution, a clause that begins with the words, “Congress shall make no law.”  If Congress shall make no law regarding speech (words, thoughts, opinions), then no laws must exist at the federal level, no laws may be acted upon at the federal level, and no court may apply such laws because they are not supposed to exist in the first place.  Innocent until proven guilty means something had to have happened in the first place for guilt to be proven.  A charge must have enough evidence to result in a conviction of a crime that was actually committed.  Thinking about it, and talking about it, does not a crime make.

Activities to treat one’s words and thoughts as a crime, and to then pursue legally a person for daring to commit such actions are, well, criminal in their own right.  Such are the activities of tyrants.

Tyrants are willing to do whatever it takes to silence their opponents, and eliminate them.  Conspiracy convictions are basically based on circumstantial evidence.  The government owns the prosecutors and the judges in the case, however, so whether it is circumstantial or hearsay doesn’t matter to them.  Their rules are in play, and the government has all of the resources it needs to keep throwing at the case all the evidence they need to support their claim of conspiracy, whether any of it is connected to the allegations, or not.  It works well when related to those who protest or stand against government policies.  First, it silences or destroys the target, and second, it fills everyone else with fear who might dare to protest or stand against government policies.  And, it’s a great way to circumvent the First Amendment.

Any assembly or language used by any person might be considered a part of some kind of conspiracy in the eyes of the government, therefore such assembly and language may be targeted and prosecuted.  As a citizen, the theory goes, you will then be more reluctant to engage in activities or gatherings that might be frowned upon by the government.  January 6 is a great example.  When you hear the story of a 71 year old grandmother of seven grandchildren who was at the Capitol for ten minutes, who did nothing wrong but talk to a few people, pray, and even exchange words with a policeman, being convicted with a possible sentence of one year in federal prison and $200,000 in fines, you’re not exactly going to jump at going to any other protest, especially in Washington D.C., are you?  And then, when the alleged leader of the “insurrection,” Donald Trump, is being hit the way he is with conspiracy charges and lawsuit after lawsuit, the progressive left figures you’ll distance yourself from him, as well.  It’s a great way for the government to regulate associations, and silence any dissent.

Let’s not confuse what we are talking about with conspiracies that involve multiple persons, hard evidence regarding the plans to commit a crime, and the person or persons taking actions to commit the crime.  I get it.  Conspiracy with evidence and true plans for actual crimes exists, and can be prosecuted.  But, those kinds of plans differ greatly from political talk and expressed opinions about what a person thinks ought to be done to get our country back on track.  With real criminal conspiracy the words do not need to be interpreted to figure out what was meant.  If there is a conspiracy to murder someone, and the conspirators say they will be murdering the person, and there is evidence showing that, it is quite different from talk by someone opposing some government institution or law.  Did the alleged political conspirator intend for his opinions to incite certain actions?  And if so, how do you “prove” it without relying on assertions and assumptions that exist because the person is considered a political enemy?  And if assumptions and interpretation is allowed to be used to chase such a consideration, is it possible to misinterpret, and put innocent people in prison for simply exercising their First Amendment enumerated rights?  And, if that’s the case, how is it, since the First Amendment begins with the words “Congress shall make no law,” possible that anyone can be prosecuted federally for speaking the alleged conspiratorial words in the first place?

Enter, stage left, Jack Smith.  Special Counsel Jack Smith, has targeted Trump with numerous different conspiracy charges; conspiracy of trying to overturn the 2020 election, conspiracy to defraud the United States, conspiracy to corruptly obstruct and impede Congress on January 6, and that Trump conspired “against the right to vote.”

Where’s the stack of evidence?  Did the crimes ever manifest in any way?  Were specific actions taken to carry out the crimes?  Who did Trump build his conspiracies with?  Were there even any actual co-conspirators?  Where are the documents regarding any agreement to commit the crimes Trump is charged with conspiring in regards to?

The evidence is built around only what Trump said.  Trump, according to Smith, created “widespread mistrust…through pervasive and destabilizing lies.”  That’s it.  Trump dared to publicly express his opinions, and because he is widely listened to by many people it could be considered that his words may have created mistrust of the government and the election process, opinions of which people were free to accept or reject.

There is no other evidence, and the conspiracies have been presented without any clear intent or a trail of actions taken to carry out the conspiracies.  Trump did not tell people what to do, or how to do it.  He did not instruct people to commit insurrection, nor did he tell anyone to try to stop any of the process regarding the election.  He simply “knowingly” spread information the government claims to be false.  Since the government claims the information is false, then it must be false, and somehow Trump knew these statements were false even though there is no evidence that Trump believes his statements were actually false.

Trump, therefore, is guilty of possessing and exercising his natural right to free speech, which includes saying things that questions governmental activities, and whether or not there were any problems with the 2020 Election.  Freedom of Speech includes having opinions, and expressing them, and even proclaiming that it is possible that the recent elections were carried out in a manner that violates the law.  Those opinions, however, don’t fit the leftist narrative; therefore, from the progressive left’s point of view, those opinions must be silenced, and the presenter of such opinions must be prosecuted to the full extent of the law (or at least the law as the progressive left views it when it comes to their twisted narrative).

Seventy percent of federal judges, I have been told, lean leftward.  Therefore, the legal system at the federal level will probably lean against anyone who opposes leftist policy.  With the right judge, and a jury chosen carefully, there is a good chance that Smith or some other prosecutor could do what the progressive left has dreamed of doing ever since Trump first emerged on the scene; take him out permanently.

From the progressive left’s point of view the First Amendment impedes their quest for power; especially when wielded by someone as dangerous to their tyranny as Donald J. Trump.  But, once they eliminate Trump, and the MAGA Republican movement, next will be the elimination of the Constitution, our natural rights, Christians who believe God gave them their rights, and anyone else who dares to oppose them.  Therefore, the 2024 Election may very well not only be the most important election in the history of the country, but the crossroads during which the United States either returns to a path headed back towards sanity, or a path headed towards leftist tyranny and the destruction of our constitutional federal republic.

Political Pistachio Conservative News and Commentary

Raised Fist scaled
By Douglas V. Gibbs

When the Berlin Wall came down in 1989 the writing on the wall for The West was that communism in Europe, and ultimately the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, was on the fast track to collapse.  Confirmation came when the Soviet Union fell in 1991.  While Communist China remained on the scene, for the most part the shadow of global communism had suffered a mortal wound.  Communism’s demise was no longer a far-fetched idea.  It was quickly taking a path towards reality.  Surely, China was destined to weaken and fall someday as well.

China grew stronger, unfortunately, but that seemed to be manageable as long as we didn’t do anything stupid like allow their tendrils to reach into the heart of America and throughout the world.  Then, it turned out that China was not on the way out as we’d hoped, and the communist country in Southeast Asia was reaching deeply into internal workings of the The West with more tentacles than an octopus.  While communism had died in Europe, it found a way to maintain a strong footprint in China, and behind the veil of “progressivism” in the West.

We concentrated on defeating the enemy out there somewhere, but while we were looking outward, inwardly communism infiltrated America’s institutions, and slimed its way into Europe’s so-called “soft socialism.”  Communists put themselves into positions of power, and as technology provided them gift after gift, the communists grabbed a hold of The West, controlling and regulating the actions of the people without ever firing a single shot.

Now, the communists operate openly in today’s America, no longer shy about being careful regarding how much communism they should inject into our system, as was the policy of the Fabians a little over a century ago.

Communism, in order to expand within a system, requires that the people come to embrace the new ideology.  Communists in history have found that the way to make sure their ideology is embraced by the host society first requires chaos and confusion within the culture.  If standards exist, then a people are not as willing to abandon their standards for a new foreign set.  So, the communists work on breaking down standards.  All standards.  Morality.  Belief in traditional families.  Any desire to own possessions.  Basic facts that most people would recognize as in line with science, if not convinced by the invading agitators that facts are no longer facts, and standards are no longer standards.  They adjust the language, they adjust biology, and ultimately they create disorder – – until the host suffers from so much chaos that the people begin to cry out for order.  Then, the very same people who created the disorder promises order.  As with Augustus Caesar, if you are just willing to hand over all of the power, the ruler promises a return to peace and safety.

The purveyors of communism, many of them not even realizing that they are mere tools in the game of fundamentally changing the foundation of America (and The West), has shifted the language to make you accept their political program.  They use old terms for their cause (like “fossil fuels”) and invent new words and phrases filled with feeling and emotion and a promise of equity.  “Virtue Signal,” “Safe Spaces,” “Love is Love,” “Intersectional Feminism,” “Newcomers,” “Censor,” “Shadow Banning,” “Politically Correct,” “Hate Speech,” “Hate Crime,” “Cisgender,” “Cultural Appropriation,” “White Supremacy,” “Predominantly White Institutions,” “White Privilege,” “Profiling,” “Radicalization,” “Imperialism,” “Neocolonialism,” “Doxing,” “Gender Fluid,” “LGBTQ+,” “Toxic Masculinity,” “Patriarchy,” “Micro Aggression,” “Non-Binary,” “Transgender,” “Gender Pronoun,” “People of Color,” “Ableism,” “Red Flag,” “American Descendants of Slavery,” “Antifa,” “Black Lives Matter,” “Reparations,” “Climate Change,” “Carbon Footprint,” “Net-Zero,” “Green New Deal,” “Community Organizer,” “Restorative Justice,” “Social Justice,” “Predatory Lending,” “Collective,” “Group Think,” “Democratic Socialism,” “Homophobic,” “Islamophobic,” “Transphobic,” “Xenophobic,” “Trigger Warning,” “Christian Nationalism,” “White Nationalism,” “Disenfranchise,” “Ballot Harvesting,” “Identity Politics,” “Heteronormativity,” “Right Wing,” and “MAGA” are just the ones I can think of off the top of my head.  Each of them designed to either create a feeling of unity with fellow conformists, or anger against an unwilling and hateful opposition.  It is a long list of terms created to convince you to turn your back on tradition and accept their new normal of cultural warfare, and ultimately communism; or be rejected by the new normal.

The new terms and phrases conceal the horrors unleashed on your mind, your culture, and your family.  You are expected to accept and embrace the new politically and culturally correct way of talking and going about your day.  You are expected to change your behavior, your beliefs and your habits.  You will change with the change or else you will be cancelled by social pressure.  The new burgeoning laws are designed to force you to do as you are being encouraged, change your behavior, and pull you into the new fold.

Human Nature demands that we go along to get along.  That’s what we tend to do as human beings.  You know, because you don’t want to offend anyone.  You don’t want people to think you are a rude person.  And that is how communism gets you.  Who needs government to enforce the ridiculousness when strangers, friends, and family can do it?  COVID was the proving ground.  Businesses, Family members, and even strangers made sure that everyone was shamed into wearing a mask.

Sometimes, whether we mean to or not, humans make great lemmings.

Under cultural communist warfare we have adjusted how we speak, and how we think, because we don’t want to use words or think thoughts they don’t want us to use or think.

Resistance is futile, they want you to think.  But, if you are anything like me, you know enough truth that you don’t fall for the lies.  You break through the line like a high-speed running back.  But, once is not good enough.  That line must be broken constantly.  And small gains may be nice, but they don’t win the war.  I don’t care if I offend other people if their reason for being offended is not based on any morality or reality.  Their feelings are not my responsibility.  Yes, yes, we don’t want to be jerks.  Golden Rule, and all that jazz.  But, I am not going to tippy-toe around madness.  There is a fine line, but if you know where it is, battling the totalitarians is possible.  We must not let them prey on our emotions, or decency.  The totalitarians on the left, the communists, don’t play by any rules, and they could care less if you live or die.  This isn’t just some ideological disagreement.  This is a war for the soul of the United States.  We have to be tough as nails, and stand firm on our principles.  Anything less loses America forever.

Remember, the communists tell lies, they never expose their true motivation, and in order to succeed they need an apathetic population.  They are not in the majority, but they have never been in the majority.  The Bolsheviks were the minority.  The first Chinese communists were in the minority.  The progressives are in the minority.  Their numbers have never been the majority because they are peddling evil.  But, if the population never opens their eyes, and instead wallows in apathy, the communists win not because of numbers, but because of sheer will.  They have no morals.  They have no truth.  They have no redemptive qualities or values.  But, they are determined and ruthless enough to defy all norms, and all truths, to make sure they achieve what they have set out to achieve.

They don’t care if they are liars, but you better not be.  They don’t care if they are hypocrites, but you better not be.  They don’t care if they’re offensive, but you better not be.  They don’t care if they are hurtful, but you better not be.  You are the one with principles, not the communists, so they have no principles that can be broken.  They will accuse you of their misdeeds.  They will accuse you of not playing by the rules they are not willing to follow.  They will accuse you of violating values that they never had.  Fighting back on their terms never works because terms mean nothing to them…only the destruction of America’s Foundation, and the establishment of communism in America.  To them, that is all that matters.

They don’t wish to live in peace, they simply wish to defeat anyone and everyone who stands against them, or force those people to comply with their communist ideology.  Be obedient, or be defeated.  They can’t be compromised with or bargained with, so why do we waste our time trying to negotiate with them?  I don’t want to work with them; I want to defeat them.

This is not a new game.  The communists came shortly after the Bolshevik Revolution happened in Russia.  They ramped up their efforts once the Soviet Union solidified its communist grip.  The revolution raced through the Halls of Congress, and by the 1950s the McCarthy gang saw it, and have been hammered by progressives for their efforts…and the McCarthyites were right, by the way.  The communists focused their efforts on racial division.  They focused on the urban poor.  They have whittled away at our institutions until they were able to break through and teem through our institutions like a raging virus.  Our workers are too happy, so a workers revolution wasn’t going to work.  Our poor live better than ninety percent of the world, so a class warfare between the serfs and the wealthy was not going to work.  Private property and a culture that believes in Natural Rights is anchored in America by our Christian Faith, so direct hits against property and rights were not going to work, either.  Then, the target they needed came into plain view…

The black community; a people who were enslaved during the early years of this country.

Communists also need emergencies, but in America life is so good there were no emergencies.

They needed to be created.

Racism and Climate Change emerged.  Black Lives Matter emerged to save the country from its sin of institutionalized racism.  The communists in the classrooms and media went to work to ensure everyone understood how bad the racism was in America, even though it wasn’t.  Illusions, but real to those who listened to the communists, and believed them.

Christians still stood in the way.  Christians make up the majority, and don’t need government to do for them; they have God.  So, the destruction of Christianity became the next scheme.  If God could be eliminated, then questions would arise.  Doubts would infect the public.  Homosexuality began that particular scheme.  But, the envelope must always be pushed.  Confusion about sex and lifestyle led to confusion about one’s identity.  Male?  Female?  If confusion could fester among “genders,” then doubts about God’s wisdom, and even existence, would rise up.  If God screwed up on your sexuality and gender, then is He perfect?  And if God is imperfect, does He even exist at all?

Without God, there can be no Christianity, and without Christians, the opposition to communism dwindles to almost nothing.

The goal of communism reaches way beyond “control.”  The aim is not to control unwilling participants, but to lead willing and obedient lemmings who are willing to die for their new-found communist religion.  Take their freedom, take their guns, and take their souls and what you have remaining are obedient communists willing to turn in their own mother for being phobic about the new revolution.

Our children chant their mantra.  Put down your Cross, Jesus will not save you.  Put down your Bible, God will not save you.  Put down your guns and your liberty, for you are violent and not trustworthy as long as you bitterly cling to those things.  Everyone around you stands in the new camp.  Now, it is your turn to put down the flag of America, and reject the MAGA message.  The communist message is everywhere.  Media, movies, songs, schoolboards, city councils, and the Halls of Congress.  Put down your resistance, put America out of your mind, and abandon your selfish phobic thoughts.  America’s future is communism.  The children say so because their teachers and their music and their internet heroes told them so.

I have always argued that combatting this madness begins locally.  We need to pull together our neighborhoods, and save our towns.  Put the right people on our school boards, city councils, water boards, library boards, and other local offices.  We need to dominate our central committees and hire the right sheriffs.  Then, after we save our towns and our counties, we can work on getting our States in order, and then from there, if we do it right, the communists will be on the run, and our children will begin to ask questions.

They have a weakness.  Their underbelly.  It is soft, and unguarded, and right below that soft underbelly is where we reside.  Grassroots.  Neighborhoods.  One by one, piece by piece.  Then, as we gain our neighborhoods and our counties and our states, we can shove a proverbial sword up into that underbelly, draining their body of its innards.  Then, on the larger scale, we can face off with the worst of them.

Take back common sense, take back our communities, and then we will be ready to take back America.

Don’t get me wrong.  I am not saying that we need to completely ignore the larger scene in the beginning.  Congress can be regained, and jabs on the federal scene is needed.  Donald J. Trump may be our next President, again, if he can beat the cheat with overwhelming numbers.  If that happens, we have a pretty good jabbing tool that might bring down the larger monsters on the battlefield.  But, let’s make sure we are also hammering away locally.  Let’s stop the porn in our schools, the drag shows at the public libraries, and the attempts to shut down our churches with hate speech legislation, and social pressure from hard-left progressive commie groups.  What they are doing is gross and perverted, and it is designed to create chaos, infighting, and moral confusion.  They see opportunities to create chaos, so we must see opportunities to head off their schemes; no matter how small, or local, the attack may seem.

Step by step.  Bit by bit.  Bite by bite.  In the end, if we do the work, we can take back America.

The path to reclaiming the country begins locally, and through our children.

How did the American Colonists overcome British tyranny?  They finally said, “No, this is far enough.”  They stood firm, and they placed the value of their liberty, their communities, and their sacred honor above even their lives.  They were willing to stand firm and do whatever was needed, because they understood how deadly the tyranny they faced truly was.

Remember, it took the communists a long time to get where we’re going.  It wasn’t done in an instant.  So, our resistance will not turn it around in an instant.  But, it must be done.

Patience, and hard work.  Pray, but put legs on those prayers.  Hope, but put action behind that hope.  The communists are after us, and our children.  Say “no,” and then stand behind that stance.  How important is freedom?  How important is liberty?  How important are our children?  Are we as determined to save those things as the communists are to take them from us?

First step: We must value our liberty and American traditions more than the communists value taking them from us.  Otherwise…the end of liberty is inevitable.

Political Pistachio Conservative News and Commentary

By Douglas V. Gibbs
AuthorSpeakerInstructorRadio Host

Happy Easter Weekend.  I can speak out freely about my Faith in Jesus Christ, and the fact that Jesus Has Risen, because I live in the United States of America.  Our country’s foundation was been laid on the solid principles of Natural Rights given to us by our Creator, The Blessings of Liberty, and a Limited Government whose job is not to rule over us, but to secure those rights and keep our society operating in an orderly manner.  Without God, without Liberty, and without limited authorities being recognized when it comes to our wonderful home here in America, we become just another tyranny that reduces the population to subjects and serfs, increases misery and suffering, and ultimately fails through a violent and bloody death.

Unfortunately, right now in this country, we are in the midst of a spiritual war.  A segment of the American Population has declared that this is no longer a Christian Union of States.  A decade and a half ago Newsweek Magazine declared on its cover we are “no longer a Christian Nation.”  Local news has revealed that barely more than half of Americans attend church services on Easter.  We are not even sure which bathroom to use, anymore.  Do we truly expect Americans to still reach out to the One and Only God?

Our culture has been doing more than abandoning Christianity, we have been waging war against God, and Thomas Jefferson’s words about God’s Justice reminds me that we can only be disobedient to Him for so long.

“Indeed I tremble for my country when I reflect that God is just: that his justice cannot sleep forever.” — Thomas Jefferson

Easter celebrates the Resurrection of Jesus Christ.  Sure, the kids hunt eggs and chow down on candy, but Easter is one of those holidays that everyone enjoys even if they are not a person of Faith. The kids love the egg hunts and candy, and families get together for a moment hopefully setting aside the anger and contempt that they may feel about one another as they enjoy a meal, and company with one another.  But, the Holiday is not about bunnies or colored eggs, it is about the ultimate Gift given to us by our Creator.  Easter is about the Gift of Salvation from an unholy eternity.  Forgiveness for our sins.  An opportunity to have a relationship with the Creator and be filled with his Holy Spirit.  It is about the Father sending His Son to live among us, communicate with us, and die as one of us so that He could bare the entire world’s burden of sin throughout all of history by being horrifically crucified, and then rising again from the dead.  He is the only religious figure in history to conquer death because He is the Creator of Life and Death.  Jesus Christ is the only person to walk the Earth to have also been God in the flesh, the Creator, and to be capable of conquering death.

In these troubled times it is sometimes difficult to keep our eyes on the Lord.  I get it.  We are bombarded daily with attacks that are sinister, diabolical, and to be honest, downright Satanic.  I joke that some of us are C&E Christians, we only go to a Worship Service to celebrate Easter and Christmas.  Fine, at least you join us twice per year.  But, should not we do more?  He was willing to die a terrible death for us on a Cross on Calvary.  Should we not at least talk to Him through prayer and join our fellow Christians in fellowship and worship at church?  Should we not celebrate His Gift of Salvation to us, and then tell the whole world about it?

A famous comedian once joked that he couldn’t understand how it is that God is all powerful, He is everywhere all at once, but if we want to visit Him we have to go to church.  It’s a funny joke, but it misses the point.  Going to church is not for Him, it’s for us.  We all have fallen short of the Glory of God.  We need the fellowship, we need to Worship Him, we need to commune with Him, we need to be encouraged by Him, we need to be educated and brought to His Focus through worship, fellowship, and the teachings presented by Men of God.  
Church is the opportunity to commune with Him, fellowship with other Christians, and study His Word (though we should be in our Bible every day, as well).  Easter, however, is extra special.  It is an opportunity to remember His sacrifice.  Not that His Death, Burial, and Resurrection should not be on our mind constantly, in the first place.  Easter, however, is the moment we really can come together and truly envelope ourselves in what our Faith in Jesus Christ is really all about.
I am told that I can keep my faith.  Christianity is not very inclusive.  Certain people, I have been told, are not welcome to a church service.  “Besides,” one person told me, “I can’t stand to be around so many self-righteous people.”
Christianity is the most inclusive thing there is in the universe.  Jesus welcomes everyone to Him.  If you call out to Him to come into your heart, to save you from your transgressions, that you repent of your sinful ways, and that you wish to take up the cross and follow Him, if you truly mean it, you will be welcomed into the Family of Christ.  And if you consider yourself to be “certain people” with “certain differences,” and you’ve heard that the kind of behavior or tendencies you participate in are rejected by Christians, remember that it may be true that whatever it is in your life may be against God’s plans for you, but He takes you as you are.  You don’t have to change or fix yourself to come to Christ.  Once you are in His Arms the fixing and changing comes naturally.  He changes us into a new creature, and all of those silly things we think we are become secondary to Him, and wash away thanks to the blood He shed for us.  As for those “self-righteous Christians,” God is working on all of us.  Those who accept Christ are not righteous, they are forgiven, and if being smug and self-righteous is a battle a person is having in their lives, if their lives have been given to God, if they died unto themselves and were reborn through the Blood of Jesus Christ, God is working on them.  God is always working, even when we think we don’t see Him, or when things seem to be at their worst.

Romans 3:23; “For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God;” King James Version (KJV)

For God, Easter is a message to us.  Easter is about what Jesus Christ did for us on The Cross, and that He Lives, He conquered death, and He went through the horrific process so that we may have salvation from sin, and an everlasting life.
Death is a cruel and harsh thing, and for Jesus the burdens of all of the world’s woes throughout history being placed upon Him was so daunting, so terrible, that He cried out, “My God, My God, Why Hast Thou Forsaken Me.”  At that moment of darkness Christ was separated from the Father.  He had been beaten, and bloodied, and His Body was hung on a Roman cross on Calvary.  Jesus had even been betrayed by one of His own disciples (Judas), and Peter had denied Him three times.  Then, while his fleshly body was at its limit in bearing the pain, to add to the pain of the crucifixion, and to hasten His death, a Roman soldier thrust his spear into Jesus Christ’s side, and out of it came blood and water.
Then, the true torment of those three days began.  Separation from the Father.  Darkness.  Despair.  Death.
Then, death was conquered.
An angel came to the disciples.  “Do not be alarmed. You seek Jesus of Nazareth, who was crucified. He is risen! He is not here. See the place where they laid Him.” (Mark 16:6 NKJV).

They thought He was dead, yet this angel had proclaimed He Lived.

Jesus Christ faced death, and conquered death, so that we as believers do not have to be afraid of death.   Our bodies may be wearing out in life, and we may be nervous that death is on the horizon, but the Bible says we will have new bodies one day. “And not only they, but ourselves also, which have the first fruits of the Spirit, even we ourselves groan within ourselves, waiting for the adoption, to wit, the redemption of our body.” (Romans 8:23 KJV).

You see, our bodies are not who we are. They are simply rotting shells. The real me is my soul, my spirit. Our bodies will eventually give up and die, but our souls will live on.

He is the resurrection and the life, and if we believe in Him, though our physical bodies will eventually meet death on Earth, we will live with Him in eternity.

Happy Easter, and God Bless.

— Political Pistachio Conservative News and Commentary
By Douglas V. Gibbs


The collapse of the Roman Empire began long before the Barbarians began to cross into the regions once ruled over by Roman Legions, only to topple the enemy with ease.  The Roman Empire, in a sense, was a dying old man that was riddled with cancer and disease, and the barbarian hordes simply put Rome out of its misery.

Rome began as a monarchy, launching with the founding of the City of Rome in 753 B.C.  The kingdom, before being replaced by the Roman Republic, lasted roughly a hundred and fifty years.  No historical records from the time of the Roman Kingdom have survived, likely destroyed when the Gauls sacked Rome after the Battle of Alia in 390 B.C.  Writings, or other records, that we do have regarding the earliest years of Rome’s regal era mostly come from writings provided to us from the subsequent Republic and Empire, which is believed to be largely based on oral tradition. 

The kings were elected and received a life-long term.  The region was filled with fertile plains, and was easily defensible thanks to the Palatine Hill (centermost of the Seven Hills of Rome), and the hills surrounding it.  A series of kings ruled Rome’s fledgling years.  While the Roman Senate was created during the kingdom era, the legislative body held very little power. 

The unwritten common law (an uncodified constitution) originated during the kingdom, but gave way to the Constitution of the Roman Republic, and the promulgation of the Laws of the Twelve Tables (449 B.C.). 

Like the progressive left, Augustus Ceasar told the public that he was the only one that could save the system.  And, as with today, a large number of people believed him.  Moral norms broke down.  Political norms were set aside.  Along the way systems of welfare and subsidies were established.  At one time the expectation was, “When in Rome, do as the Romans do.”  Rome flourished largely because when new cultures were added, they were expected to assimilate into the Roman Culture, to operate as the Romans did.  The new ruling elite in Rome, however, began to do away with the cultural policy, no longer expecting newcomers to assimilate into Roman society. 

As the costs of the collective programs began to weigh heavily on the Roman budget, and producers produced less because it was easier to receive gifts from the treasury, or mismanage their farm or business because subsidy money was coming in whether they produced, or not, the taxes went up, and the Roman leadership began to impose heavy regulations to force the producers to kick it up a notch.  Voices spoke out against what was happening, but the leadership arrested their opposition for daring to gather against them.  They suspended habeas corpus and jailed their opposition without a speedy and public trial with an unbiased jury; a clear violation of the Twelve Tables.

The opposition realized that something must be done, so they began to pursue change through the political system, and in response the leaders of the opposition were indicted, attacked with legal indictments that could result in prison time, and the tyrants in government had the properties of any opposition seized in an attempt to financial destroy them, and convince them to give up the fight.  They rigged elections to give themselves complete control over government, and a large portion of the general public subscribed to the cultish leftwing progressive leviathan that was poised to spread its dark shadow across all of the Roman Empire.  In the case of Augustus Caesar, he was given complete control, and anyone who disagreed with the maddening anti-morality and unconstitutional political activities of the rising regime were silenced and discarded.

It began without anyone realizing what was going on in the Roman Republic just prior to the Birth of Jesus Christ.  The republic was dying as political giants maneuvered into position.  The citizenry was not concerned, for they had their bread, circuses, and sexual deviations.  The orgies were all the rage, and it was becoming difficult to locate the line between male and female.  The republic had functioned for hundreds of years.  Moral and political norms had been heeded.  A virtuous society that was informed about politics had at one time existed, and during those years the government remained within the boundaries of the Laws of the Twelve Tables (the foundation of Roman Law).  Amendments were added when needed, laws were proposed and passed with the consent of the governed, and for over 300 years the republic remained stable and Rome’s reach extended throughout Europe, Northern Africa, and into the Middle East with various cultures joining willingly at one point, excited to join the most successful civilization in the history of the Earth.

Leftism began to spring up a little over a hundred years before the Birth of Christ.  Tiberius Gracchus, in 133 B.C., sought to put into policy a redistribution of wealth, and during his campaign for a second term a fight broke out between his followers, and his opponents.  The violence spread through the chambers until a number of Senators used wooden chairs to beat Tiberius to death along with 300 of his followers.

While those who committed the violence beleived they were preserving the Roman Republic from policies that historically have failed, the precedent of political violence had been established.  For the next fifty years political violence increased, and the determination of the collectivists increased as well.  The seizure of the lands of political opponents became common, and the killing of political enemies commonplace.  In 44 B.C. the rise of a new cult of personality who had unconstitutionally declared himself dictator for life upset the balance even greater.  Julius Caesar was murdered by Senators before his reign could extend into the future, again in the name of preserving the republic. But, by then it was too late.  Subsidies and other gifts from the treasury were common.  Government’s contracts with certain merchants created an environment clouded with mercantilism and back-room deals.  The political dysfunction had destroyed political norms, and at the same time the moral standard on the streets had been slayed by sexual deviants and radicals who spat in the face of the gods.  Order was teetering towards chaos, and without dictatorial control it was doomed to all fall apart.

Cato the Younger and Cicero attempted radical fixes, but they were ignored, and even attacked for daring to do what they could to stave off tyranny.  The politicians had achieved full control, and nobody’s efforts in the name of liberty could turn anything around.  The republic had functioned for hundreds of years.  Why would anyone doubt it would continue to function under the current turmoil.  Rome, it was believed, was going to rule forever.  But, the good ol’ days were all but forgotten.  The fantasies of the older generation.  There was no going back.  Political violence, land theft, gifts from the treasury, the buying and selling of votes on the floor of the Senate, a more powerful executive, and general government dysfunction had become the norm.  The pot had been boiling, but the frog never noticed as it swam around in what it considered to be a slowly warming hot tub.

Augustus Caesar, upon achieving power, promised that the rule of law would return under his reign.  No one would be executed for no reason, and property seizure of political opponents would stop.  If he was given the freedom to rule as he desired, he would be a benevolent tyrant and ensure that everyone enjoyed the freedoms the gods had divinely dispensated to them.  If he was given supreme control, in other words, he would keep the peace.

Under Augustus the elections became filled with irregularities and anomalies, and he won easily every year, not only because of the counting of the votes, but in order to run as a candidate against Augustus your candidacy had to be approved by Augustus.  In short, anyone he considered a threat was left off the ballot.

What happened in Rome has happened over and over in history.  Tyrants follow the same playbook.  The steps to tyrannical rule, and then to collapse, are always the same.  What happened may sound very similar because today the same thing is happening.

The leadership in Rome, on the way to collapsing the Empire:

  • Provided gifts to the public from the treasury
  • Controlled farming and other key industries with subsidies
  • Ceased to expect assimilation by newcomers to the Roman Society
  • Increased taxation and regulations, especially upon rival businessmen
  • Violated the Twelve Tables (constitution) through legal activism
  • Kept the opposition off the ballot
  • Arrested the supporters of the opposition, accusing them of insurrection
  • Tied the opposition up in court with legal challenges
  • Seized the properties and businesses of anyone considered to be the opposition
  • Rigged the elections
  • Championed sexual deviation and persecuted those who disagreed

Sound familiar?

Political Pistachio Conservative News and Commentary

not after me they are after you says trump
By Douglas V. Gibbs


When Adolph Hitler’s Nazi Government in Germany began seizing properties of political opponents the world was alarmed.  When the fascist government in Germany then began seizing the properties of Jews the world was more than alarmed.  The Soviets and Communist Chinese took it a step further.  After stripping their opponents of their property, they stripped everyone of personal property rights, and claimed that individual property ownership was against the security of the state and that the only true freedom was collective ownership. 

History is clear.  Tyrants target their opponents legally, and then after they arrest their opponents or at least demoralize their opponents, they strip them of their ability to respond largely by seizing their properties, seizing their businesses, and seizing anything else they can get their hands on.  That’s what tyrants do.  That’s what fascists did.  That’s what communist regimes did, and do.  If you are a tyrant seeking total power, you target your opponents legally, then strip them of their properties.

In the 2024 Election Season Donald J. Trump continues to be an opponent of the tyrants of America.  So, they targeted him.  They launched a campaign of destruction.  He’s been hit over and over with lawsuits.  They have, with the civil fraud case, of which there was no standing, violated the principles of the Eighth Amendment, and the language of the New York State Constitution’s Article I, Section 5, with a high almost half a billion bond demand.  As a result, Trump is facing the seizure of properties if he doesn’t give them the money they are demanding.  It’s a classic tyrannical game of Intimidation.  Political targeting.  They want him to give in, to cry uncle, to quit.

Donald J. Trump is not the quittin’ kind.

What the opponents of Trump and liberty are doing are the kinds of things tyrants in history have done.  The Romans targeted and destroyed their political opponents.  The fascists targeted and destroyed their political opponents.  The communists targeted and destroyed their political opponents.  Are these Democrats and anyone else who allies with them any different?

Trump stands against the tyrants, and they are doing anything they can do to stop him.  There is nothing benign about what they do.  They claim to have your interest in heart.  They claim that the common good is their goal.  In reality, their goal is simply one thing.  Crush all enemies, beginning with Trump.  

They really wish to destroy you, those who stand for the Constitution and Liberty, but Trump stands in the way, so first he must be dealt with.

And, it will never end.

George Orwell in fiction, and Joseph Stalin in reality, revealed to us that there must be a permanent war.  The opposition is never truly defeated and the tyrants are never truly satisfied.  They will never stop, because remnants of the enemy will always exist.  Without war against a threatening opponent, the tyrant has no true reason to use an iron fist in the game of holding on to power.  As Karl Marx said, “class struggle” is the “violent midwife of history.”  The war against the opposition must eventually turn violent if their revolution is to be birthed, and it must continue to be violent if their revolution is to grow.

Individual crimes against Donald Trump will transform.  The real enemy is you, as Trump explains, he is simply in the way.  To consolidate their grip on power the crimes by the leftists in America will expand.  Their individual crimes against people like Trump, or against elections with their fraud, will expand into mass crime against larger groups.  Never mind the Oath Keepers, Three Percenters, and Proud Boys.  They will begin to persecute other groups to gain control of the political culture.  Constitutionalists.  Christians.  The entire GOP.  Then, their criminal enterprises will become so widespread that they will turn the system of government into the very tool that commits everything they need to remain in power.

One might ask, “Isn’t that what they are doing already?”

No.  If they were, the GOP would have never gained any seats in the last election.  Sure, they are pushing the majority number down as we speak.  The Republicans, a sort-of-ally in this war, is down to a one person majority in the House of Representatives.  That, my friends, is not acceptable to them.  Even a majority like the Democrats have in California will eventually not be good enough.  The goal is simple.  One party rule, with not a single member of the opposition holding any office, and then the arrest and destruction of anyone who dares to stand in opposition from there on out.

Right now we are witnessing crimes against the Constitution, and crimes against the American System.  Believe me when I tell you the next step is crimes against humanity.  Every tyrannical movement in history always progresses to such madness.  And when they get there, they will commit a reign of terror.  That is what tyrannies do.  They become so paranoid that another Trump might rise up to challenge their power that they become like King Herod, targeting their enemy, even the children of their enemy, in order to maintain their power.  Or, they will be the French Revolutionists, pulling people out of their homes and slaughtering them on their lawns.

Genocide, but not the kind of genocide that one might recognize in typical fashion.  Their enemy is not a people, or a race, but an ideology.  Christians.  Conservatives.  Constitutionalists.  Their class warfare is against political and ideological adversaries.  The targets are members of the general public they have decided are enemies to their advancement of power.  The wealthy.  The middle class.  Rural white people, a group they’ve been screaming about the most lately.  Why?  Because that crowd does not worship the big government tyrants.

As with Trump, they will seek to eliminate their enemy through legal and physical means.  Seizure of property.  Disallowance of assembly.  Silencing of any words that may be considered against their cause; labeling such speech as hate, or disinformation, or misinformation, or propaganda.

Eventually, once the power is solidified, as with the COVID madness we experienced in recent history, they won’t need to be directly responsible for the control of the citizens.  Eventually, the public will be their enforcers.  It wasn’t law that made the mask mandate operate in 2020, it was businesses carrying out the desires of the tyrants in the name of doing what’s best for the common good.

Neighbor against neighbor.  Brother against brother.  Children against parents.  Once the cultural communism is complete with its fundamental transformation of the minds of the American People, it will be the people who will raise the flag of communism, and enforce it for the tyrants.


Hope returns to us.

Without hope there is no fight.  I am optimistic, not because I do not realize what the threat against us is.  I am full aware of who the enemy is, and how powerful they are.  But, I am optimistic because I must be.  We must believe there is a light at the end of the tunnel, or there will be no tunnel.  We must recognize that the Tytler Cycle does not have to dial back into bondage, but we can cut across to spiritual awakening, courage, and liberty.  Their arrogance and their exposure of how evil they really are may be their downfall.  They are convinced it is over.  They have Trump on the ropes.  They are ready to seize his property.  They have Christians hiding because of the accusations of Christian Nationalism and the ridiculous claim that the phrase “Christ is King” is anti-semitic.  They believe they have everything at hand, and the tighter they tighten their grip, the more easily it will be for us to slip through their fingers.

President Trump has proven that he can adapt, pivot, and rise above the attacks.  Can we, as well?  Are we ready to fight the good fight, and turn things around?  Are we willing to use approaches that might be outside the box?  

One thing is for sure.  If we give up, victory is impossible.

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