Political Pistachio
By Douglas V. Gibbs
The Republican Party has largely lost its way during my lifetime. The Democrats have become straight out communists, as realized over the last couple decades. As one moves left, so does the other.
The left-right paradigm is not even accurate, as portrayed by the media and the political class. In order to be “on the right,” one must believe in a smaller and more limited government than the Constitution offers. By my last calculations, just about every political ideology and political movement or party operates to the left of the Constitution, aside from Anarchy.
Ronald Reagan famously explained during his A Time for Choosing speech in 1964, “I’d like to suggest there is no such thing as a left or right. There’s only an up and down – [up] man’s old-aged dream, the ultimate in individual freedom consistent with law and order, or down to the ant heap of totalitarianism. And regardless of their sincerity, their humanitarian motives, those who would trade our freedom for security have embarked on this downward course.”
The Political Spectrum originated from the French Legislature around the time approaching the French Revolution at the end of the eighteenth century. During that time, in the French legislature those who agreed with the monarchy, supported the State Church, and disagreed with making any change sat on the right of the auditorium; those who sought a secular and more collective system of government and pushed for radical change sat on the left. The moderates parked their indecisive rears in the middle.
America, however, was established without an aristocracy, and the Constitution was specifically written not to give any special benefits to any one group, especially a group of aristocratic nobles. There was never an established Church on a countrywide level, and the First Amendment specifically forbids that Congress ever makes any law establishing any church as the country’s official religion. We have never entertained having a monarchy, a theocracy, nor any other kind of collective authoritarian system. As for the secular part, while the marriage of government and religion was forbade by the First Amendment, the early Americans embraced Christianity – the politicians largely prayed, and the pastors largely preached politics in their sermons from the pulpit. The United States, through the Constitution and its cultural influences, found a balance between theocracy and secularism, disallowing the church and government from controlling each other, yet making sure that Christianity was influential upon the government culturally.
From that foundation developed a system of limited government that practiced a hands-off style of governance. During the Constitutional Convention of 1787 when the line in Article I, Section 4, was written that reads, “The Congress shall assemble at least once per year,” there were those who argued that was too often. The federal Congress had so few authorities, argued dissenters, that unless the country was at war there would be nothing to do as federal legislators. Government’s job was originally designed to pass necessary laws for external issues, and to mediate interstate squabbling; otherwise, the federal government’s job was to leave Americans alone, allow individualism and innovation to percolate to the surface, and to let the free market self-regulate. Thomas Jefferson referred to that kind of leave-things-to-their-own-devices style of governance as being laissez faire – the French phrase that literally translates to “let them do it,” or “allow to do.”
The American ideal of operating as a citizen without strict regulatory policies or procedures from the government became the driving force behind our growth and prosperity over the next couple centuries. Innovation, creativity and collaboration ran rampant, and as long as governmental intervention was minimal or absent, the free market soared and the United States took its place on the world stage as an economic powerhouse and ultimately a super power.
Recognizing the history of our American System, and the reality that the Democratic Party endeavored to insert governmental influence whenever possible in order to scratch their socialist itches, Ronald Reagan quipped in 1986 that “The nine most terrifying words in the English language are, ‘I’m from the government, and I’m here to help.’”
From our founding, beyond our 1776 Bicentennial, and into the presidency of Ronald Reagan, we understood that the role of government was not to help us, but to make sure only necessary laws are in place so that we may maintain an orderly society. Government is a necessary evil, explained James Madison. “If men were angels, no government would be necessary.”
The Founding Fathers established a system where the federal government handled the issues associated with the Union, primarily external issues such as war, trade, and foreign relations. The States, however, being closer to the citizens than the federal government, were tasked with local governance; the things that directly influenced the lives and prosperity of the States and their citizens. Even then, however, the local governments were not established to “help” the people, either; their task was only to ensure that we maintained an orderly society.
It is not government’s job or responsibility to ensure we drive through an intersection. It is their job to make sure we have laws and traffic equipment in place that enables us to do so in an orderly fashion without running into each other. In the end, it is still our job to obtain a vehicle, learn to drive, navigate our journey, and get ourselves wherever we are going.
Last week I was listening to one of the local radio stations as I was driving into town and the young lady in my speaker mentioned how Nikki Haley was throwing her support behind Donald J. Trump despite their opposition to each other while she was running for President. Her decision was not based on any affection for Trump, however. As the radio host explained, Nikki Haley has said a number of times she does not like Trump’s style and rough persona. But, when comparing Trump’s policies to Kamala’s, it comes down to who can help Americans the most. I found the quote, later (or at least the quote I believe the radio gal was referring to), at CBS News. “Americans are smart. They don’t need all of this other noise to distract them. They just want to know how you’re going to help them.
Nikki Haley, an alleged Republican, was voicing an opinion I hear from members of the GOP all of the time, and one that goes completely against the attitude of Reagan Republicans, and the Founding Fathers. “I’m from the government and I’m here to help.”
The governmental assistance attitude is at the heart of the problem. Innovation and opportunity do not thrive in an environment where governmental tendrils are wiggling around through the crevices of our lives and endeavors. More government help equals less individual incentive. The free market is all about the government getting out of our hair, which in turn provides equal opportunity by keeping a hands-off policy in place, and then let the free market do what it does. Some will become millionaires, some will do really well, some will land somewhere inside the brackets we call “Middle Class,” and some will fall behind. If there must be any safety net, then from a constitutional point of view the States can offer temporary help until someone gets on their feet, but the federal government is constitutionally forbidden from “helping” the citizenry with governmental programs. When government provides “help,” that help becomes institutionalized. Rather than appreciating the help and working to return the favor as one might do if we receive help from a fellow individual who voluntarily as an individual offered that kind of charity, when it comes from government it becomes and expectation and an attitude that somehow it’s “free money” or something that the person is entitled to have. What follows, historically, is a reduction of production through a less productive workforce, and ultimately a demand that government ensures everyone is getting their “fair share.” Then, once government dependence becomes a norm and entitlement, people begin to demand that everyone is being treated in an equitable manner by government – an eventuality achieved not by encouraging those in poverty to enter the free market and “pull themselves up by the boot straps,” but instead through a call for taxing the rich and dragging the successful down to the level of misery at the bottom like the rest of us. A “redistribution of wealth” to many sounds fine on the surface, but destroys innovation, production, and prosperity in the long run because it incentivizes government dependency rather than individual innovative thinking.
Government helping us is the last thing we want. Government drawing back towards laissez faire is what Donald J. Trump believes. Nikki Haley, with her “how [government] is going to help them” comment tells me that she is nothing more than a RINO (Republican In Name Only) who claims she’s conservative in her political thinking, but is actually just a milder form of what the Democrats have to offer.
Government is not there to help, it’s there only to provide necessary governance and due process so that we may continue to operate in an orderly society – nothing more.
Don’t help me, thank you, I will either help myself, or if absolutely necessary work with my community to get going again. Government is not welcome in my life other than when necessary so that I can navigate my intersections in an orderly fashion. I’ll still do the driving, thank you.
— Political Pistachio News and Commentary
Saturday Radio with Douglas V. Gibbs — “Mr. Constitution” Constitution Radio: With Doug, Alan and Dennis – KMET 1490 AM, Saturday 1:00 pm – 3:00 pm Pacific |
By Douglas V. Gibbs
Donald Trump rose to political notoriety in 2015 when he exclaimed that America needs a border wall and that it was his plan to enforce immigration laws as they exist on the books. A process exists, and if an immigrant would like to be a part of America, they need to follow the law, the protocols, and assimilate into American culture.
Kamala Harris ran for President of the United States during the 2020 Presidential Election Season, and during that campaign, and since then, she has repeatedly called for open borders, and she has proclaimed that illegal aliens “should not be treated like criminals.” As Vice President she supported Biden’s decision to reverse all of Trump’s immigration executive orders, and falsely claimed that the border crisis during the Biden years was the fault of Congress and that the Biden administration was simply waiting for an appropriate piece of legislation to be passed by Congress (but Trump and his GOP allies were magically blocking the creation of “common sense immigration legislation”).
Since reversing almost all of Trump’s policies on immigration during the first day of his presidency, halting the construction of the Mexican border wall, and ending Trump’s travel ban restricting travel from 14 countries the border crisis has gone from a flood of illegal immigrants to a flood of America-hating people from countries who wish to see America destroyed. The issue has gone from an immigration crisis to a national security disaster. Enemies of America, along with a vast criminal element, have entered the United States without any obstacles. When illegal aliens have been arrested, they have been freed so that they can break the law again. Deportation has been nearly extinguished. Americans, many of them women and children, have died at the hands of murderers who are in the country illegally, many of whom were apprehended and then let go by local law enforcement in Sanctuary States or Cities. While the Democrats claim illegal aliens are simply desperate people or families simply looking for a better life, the reality is that the Democrats are using illegal immigration to import voters, and create instability because when there is chaos there is need for tighter government control.
Donald Trump, however, has voiced over and over that mixed into the population entering this country illegally there are people who are not simply “immigrants” who failed to use the proper immigration process looking for a better life. Many of them are enemies of America from places like China, Venezuela, Haiti, Africa and the Middle East. Terrorists, criminals, gang members and hostile foreign agents are all represented in the numbers crossing our borders. While the Democrats play the “We Are The World” and “We Are All One Global Village” cards from their deck of insanity, we are being invaded by enemies who seek to destroy the United States. Then again, destruction of America as it was founded is the goal of the Democrats, as well.
Ideological positions regarding the border issue, and whether or not federal immigration laws should be enforced, have pit Republicans against Democrats, and a number of other groups against their own opposition. That’s the way the leftist progressive commies like it. Division is good for the development of tyranny. Division and chaos must be met with government force, eventually; and that’s the way the leftwing purveyors of authoritarianism and socialism like it. It sets the stage for their complete takeover nicely.
The Founding Fathers realized that migration was an issue that would need to be addressed by the federal government, specifically when it came to who to prohibit from entering the country. That is why in Article I, Section 9 of the Constitution the mention of migration is about prohibiting certain persons from entering the country, rather than throwing the door wide open. The issue of migration was mixed into the same clause that provided for Congress the opportunity to outlaw the Atlantic Slave Trade as of 1808. The migration of slaves by land, and the migration of unwanted persons through the same corridors, were a concern that, prior to the clause going into effect, was a State issue. Be it the unwanted importation of slaves from Africa, or the migration of persons who held ideas that were in opposition to American ideals, the Founding Fathers wanted Congress to have the authority to write laws prohibiting those people from entering the country.
The clause reads (emphasis added by me):
The Migration or Importation of such Persons as any of the States now existing shall think proper to admit, shall not be prohibited by the Congress prior to the Year one thousand eight hundred and eight.”
Article I, Section 8 establishes naturalization as a federal authority.
Between the two clauses the federal government through Congress holds the authority to make laws regarding immigration, and naturalization.
Article IV, Section 4 of the Constitution tasks the federal government with protecting each of the States from Invasion, which establishes that it is the federal government’s job to secure the border (especially when the danger of enemy combatants entering the country is a reality).
Congress has on the books federal laws regarding immigration, naturalization and border security as instructed by the Constitution.
The part of the federal government tasked with carrying out those laws is the executive branch.
In Article II, Section 3 of the Constitution the President is tasked with taking “Care that the Laws be faithfully executed.”
The President of the United States, Joe Biden, has failed to carry out the law – a direct violation of the clause in Article II, Section 3 of the United States Constitution. Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas faced impeachment over failing to carry out immigration laws (for some reason they did not see fit to impeach Biden over the failure). Kamala Harris, as Vice President of the United States, supported (and was an accomplice) President Biden’s administration’s failure to execute immigration law. The Democrats, unlike Trump, have violated the Constitution through their refusal to carry out the immigration laws and border security laws already in place.
Harris’s running mate, Tim Walz, also has unconstitutional blood on his hands.
While States do have certain concurrent powers regarding illegal immigration (to protect their States the leadership of each State may use their law enforcement to detain illegal aliens, but it is their legal obligation to turn those detainees over to the federal government for deportation), their laws and actions (or inactions) may not be contrary to federal law on the issue of immigration (since immigration is a federal authority) – Article VI of the Constitution . State laws contrary to federal law, or laws that would hinder the federal government from carrying into execution federal immigration laws on the books, would be (and are) unconstitutional…and when I say “unconstitutional,” I mean “illegal.”
As Governor of Minnesota, Tim Walz signed laws making Minnesota a Sanctuary State. In California, as Attorney General, Kamala Harris helped enforce California’s sanctuary state laws, as well as serve as a prosecutor in cases tied to those laws.
Sanctuary State Laws disallow state and local law enforcement from communicating with federal agencies when illegal aliens are detained. The laws also disallow local law enforcement from even establishing that the detainee is an illegal alien in the first place through questioning, or looking up the person’s legal status. Those laws are in clear violation of the Supremacy Clause and the constitutional provision that states may not make laws that are contrary to constitutionally authorized federal laws (Article VI). So, when it comes to the illegal alien issue, Walz and Harris are not new at their game of violating the Constitution. The illegal actions by the Democratic candidates for President and Vice President of the United States go all the way back to their time in state office.
Trump, meanwhile, nails the immigration issue constitutionally as expected. His policies regarding immigration are on target, what’s best for America, and they are constitutional.
Kamala and Tim Walz, meanwhile, stand in a camp of unconstitutionality… a position they are proud of, and a position they will continue to strangle America with should they wind up in the two highest offices of the United States executive branch, should they win election in November.
Dangerous, unconstitutional, and treasonous; Kamala Harris and Tim Walz are not only a pair whose policies are not good for America, if unleashed in the White House they will destroy America and not give a care as they sink our country into chaos and death.
— Political Pistachio Conservative News and Commentary
By Douglas V. Gibbs
First, Trump announced if elected he would pursue no taxes on tips. As a constitutionalist I have always been an opponent of direct taxation, so I liked what he had to say on that issue. Trump, if elected, is also likely to reduce federal taxation across the board. That is one of the ways to start pumping life into struggling economies. Lowering taxes not only leaves more money in people’s pockets, but it reduces the penalty for doing business. Economies always respond in a positive manner when taxes are reduced.
Then, Kamala Harris announced she is also in favor of no taxes on tips. She announced it like she came up with this fantastic new idea. Trump immediately accused her of not being original, and being incapable of coming up with her own policy ideas.
Watching all of this I had to ask myself, “Okay, Harris is suddenly wanting to cut taxes; a weird thing for a Democrat – especially a radical, far left, progressive commie like Kamala Harris. Where did that ‘no taxes on tips’ thing come from, anyway? Why would a hardcore, far left, extremely radical Democrat announce that she would kill taxes on tips if she became President?
I have no doubt that the policy during a Harris administration would never see the light of day. That’s not the point. Nevada is a battleground State, and the Democrats believe they will need Nevada if they are to pull off enough electoral votes in November to hang on to the White House. Nevada has more registered Democrats than Republicans, but Trump could steal many of those votes if those voters are voting with their pocketbooks. Kamala had to counter his offer with the same offer, essentially cancelling it out and leaning things back towards the Democrats; or at least, I believe that is what they are thinking.
Remember, Nevada is full of casinos and hotels. Tourism is their primary income, and a large segment of Nevada’s population make their living in that industry. The service industry from waiting tables, delivering drinks to gamblers, to being a busboy at a hotel is one extremely dependent on tips. These types of jobs are exempt from the minimum wage, so tips are a key part of the income of these persons. A promise of no taxes on tips could tip the balance in Nevada. Trump knew it when he made the offer, and Kamala knows it to be true as well, which is why she launched the counter-offer. No-taxes-on-tips puts more money in the pockets of service workers, and it is good for Nevada’s economy.
In the end, Nevadans need to simply ask themselves, “Is Harris sincere, or is her no taxes for tips offer just another potential flip flop that would disappear the moment she raises her scepter and sits on her throne?”
— Political Pistachio Conservative News and Commentary
Mr. Constitution Hour – KPRZ 1210 AM, Saturday at 9 pm (All Times Pacific) |
Mr. Constitution Hour airs every Saturday Night at 9pm. K-Praise (www.kprz.com) Mr. Constitution Hour on KPRZ is a radio broadcast that looks at The United States Constitution through the lens of Christianity. The program is hosted by Mr. Constitution Douglas V. Gibbs. This Week: Mr. Constitution Hour by Douglas V. Gibbs: Natural Born Citizen & USA Corporation Theory — John Eastman and I have something in common…we both claim Kamala Harris is not eligible for office due to her not being a Natural Born Citizen. Douglas V. Gibbs was a part of a group that filed a lawsuit in 2020 against her for that reason. In this episode Mr. Constitution explains the details regarding Natural Born Citizen, and why Kamala Harris is not only not eligible for office, she should be deported for failing to be a citizen. Then, in the final segment, Doug shoots down the “America is a for-profit corporation” theory. Past episodes are available at the radio station’s podcast page set up for Douglas V. Gibbs at https://omny.fm/shows/douglas-v-gibbs/playlists/mr-constitution-hour-by-douglas-v-gibbs And on the following podcast platforms: I-Heart Radio Spotify Audacy Apple Tune-In Audible Amazon ListenNotes Become a Patron to Help Support the Movement |
By Douglas V. Gibbs
The fledgling United States existed in a world of empires. Trade with the former English Colonies was highly sought, but the empires of Europe believed control over trade with the former English Colonies would be better. While recognized as a sovereign and independent country after the Treaty of Paris in 1783, it was a common belief that the new system of government that lacked a wise and powerful aristocracy would never survive. Britain was certain the wayward colonials would regret their separation from the empire, and waited patiently for the petulant Americans to beg for readmittance to British protection. Other European powers sought building their own imperial influence in the New World, and convincing some of the States, if not all of them, in the fledgling union to join their ranks resided among their possible scenarios. The attitude seemed to be, “if you can’t beat them, they won’t last long on their own anyway and when they begin to waver, control them through agreements, alliances, or an iron fist.”
George Nicholas, the first statesman of the Kentucky region, during his growth as a political figure, came to appreciate and defend the sovereignty of the western regions. Influenced by the debates of the Virginia Ratifying Convention, where they argued against foreign influence, and treaties that might give European powers an excuse to tamper with American Sovereignty, the concept of localism and the opportunity for communities to grow and thrive with as little outside influence as possible became one of the major themes of his writings and political speeches.
During the Constitutional Convention in 1787 the importance of isolating the fledgling republic’s interests from the deep-pocketed old alliances in Europe served as a primary consideration. While Alexander Hamilton argued that intertwining America’s system with the Europeans was a necessary action if the United States was to survive on the worldwide stage, others recognized the importance of remaining separated from Europe as much as possible, dealing with Europe only when necessary through situations like trade, or dealing with foreign influences and colonies residing in other parts of the western hemisphere.
The Tories, during the Revolutionary War, and after the end of hostilities with Britain, served as a constant reminder of the dangers of foreign influence, and the reality of such a danger’s existence. The Tories, or Loyalists, remained loyal to the British Crown, and while a majority of them fled to Canada, the Caribbean, or back to Britain upon the end of the war, some remained and were poised to do what they could to sabotage the young country’s internal political functions. It was the Tories who encouraged the delegates at the Philadelphia Federal Convention to engage in heated conversations, calls for safeguards against foreign influence, to seek compromises, and determination that the President of the new country must be a Natural Born Citizen and a minimum fourteen year resident within the United States prior to election.
Anti-Federalists, a group that emerged who were wary of the Constitution and its creation of a larger central government than the one that existed under the Articles of Confederation, were extremely concerned about the corrupting forces that stalked outside the United States, and how they would endeavor to infiltrate the new federal government. During the Virginia Ratifying Convention the Anti-Federalists argued that through treaties, due to the way Article VI. was written, the treaty process could be used to interfere with America’s sovereignty by foreign nations, or alliances and alliance organizations (polities) if allowed to be agreed to without checks installed to ensure that America’s sovereignty remained intact. The Anti-Federalists even called for disallowing foreign buyers to own American real estate. James Madison, at the Virginia Ratifying Convention, argued that State Sovereignty, and oversight by the States through many republican mechanisms, including appointing the U.S. Senators, would serve as adequate protection of the union against foreign influence. The States appointing U.S. Senators allowed the States to maintain oversight over the federal government and highlighted the importance of establishing that the President could only negotiate and sign treaties with other countries, but it was necessary for the Senate to ratify treaties as spelled out in Article II, Section 2 (section that came to be known as the “Advice and Consent Clause”). As long as Senatorial ratification of treaties remained intact, and the Senators remained appointed by the State legislatures, treaties would never pose as a significant threat to America’s sovereignty. If ever the Senate was altered, and the Senators were voted in democratically rather than appointed by the States, then treaties may serve to be a dangerous weapon against the United States (a progressive goal that was reached and enacted with the ratification of the Seventeenth Amendment in 1913).
Madison also argued about the fact that the United States Constitution serves as the Supreme Law of the Land. If ever there was a treaty that placed America’s sovereignty at risk, a constitutional crisis would emerge; allowing other countries or international polities to control America’s interests or actions would not be tolerated since the independence of the United States was protected by the Constitution, the sovereign states would protest, and since the Constitution is the Supreme Law of the Land its provisions supersede any international provisions or desires by players on the world stage.
The Framers of the Constitution understood the threat that foreign influence posed, having just broken free from a European empire as it was. Allowing another empire to step in and grab the reins of America’s political structure, or even influence officeholders with gifts and gold, was a serious fear, and they worked constantly to ensure foreign influence was guarded against.
Many of the Founding Fathers were very familiar with European politics. As diplomats, statesmen like Robert Livingston, Benjamin Franklin and Thomas Jefferson watched first-hand the backroom deals, dramatic plot lines, gift-giving, bestowing titles of nobility on political friends, intermarriage to build alliances, and deceptive mercantilism to control the market. If the United States was to stand apart, and not be sucked into the games of cross-line influence, they needed to make sure it was codified in a document that would protect the country against the corrupting influences of foreign money, foreign power, and foreign ideas like the utopian schemes of leveling, and the collectivistic ideology of the General Will.
The President, therefore, is not a king. The Founding Fathers, fearful of the rise of an authoritarian figure that could rule over the country carefully crafted the role of the President of the United States so that the President is not only not a king, but provided checks against foreign influence. The Presidency was intentionally not designed to carry the same kinds of powers as would a king, and his eligibility was intentionally established to protect against him having divided loyalties. Dual loyalty would open the door for foreign influence to ravage America from the inside if allowed to infest a single person that resides at the top of the governmental hierarchy. The Natural Born Citizen requirement meant that two citizen parents reared the individual who would be President, which would likely mean that the President was raised being taught American ideals, rather than the political ideologies of foreign powers. The “Resident Clause” requires the President to have “been fourteen Years a Resident within the United States,” further souring the likelihood of foreign influence. The emoluments clause in Article I, Section 9 of the Constitution disallows any federal or State officeholder from receiving gifts, monies, favors, or titles of nobility from any foreign power. Impeachment, the ultimate check against a President operating under the influence of foreign interests, could be used as well; but, the Framers also made impeachment difficult so that foreign influence could not easily unseat a President, as well.
Madison’s notes, the Father of the Constitution’s written record of the proceedings during the Constitutional Convention, states that Gouverneur Morris, the man who led the committee that crafted the Preamble to the Constitution, didn’t originally see the necessity of impeachment until he considered the specter of foreign corruption.
“[The Executive] may be bribed by a greater interest to betray his trust; and no one would say that we ought to expose ourselves to the danger of seeing the first Magistrate in foreign pay without being able to guard against by displacing him,” said Morris. “One would think the King of England well secured against bribery. Yet Charles II was bribed by Louis XIV.”
Bribery and the exchange of money and gifts among monarchs in the Old World was rampant, but with a President who could not have taken office unless a Natural Born Citizen (two citizen parents at the time of birth), a resident of the United States for at least fourteen years, the emoluments clause, and congressional impeachment powers in the Constitution, the Founding Fathers believed they had created a strong enough attack against foreign influence. That said, it was understood that corruption is an incredibly powerful beast, and even the most well-crafted safeguards might not be enough.
Edmund Jennings Randolph was confident in the guards provided, verbalizing his praise at the Virginia Ratifying Convention in 1788. He said, “It is impossible to guard better against corruption.”
George Washington during his 1796 farewell address issued a stern warning, recognizing that despite the safeguards against the rise of the toxic influence of foreign governments on the affairs of the young country, said, “Against the insidious wiles of foreign influence… the jealousy of a free people ought to be constantly awake, since history and experience prove that foreign influence is one of the most baneful foes of republican government.”
Washington was bombarded with enticing calls of foreign influence during his presidency but resisted the temptation. However, the reality was, as the Framers of the Constitution recognized, the possibility of a corruptible American president was a reality.
The Founding Fathers understood the dangers of Human Nature, recognizing the biblical maxim that all fall short of the Glory of God. We possess a sinful and lustful nature. Therefore, they understood the reality that people’s private ambitions and thirst for more power or money were powerful motivators, and often foreign influence offered to feed those personal ambitions. Human Nature demands strict structures to guard against the unfortunate existence of corruption in politics.
This does not mean that we are not to work with the world at all. We are, after all, in the world. The existence of the world, and our place in it, is a reality regarding our existence. But, as I like to tell my Christian friends, family, and colleagues, while we are in the world, we are not to be of the world.
As a country, sometimes we enter into international treaties for very good reasons. It is necessary to work with allies, and stand against those who stand against liberty, even if it means to be a part of an alliance to accomplish the task. Sometimes, however, we either outlive the purpose of those agreements, the terms are no longer in our best interest (or were not in the first place when the agreement was crafted), or the other players do not honor it as well as we do.
During the presidency of Donald Trump he recognized the necessity of recognizing that international treaties are not to be taken lightly, whipping up questions regarding the validity of international treaty organizations like NATO, and our membership in the United Nations. Trump channeled the voices of the Founding Fathers in a manner that could not be ignored, claiming that policies, agreements and treaties need to take an “America First” position, a timeless principle that dates all the way back to George Washington. In Washington’s famous Farewell Address of 1796 the inaugural President under the Constitution shared his sentiment against foreign entanglements.
“Interweaving our destiny” with others, Washington explained, would “entangle our peace and prosperity in the toils of European ambition, rivalship, interest, humor, or caprice.” While America should pursue economic integration with the world, the United States must maintain strict neutrality in its feuds.
John Quincy Adams repeated Washington’s principles on July 4, 1821, reminding Congress that America “goes not abroad, in search of monsters to destroy. She is the well-wisher to the freedom and independence of all. She is the champion and vindicator only of her own.”
In modern history, shortly after the end of World War II, President Harry Truman made a proposal accepted by the public and Congress that it was imperative “to support free peoples who are resisting attempted subjugation by armed minorities or by outside pressures.”
As the country that launched liberty, and as a country the Founding Fathers believed would be a shining beacon on a hill to be emulated by the world, America took on the responsibility to stand in defense of that liberty throughout the Free World — alone, if necessary. We are in the world, but we are not to be of the world, and when segments of the world is evil we are not to allow that foreign influence to dictate to us, or our allies, we are to ensure that liberty reigns, instead.
The Truman Doctrine established a leviathan of global military assistance on a scale never before seen, leading us into more foreign wars than any other country of the world. America maintains large permanent bases throughout Europe and Asia.
Is that what the Founding Fathers intended when they established guards against foreign influence? Is not the United States seeking foreign entanglements when we endeavor to be the policemen of the world? While Truman’s policies may have seemed necessary in a dangerous world, are those policies still necessary today? The conditions, one must admit, that gave rise to those doctrines no longer exist. Europe and Asia has emerged beyond the chaos and destruction of World War II. Territorial invasions on a continental scale as we saw during the first half of the twentieth century have largely vanished. New conflicts have arisen, but the United States is no longer the sole prosperous country in a world bankrupted by war.
Washington’s advice feels relevant again. Foreign entanglements may not be in our best interest. While I support the idea of peace through strength, war has changed its face and putting boots on the ground may not be in the best interest of American interests.
Rather than a global conflict on battlefields across the oceans, we are faced with invaders at our borders, and Chinese communists marching down the halls of our technology infrastructure. While we feed money into international polities like NATO and the United Nations, our citizens are being displaced in the workforce by globalization and illegal aliens. A worldwide love of communism has risen out of the ashes of the Cold War, and a large segment of our politicians have bought into the enemy’s plot. Yet, we continue to fuel international polities that no longer have purpose, but are populated by countries who are no longer our allies, and openly proclaim hostility against American ideals. The Cold War has passed, and a new world war has emerged.
The Free World has fallen, and we have become the last bastion of liberty on the planet. International polities and foreign influence, as it was nearly two hundred and fifty years ago, has become a primary danger, once again. We live in a world of empires, but not European empires as was the case during the time that America was forged into existence, but technology empires and globalist schemes by people who continue to chase the communist dreams of Karl Marx, Vladimir Lenin, and Joseph Stalin (even though they won’t admit it). A Soviet Winter is on the rise, assisted by Islam and a new version of Sodom and Gomorrah. If we are to survive, a return to the original foundational principles, as they were established, is necessary. Otherwise, the American Experiment ends, and the bold thinking of the Founding Fathers will be lost.
— Political Pistachio Conservative News and Commentary