Political Pistachio

Douglas v. Gibbs - Mr. Constitution

Political Pistachio

Kamala Harris at the podium

By Douglas V. Gibbs

In today’s America, the Democrats do not recognize the original intent of the United States Constitution, and do not view the document as something that should be revered; rather our American System as originally designed, is something to them that needs to be destroyed.  They trust, instead, their narrative, their radical positions, and the annotated Constitution which is a combination of past judicial and political broad interpretations of the Constitution that fits their leftist narrative.  They reject the original intent of the document as it was written in 1787 and debated during the ratification conventions the following year or so.

Joe Biden is a hard-core leftist progressive radical.  Joe Biden buys into the Marxist Democratic Party narrative, but has had a way of convincing some of the people that he is a moderate; a sweet old man who is just trying to make our country better for everyone who will buy into his liberal-leaning ideas.  However, despite argument to the contrary, Joe’s cognitive acuity is in shambles, and all of a sudden after arguing he was going nowhere in terms of the up and coming election, Biden has stepped down as the 2024 Democratic Party candidate for President of the United States.

While the bench for the Democratic Party is not a strong one, there is a long list of candidates that want to step in to grab the baton.  The problem for the Democrats is that almost all of them won’t, or can’t.  The Trump Train is roaring down the tracks, and most of them understand that running against the Republican nomination, Donald J. Trump, is political suicide.  Losing to Trump is a political career killer, and they are not ready to step off of such a steep ledge.

The reasonable and logical replacement, in their minds, is Kamala Harris, and while the voters have never warmed up to the Vice President, and nobody is willing to admit that she’s not even eligible for the presidency due to not being a natural born citizen, much less a citizen as per the original congressional testimony regarding the Fourteenth Amendment’s Citizenship Clause, the Democrat Establishment loves her.  She’s an idiot, a cackler, and not shy about her extreme and radical leftist viewpoints, but because she’s a true believer she would be easier to guide along their anti-American operation of fundamentally changing the United States of America into something the authors of the United States Constitution never intended.

Wading through the chaos of the Democratic Party, the party leadership (in the name of saving democracy while spitting on any democratic procedures within their organizational machine) are working to dismiss the Democratic Party Primary and install Kamala as their choice even before their convention starts, blocking any say by the delegates and blocking any debate or competition, essentially telling Democratic Voters, “this is who you get, so says the party elite despite any argument by the people to the contrary.”

Not real “democratic,” if you ask me.  Then again, remember it was these “champions of democracy” that were doing whatever they could to keep Trump off the ballot, and in 2016 used their super-delegates to ensure Bernie Sanders didn’t have a snowball’s chance in Hell to beat Hillary Clinton.

Yes, I know this country is not supposed to be a democracy; it’s a republic.  I wrote a whole book about the difference between the two (Repeal Democracy by Douglas V. Gibbs), but the Democrats have done a fine job in convincing everyone that the country is a democracy and anything contrary to their political narrative is an authoritarian right-wing attempt to destroy our democracyThey are the true authoritarians, they are the anti-constitutionalists, and their actions are anything but democratic, but they want everyone to believe that the GOP is an existential threat to democracy, America, and your wonderful government-influenced way of life.

Meanwhile, a segment of their constituency, angry that the Democrats are not fully embracing in the open a “hate America” position, are creating chaos across the countryside.  In Washington D.C., for example, the American Flag was pulled down from its perch at the top of a flagpole at Union Station and then the Stars and Stripes was lit on fire, and then the Palestinian Pro-Hamas Pro-Islamism Flag was hoisted to fly over America’s seat of government.  In one instance, a United States National Park Police Officer was dragged to the ground by protesters.  Then, the Watergate Hotel where Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is staying, was hit next, with pro-Hamas rioters spreading maggots and other insects throughout the building and pulling fire alarms.    Outside, protesters were threatening to kill all Jews, calling for Netanyahu’s arrest, and chanting for the complete destruction of Israel.  They, in true Islamic fashion, also burned an effigy of Netanyahu and held effigies of the Israeli Prime Minister in a noose, some with blood-soaked hands, and signs stating the “Final Solution” (destruction of Israel) was coming.  After the protests ended, House Republicans restored the American Flags to their rightful places.  Kamala Harris did not attend Netanyahu’s powerful speech before a joint session of Congress, opting to attend a sorority convention, instead; and no Democrats that I know of assisted the House Republicans in their task of hoisting American Flags to their rightful place.

As for Harris’s running mate, Sean Hannity reported on Fox News that Josh Shapiro was not even being considered as a running mate for Kamala Harris because of his Jewish faith (as stated on CNN).  Gavin Newsom won’t be able to be on the ticket because the Twelfth Amendment’s clause not allowing Electors to vote for more than one candidate from their own State would essentially negate California’s electoral votes for the Democrats.  Despite fantastical arguments that Barack Obama might be the V.P. Choice, he has already served two terms as President, making him ineligible for the presidency, and the final sentence of Amendment Twelve requires the Vice Presidential candidate to meet the same eligibility requirements as would be needed to run for President.  Michelle Obama doesn’t want the position, and nobody else wants to board the sinking ship of Kamala’s candidacy.

Kamala Harris, politically, is exactly what they want.  She’s left of Bernie Sanders on the commie-scale, something the Democrats are trying to cover-up because they still believe deep down that they can somehow keep moderate voters if they tone down the communist rhetoric just a tad.  In 2019, a political survey ranked Kamala Harris as the most leftwing liberal in the United States Senate.  GOVTRACK has deleted that website ranking in the hopes of hiding it.  However, the survey is not needed to reveal how radically extreme Kamala is when it comes to her anti-American, anti-liberty, far-left communist beliefs.

Harris’s U.S. Senate voting record was the fuel behind the report that judged her to be to the left of Bernie Sanders.  When asked about being found to be the most liberal U.S. Senator on CBS’s 60 Minutes on October 25, 2020, Harris’s response was to laugh and appreciate it.  While still in the running for President of the United States, September 4, 2019 on CNN, Kamala said we need to federally ban plastic straws, federally ban off-shore drilling, she claimed she was willing to bypass Congressional rules by killing the filibuster to make sure the Green New Deal (of which she co-sponsored) got implemented to save us from the Democratic Party’s claim that there is a man-made climate crisis afoot, and she supports federally banning fracking, which, understand, puts the the federal government in position to control the means of production, a communist (and fascist) ideal.

She provided an anti-police statement (calling it wrong to believe that more police on the streets means more safety) on the YouTube program, “What Happens Live,” June 25, 2020.  She also supported the “peaceful demonstrators” who rioted across the country’s cities during the Summer of 2020.  On The Late Show with Stephen Colbert she called it a “movement,” enthusiastically encouraging the rioting, and proclaiming, “they’re not going to stop…beware…take note…they’re not going to let up, and they should not.”  Meanwhile, she supports not only gun control laws, but the full confiscation of all firearms in the United States.  On NBC News, October 2, 2019, Kamala said, “We have to have a buy-back program, I support a mandatory buy-back program, that would be smart.”  Mandatory buy-back?  In other words, in violation of the Second Amendment, a mandatory gun confiscation program, but don’t worry, we’ll give you a few bucks for your gun.  She supports taking your guns from you by force.

In addition to your guns, she also believes your freedom of speech should be taken from you professing often her support for hate speech legislation, and the censorship policies of social media companies.

June 25, 2018 on MSNBC Kamala said that we need to reexamine ICE and their procedures regarding illegal immigration; June 27, 2019 during the Democratic Debate she agreed that illegally entering the country should be downgraded to a civil offense; on ABC’s The View on August 16, 2019 she said that she wants to stop the policy of “treating undocumented aliens as criminals;” May 12, 2019 on CNN she defended the idea of making sure federal tax dollars were spent to create universal healthcare coverage (socialized medicine) not only for all citizens (thus, killing the private insurance and medical industries) but for all illegal aliens…she co-sponsored Bernie’s “Medicare for All” bill, something she discusses enthusiastically on CNN, January 28, 2019 — Townhall with Senator Kamala Harris, Des Moines, Iowa; then, also on that same May 12, 2019 CNN appearance she called for federal funding for free access to college education for illegal aliens.  February 16, 2017, in a speech on the U.S. Senate floor, she proclaimed it was a “mistake” to “conflate criminal justice policy with immigration policy.”  In other words, she believes illegally crossing the border by any individual is not even a crime, nor should it be.  She does not view an open border as being a national security threat.  This is the woman who was established as the Border Czar by Biden, and while I know that the lefties are arguing that is not true and anyone who believes she was given the job to handle border issues is a conspiracy theorist, video exists confirming that she was placed in charge of the border.

On CNN, September 4, 2019, she said she supported a federal change to dietary guidelines to reduce the consumption of red meat.

She has repeatedly argued there must be no restrictions whatsoever on abortion, supporting the murder of a baby all the way up to the moment the child is born.

January 8, 2019, on ABC’s The View, Kamala gave praise to Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s call for eliminating every gas-powered car within the decade and a 70-80% tax rate, stating AOC is, “challenging the status-quo, that’s fantastic, I think she is introducing bold ideas that should be discussed.”

And yes, she was also one of those calling for the assassination of Donald J. Trump, and laughing about it as she did.  On The Ellen Show with Ellen DeGeneres on April 5, 2018, when asked if she had to be stuck in an elevator with Trump, Pence, or Sessions, who would it be, Kamala Harris answered, “Does one of us have to come out alive?”  The crowd clapped and cheered and Ellen clapped enthusiastically.

Kamala Harris, despite claims otherwise, is a straight out communist who supports radical environmental polices and all anti-oil policies, communist socialized medicine, communist programs including universal government jobs legislation, universal basic income, more power for the labor unions, federally paid for college, federal-controlled agriculture and federal control over all farming with the intent to end the cattle industry, she supports forcing you to eat the way the government prescribes, and she supports using government force to coerce you into fitting their electricity dream in the name of energy efficiency.  Kamala is extreme on the abortion issue, she supports globalist schemes which means killing America’s independence and sovereignty, she wants open borders and no immigration policies beyond letting everyone in regardless of if they are a threat to our way of life or if they come from a country determined to destroy us from within, she co-sponsored the PROTECT Act which lets sex offenders back out on the streets in the name of it being a federal supervised release, she was the one who introduced legislation during the Trump presidency to block the president’s restrictions of travel into the United States from countries who are recognized as enemies of America, she supports the movement to phase out all “fossil fuels” and wants you to be coerced out of your car whether you like it or not, called for eliminating the filibuster in order the open up the opportunity to pass the Green New Deal, she sponsored a bill to get rid of the cash bail system which has proven where it has been implemented to be a complete disaster and a major factor in increasing crime, she sponsored a bill that would have blocked the building or expansion of immigration detention facilities, has verbalized numerous times her desire to weaken ICE and the Border Patrol and has compared ICE agents to the KKK, supports sanctuary cities, and has gone so far as to say that Title 42’s deportation policies violate federal law.  She has called the border wall a “waste of money,” sponsored a bill inserting CRT and DEI into Health and Human Services training regarding racial bias in OBGYN practices, sponsored a bill fully decriminalizing marijuana, sponsored a bill pushing an expansion of vote-by-mail practices, voiced support for reducing the voting age to 16, pushed the COVID mandates and claimed the response to COVID was filled with bias and racism, called the Jussie Smollet hoax a “modern day lynching,” endorsed the 1619 Project, sponsored a bill ordering DEI to be utilized in presidential nominations for appointment to federal office or judicial seats, supported cancelling the Keystone XL pipeline, is a major proponent in the movement to ban plastic, she has been pushing that all public transportation and school buses be replaced with electric vehicles, called record-high gas prices the “price to pay for democracy,” has been behind lawsuits to stop fracking off the California Coast, co-sponsored a bill to ban offshore domestic drilling, has called for “reimagining” the role of police which means killing their law enforcement role and turning them into a bunch of social workers, has been a vocal opponent against Israel and has repeatedly spoken favorably about the radical pro-Hamas protesters and went so far in 2021 of agreeing with a student accusing Israel of “ethnic genocide,” supported legislation to provide federally paid college tuition, co-sponsored the Background Check Expansion Act and is well-known for her anti-gun stance that goes as far as supporting gun confiscation.  She voted against funding the military in 2019, has stated “we should have that conversation” when asked about people in prison voting in elections, supports massive tax hikes as high as 70 to 80 percent, has made comments supporting “reducing the size of the population” to combat climate change, voiced support for eliminating the Electoral College, and she sides with anti-American and anti-Israel radicals.

The Democrats, however, are not worried, for while the older generation is not in the pocket as much as they wish, they have the younger generations who are fresh off of their indoctrination and programming years in the public schools, despite the fact that on July 8, 2014 at the Ford Foundation Kamala Harris called everyone between the ages of 18 and 24, “stupid…they make really bad decisions.”  But, if they’re younger, they can still change their pronouns and choose to have irreversible surgeries to change their sex, and her allies in California just past a law outlawing teachers or school administrators from contacting parents should a pronoun discussion or trans discussion arise regarding a child in school.

Interestingly, not only am I not the only person who believes Kamala Harris is a foolish decision for the Democratic Party to choose for President of the United States during election season in 2024, I am joined by Barack Obama who has refused to endorse her and said he believes she can’t beat Trump.  Reports also reveal he’s upset that Biden endorsed her.  (Note: Obama wound up endorsing Kamala Harris later, under pressure since she seems to be the only candidate in the batter’s box)

Ineligible for the Office of the President of the United States, and a straight out communist — that’s who the Democrats are offering.  Meanwhile, the Trump Train is roaring full-speed ahead, and looks to be sure to win in November.  Yet, when one takes into consideration how desperate the Democrats are to keep any power they have, and their history of election fraud, I am not feeling as confident in November as I ought to be.

Political Pistachio Conservative News and Commentary

the devil in kamala harris
by Douglas V. Gibbs
Believing what you see and hear is no longer a truth.  The smoke and mirrors & sleight of hand has been taken to a whole new level.  I thought Biden was going nowhere.  I have been saying such for a while.  I believed, despite all of the rhetoric, Biden’s image as the sweet old moderate would win the day in what the Democrats want to do in the 2024 Election.  I forgot how devious they truly are.
We are told they covered up his lack of mental acuity.  We are told they had no idea that Joe Biden was tumbling into a pool of dementia.  They were full of lies.  Way back in November of 2020 most of us with half a brain was wondering if the old man would make it to inauguration day.  Even then we knew he was not competent enough to be President of the United States.  Who do they think they’re fooling?   They claim it was all exposed on debate night, but they knew all along.  But, now that the debate exposed it to even those living under a rock, even their best spin doctors can not spin how bad it truly is.  They insisted he was fine, and they knew otherwise.  They were lying the whole time.  They knew.
Then, Biden has stepped down.  Well, sort of.  He announced, or they announced, that he would no longer be campaigning, or pursuing getting elected.  He’s somewhere in hiding, after all, sick with COVID; or at least that is what they are telling us. 
Did you notice that he stepped down without saying a word to the public.  Nothing.  Not even a television clip.  It was a letter, of which anyone could have written.  One wonders, could he already be dead?  Will they announce his death, and blame it on COVID?  Do they expect him to be deceased soon?  That’s what they need, otherwise the change of candidate on the ballot in certain States may not be an option.
What really jumps out at me regarding the whole Biden-has-stepped-down-thing is that what is really happening is that the Democrats who claim to be the defenders of “democracy,” and claim the Republicans are trying to suppress elections, are rejecting the voice of their own voters in their primary.  They are putting a new person in, despite the vote.  Why not hold a new vote?  Why not consult their constituents?  Remember, this is the party that claims to be all about democracy.  They are anti-election, they are against everything they claim to be in support of; yet, they have no respect for their own voters.  Don’t forget the super-delegates making sure Hillary Clinton was in over Bernie Sanders in 2016.  They lied about Biden’s condition, they disrespected their base and are sweeping in who they want by stealing the primary from their own voters while changing their convention rules to get what they want, anyway.  If this had happened before primary, would Harris have won the vote?  
Desperation.  The Democrats are a party desperately clinging to their power, and they are happy about this because in the end it is an opportunity for the Dems to cover-up the last four years and not talk about their failures under Biden’s regime.  Note, this is not about Biden, but their policies, and they know they have to cover that up.  Don’t worry, they seem to be telling us, we’ll do better with a different administration following the same failed policies.
Don’t worry, Kamala Harris who is farther left will somehow be more moderate.
How stupid do they think the American People are?
I have noticed the media has shifted gears.  They are doing what they can to prop up the failed Vice President, trying to make Kamala look as acceptable as possible.
Are we sure it’ll be Harris?  I take nothing for granted.  These people will do whatever they can to make sure they keep their power.  And they know they can’t leapfrog her.  But, they have a weak bench, with the top contenders mostly being governors of States that are in dismal condition and are bleeding residents to red-states.  They have nobody.  And, even if they did, no Democrat in their right mind wants to go against Trump…to lose to him is a political career killer.  Harris is allegedly the heir-apparent, and the media is doing what they can to prop up that idea.  They are telling the Democrats that to run against Kamala is political suicide.  It has to be her.  That’s where the money is.  All of the money amassed for the Biden-Harris ticket are funds she can use, but would not be available to any other candidate.
We are told he is unfit to run, yet Biden can still finish his term?  They won’t get the votes or support for the 25th Amendment, I don’t think.  But, it doesn’t matter.  His death is imminent, if Biden is not already dead.  
Are they trying to save down-ballot votes?  They think Biden would drag down the entire ticket, and they believe they can hang on to the Senate, and flip the House if only they can bring in some other Democrat.  They believe it doesn’t matter if a new candidate says the same bologna that Biden said, if it is someone different, the voters are stupid enough to vote Democrat.
Then, we must ask, who would be Harris’ running mate?  Who will they pick to appease moderate Dems and radical lefty Dems at the same time?  Ben Shapiro maybe, because it would help with winning Pennsylvania; plus, with him being Jewish it may help Kamala Harris’ image since she’s been very supportive of anti-Israel protesters, despite the fact that her own husband is Jewish.  Buttigieg has the youthful federal insider image.  North Carolina governor Cooper is a longtime friend of Harris, and the Democrats desperately need to win North Carolina.
In the end, they are losing badly, and the only thing that will save them is a grand cheat, or eliminating Trump.  I hate to say it, but the attempt against Trump may try to repeat itself.
In the end, the real message is that the Democrats will do anything to hold on to their power, and if something is not working, they quit and shift gears.  
Political Pistachio Conservative News and Commentary  
Age adjust to the bible
by Douglas V. Gibbs
Political partisanship is at an all-time high, or at least that is what it seems to be to the casual observer.  History reveals that the eternal battle between good and evil has emerged many times before, and on the American front in a similar manner as we are seeing today. 
In other words, “this is nothing new.”
During a number of presidencies, including the John Adams presidency only a decade after the Constitution had gone into effect, under the guise of the Alien and Sedition Act, the courts have been weaponized, the opposition has been demonized, and the government has even gone as far as arresting and jailing those who dared to oppose the administration.  Assassinations have rocked the country time and time again, and fears that we are losing our moral compass have raised their heads repeatedly.  In 1662 the Christian establishment even went so far as to adopt a policy called the “Halfway Covenant,” watering down the biblical message in the hopes of attracting more people to attend church.  The move was a disaster, and it wasn’t until Jonathan Edwards in 1734 began preaching about the truth of sin, and our just and angry God, that the moral compass began to point in a more moral direction; launching what ultimately became known as The Great Awakening.
The lessons of history are clear; biblical truth must be integrated into American culture if we are to remain a virtuous society, and being a virtuous society is necessary for constitutional principles to remain in place and for America’s foundation of liberty and economic free market to thrive and succeed.  In short, politics must be applied through the lens of the Constitution, and the principles of the Constitution must be recognized as existing hand in hand with the principles of Christianity and a caring God who provided to all of us our Natural Rights.
Our Natural Rights were given to us by our Creator, and as stated in the Declaration of Independence they are tied to the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God.  Our Natural Rights, in other words, operate as a part of the natural order of things.  God created nature, and our rights, and together they work in harmony; they are self-evident because they are the truth.  When we set aside the rule of man, and we embrace the rule of law, we know what is right and wrong, what our responsibilities are as a member of a free society, and which way the moral compass is supposed to point.  If we abandon those things, we begin to wander into darkness.
Even though the Constitution is rooted in a Christian moral framework, our rebellious nature which is intertwined with our human nature, if unchecked, is willing to unwind the truth and fill it with rebellion not only against God, but against liberty.  The natural order of things becomes rejected, and become replaced by false science and false truths.  In an effort to kill God those who embrace the rule of man wind up killing liberty, and ultimately civilization.
The fact that the success of the American Experiment is rooted in the principles of the United States Constitution, and that the Constitution is rooted in the moral principles of Christianity, reveals the reality that regardless of the faith of those who participate in the American System, adherence to a moral foundation based on godly principles is necessary to maintain the success of America’s society — which means that if we are going to, as President Donald Trump puts it, “Make America Great Again,” we need to get our biblical house in order.  How can we get our political house in order if we are not right with God?  Political stability is dependent upon having a moral culture and a society that follows a specific  moral and biblically virtuous standard.
The preservation of a moral foundation and virtuous society against a potential tyranny that chases the rule of man, rather than the rule of law, is exactly why the Founding Fathers saw it fit to include in the United States Constitution the enumerated rights of the First Amendment.  To continue to succeed as a system based on liberty we require religious freedom.  In order to maintain religious freedom we must enjoy and preserve our God-given freedoms of speech and of the press which were specifically written into the Constitution to secure the freedom of political and religious speech; the very kinds of speech the hard left collectivist progressives are trying to silence.  And, if our religious freedoms as well as our freedoms of speech and of the press are to be preserved, then our ability to assemble freely and to freely associate with those who agree with our political and religious beliefs must follow.  And, when we are able to practice our religion freely, speak freely, report freely, and assemble freely, then it gives us the opportunity to petition the government for a redress of grievances and change or sharpen our governmental institutions as are needed to continue to secure those rights enumerated in the First Amendment.  It all ties together.  They are dependent upon each other.  If we lose access to just one of those rights, it puts the entire gamut at risk.
What if, however, our government becomes so tyrannical that those freedoms begin to become compromised, unraveling like a ball of twine, as we are seeing in today’s political environment?  What do we do, then?
The obvious answer that reveals itself is the Second Amendment.  That does not mean, however, that if we don’t get what we want we begin to shoot the place up.  The Founding Fathers did not go into the revolutionary era with the expectation of an armed conflict.  They worked through the system, strategically applying their knowledge of their Natural Rights and English Law.  Being armed was not to be viewed as an open threat, but as insurance to keep the tyrants honest (or at least less tyrannical than they’d like to be).  It became an armed revolution not because the Founding Fathers desired it to be, but because the British pushed the discussion beyond its peaceful foundation and into an armed conflict.  At that point the insurance policy of the right to keep and bear arms became active, or I suppose you could say the policy matured and was cashed in.  The need to be armed became as clear as it could be.  Without the right to keep and bear arms the journey towards independence would not have been possible.
In short, while we must never be the ones who begins any violent confrontations, but if the enemies of liberty push the envelope too far and engage in their own violent campaign, those working to preserve liberty would be obligated to respond in kind.
Our motivations and belief system must be in line with what it was in the beginning.  The Christian influences upon the creation of the Constitution, and the foundational principles of biblical and Natural Rights that led to the writing of the Declaration of Independence, must be the foundation of our own movements in today’s topsey-turvey world.  God’s plan and the principles of liberty and a free market must be absorbed into everything we do; and we need to be on the same page with this.  Movements don’t flow if the pieces are not flowing in the same direction and working together to piece together the strategies and tactics.  We must be true to the old maxim, “United We Stand.”
The reality is that the enemy lies, they deceive, and as we saw with the assassination attempt of Donald Trump, they are even willing to kill to achieve their goals.  They believe that the ends justify the means, and we must be aware of that.  They will play deceptive word games, doing what they can to kill the truths of history, providing misrepresentations of history, and even killing proper representations of history as they did with Keven Costner’s “Horizon” movie (which flopped not because it was not a good movie, I saw it and was stunned by its brutal honesty, but because the media killed it before it got out the gate with poor reviews and claims it must be a flop because they were appalled by the truthful telling of our complex history and contentious journey westward into and across the American Frontier).
They have done all they can to discredit history and the truth, and attack Christian-influence on all political and social issues.  They attack things like they attacked ivermectin during the scamdemic.  Ivermectin was not attacked and disallowed to be prescribed because there was something wrong with it.  It was attacked simply because Trump spoke favorably about it.  They do everything they can to oppose who they consider their enemy, and since God has been perceived as being among their greatest enemies in the current battle for the soul of America, they must attack anything and everything that would support God’s hand on humanity.  Therefore, the family, the natural order of things, sexuality, and even how one is identified must be attacked.  God must be, from their point of view, destroyed and the only way to destroy God is to oppose everything that is associated with God, or His Creation.  Therefore, they attack truth, and claim that man’s truth that they invent as they go is the absolute truth; and that God’s truth is a lie.  They teach that boys can be girls and girls can be boys; men may lie with men and women may lie with women; men can become pregnant; parents have no rights over their children, especially when it comes to their education or personal feelings; babies in the womb are not people and can be slaughtered in the womb in the name of reproductive rights; and a minor gas called carbon dioxide is warming the planet despite science that says otherwise, but natural phenomena associated with the Sun and other natural events have nothing to do with the changing temperatures we experience on Earth.  If you want to save the planet, all you must do is succumb to communism.
If we are going to stop the downward slide towards tyranny, and destruction, it is critical that we become actively involved in civics, and that begins with learning and applying constitutional principles, and that begins with education.  Understand that our duties here are not simply because they are required in order to preserve liberty.  From a biblical standpoint, considering that we are fully aware that evil is on the march, it is our religious duty to fight the good fight.  To be apathetic or complacent when confronted by evil as we are today would be, to put it frankly, the committance of the sin of omission.  Knowing what we know, it is our duty to step up and stand tall as a patriot and godly warrior, ensuring that our country remains on the right track with an alignment with Christian principles and American ideals.

We must, as Americans who understand and believe in the original principles of the Constitution, and a godly worldview, align our actions with biblical and constitutional principles.  We must, as I like to say, put legs on our prayers, and walk the walk.  The enemy is not only at the gate, they are taking aim at killing us and those who we recognize as our political leaders.  While I am not calling for retaliation or some kind of vicious response to the evil we are confronted with, I am calling for a strong and united front based on who we are, what we believe, and where we know this country needs to be.  

Donald Trump, after being shot at, and surviving by mere millimeters, did not cower and hide, but came up with his fist raised and his voice loud and clear.  “Fight, Fight, Fight.”

Liberty requires it.

Political Pistachio Conservative News and Commentary

trump shot fight fight fight
By Douglas V. Gibbs

Last year Tucker Carlson predicted there would be an assassination attempt against Donald J. Trump, and he was mocked because the Democrats claim they are not the violent ones.

“If you begin with criticism, then you go to protest, then you go to impeachment, now you go to indictment and none of them work. What’s next? Graph it out, man. We’re speeding towards assassination, obviously. … They have decided — permanent Washington, both parties have decided — that there’s something about Trump that’s so threatening to them, they just can’t have him,” Carlson said in an interview.

Earlier this year, Alex Jones also voiced a prediction that an assassination attempt against Trump was inevitable.

Two weeks ago on my KMET Constitution Radio Program I predicted that the Democrats have no option other than to eliminate Trump, after I also blogged the possibility (“jailing, or worse“).

The Democrats and their allies have reacted like they did over the sudden exposure of the lack of mental acuity of Joe Biden.  On the surface everyone knew that a public attempt on Trump’s life was on the horizon except the Democrats, who are now running around as if they are shocked that one of their own could act in such a violent manner.  The truth is, just like they knew all along that Biden’s mental health is compromised, they knew that their minions are capable (and encouraged) of committing violence.  Theirs is a revolution, after all, fueled by a desire to win at all costs.  They desire deep down that Trump is killed before he can expose them for the authoritarian tyrants that they are.  They lie and they deceive.  Nothing they say or do can be trusted.  Everything is a production.  Deception is the primary offensive weapon they wield.  After all, they have a narrative to protect; one that has been carefully crafted and designed to convince you that the true violent, gun-toting, authoritarian enemy of America is Trump and anyone who remotely supports him; which includes the GOP, Christianity, and any other group or individual who dares to oppose their lust for fundamentally transforming the United States into a socialist aristocracy run by them and their power-thirsty accomplices.

One wonders if the enemy has infiltrated Trump’s camp, since the shooter was pointed out by a rally-attendee and yet was overlooked until the shots rang out.  In defiance, after a bullet grazed his ear, Trump raised his fist and shouted, “Fight, Fight, Fight.”  Afterwards, Trump thanked those who were around him when the attempt happened.  What saved his life is that he turned his head to the right when the bullet was sent his way.

Questions have been raised about Trump’s security, and their failures during what happened.  How is it that all buildings on the perimeter around President Trump were thoroughly secured?  Was there a lack of resources?  Did they somehow miss the building the shooter was on?  Why were there gaps in the security preparation?

A little over two hours prior to the attempt on Donald Trump’s life by a shooter I think was likely hired by the deep state, and a member of Antifa (a fact, should you look “Mark Violets Antifa” up on Google, is already being deceptively claimed as being a conspiracy theory by “rightwing extremists”) (*editor’s note: While Mark Violets was originally identified as the shooter in some corners of the internet, later it was provided by law enforcement that the shooter was 20 year old Thomas Matthew Crooks) in an unrelated event I began my radio program only to be kicked off of SKYPE (of which I was using to connect with the radio station) and not allowed to sign back in.  Then, my phone went to “emergency calls only” mode.

A little over a week ago a BBC Host said, “Hey, Biden, hurry up and have former President Trump murdered.”

The Democrats, and the Bidens, have made it clear, they’d rather burn the White House than be forced to abandon their seat of power.

We have leftists trying to blow up electrical substations, are killing their own families, Democrat controlled executive departments targeting conservatives, are opening Americans up to violence by illegal invaders, and have been committing voter fraud (one case where Utah ballots were sent out of State).  They have been working to create fear among Trump supporters, and have falsely labeled Trump and his supporters as being fascists, White Supremacists, and violent insurrectionists.  Then, they weaponized the courts and attacked Trump with over 90 indictments.  As a result, Trump has become more popular, and the defeat of the Democrats, even if they try to cheat to win, is becoming inevitable.

They have no where else to turn, and this will not be the final attempt on Trump’s life.

And then, when they don’t succeed in killing Trump, they will turn on Americans.  Violence against Trump’s supporters is next.  Be careful out there, the enemy is in revolution mode.

Political Pistachio Conservative News and Commentary


By Douglas V. Gibbs
Author, Speaker, Instructor, Radio Host

A Harvard Study determined that Independence Day makes more Republicans.  It was as if they were disappointed.  Do they actually had our patriotic holiday that commemorates the birth of our country through the Declaration of Independence?  It is true, people feel a little more American on Independence Day.  And, I suppose, during that moment of clarity they begin to realize where their politicians lie on the patriotism scale, and that perhaps the ideals America stands for are worth celebrating and supporting.  

Patriotism angers Democrats.  Some lefties go so far as to endorse a “F**k the Fourth” line of thinking when it comes to our country’s Independence Day birthday.  Liberty so angers Democrats and their Marxist allies that they’ve come to the conclusion that the American Flag is a racist, hateful, and oppressive symbol of extremism.
The term “American Exceptionalism” also angers Democrats.  They consider it as being something that possesses a bit of arrogance.  God angers Democrats.  Morality angers Democrats.  Even the simplest rules of biology gets them all bent out of shape.  Marxism has indoctrinated them to chase after the most idiotic stuff so much that pretty much everything American angers the Democrat Progressive Lefty Communist crazies out there — which makes me think that Independence Day must render them damn-near catatonic.
Happy Independence Day, God Bless America, and let’s rally behind either getting Donald Trump elected to the presidency in 2024, or stopping the downward spiral into communism (the first might be necessary to achieve the second, I think).

I can hear the lefty libtard heads exploding from here.

You can be a fan of Trump and his boisterous version of Republican Party antics, or don’t like him, I don’t care.  In the end you have to admit it is funny watching the lefty Democrats get all bent out of shape over a single person.  It amazes me how much rage they launch into over a man who, before 2016, they were likely a fan of.
Always remember: Our Rights Come from God, and the natural order of things is what our natural rights are based upon.  The truths of natural law are obvious, apparent, and self-evident.  We know that boys are boys and girls are girls, fossil fuels are what powered us to greatness in the first place and to abandon oil would collapse our entire system, the climate changes naturally (not due to the less than one percent of carbon dioxide we throw into the system), a country without secure borders and strict immigration laws which are executed is not a country, physical currency keeps total control of our economy by tyrants at bay, abortion is another word for murdering babies, voting is a privilege of citizenship and requiring ID to stop fraud is not racist, the current inflation and supply chain problems are a direct result of Democrat Party policies,  the high gas prices are due to bad policies that limit domestic production and transportation of oil/fuel, homelessness is out of control because leftist policies encourage it, the best way to preserve life is to make sure every American of a reasonable age is armed without restrictions (keep and bear arms means to own and conceal carry…it’s a God given right that protects us from the type of government that has emerged), the pandemic was a lie designed to make Big Pharma lots of money as well as centralize more power into the hands of government, it is idiotic to think that reparations must be paid by people who never owned slaves to people who were never slaves, systemic racism is a lie perpetuated by a bunch of Marxists who believe they will only get their communist utopia through class conflict, prayer changes things and is not only just fine in the public square — it must be encouraged, support for Israel is a must, and Donald Trump is one of the best Presidents this country has had.  
Oh…and…masculinity was exactly what we needed to win the Revolutionary War, and every war since; it makes for a better America.  Thank God men were men, and women were women.
Our Anti-American Biden Administration stands against Independence Day, and all it represents.  They are doing what they can to erase American greatness from our sight with censorship and the toppling of statues, but in the end they can’t change our hearts.

The Marxist progressive leftist Democrats have revealed they are enemies of the United States.  Their belief system is fundamentally opposed to everything America represents.

They reject the fixed principles laid down by the Declaration of Independence and the U.S. Constitution. They believe that either the Constitution can be twisted as they wish with their interpretation, or that it is an old document that needs replacing.  They wish to change America into something the Founding Fathers, and patriots like you and I, never intended.  

And today I don’t care what they think.  I will celebrate Independence Day as it should be, with pride in America and a longing for a return to the republic created by the Framers of the U.S. Constitution.  And, I will cherish the words from the Declaration of Independence, which explains that all men are created equal, and are endowed by our Creator with certain unalienable rights.

In other words, freedom, and opportunity.  Liberty and Prayer.  Prosperity through a free market, and a system in place that keeps government out of my life as much as possible.
Happy Independence Day.
— Political Pistachio Conservative News and Commentary
By Douglas V. Gibbs


An amazing thing has happened.  History is once again repeating itself.  Maybe not in the exact fashion as before, but essentially it is.  Now, at this moment in time, on this journey through history, we are at a crossroads; a fork in the road faced many times in history.  The choice is ours.  Do we step on the path of renewal, or do we trek down the road to tyranny and ruin?

Over two hundred years ago the national-government-minded Federalist Party, which abandoned true federalism the day they became a political party, realized that the limited-government Jeffersonian Republicans were a problem and if Jefferson won during the Election of 1800 he could undo all of their attempts to secure power under one umbrella; theirs.  The public was disappointed in the centralized bank, federal intrusion into local issues, and the false claim by the Adams Administration that it was taking care of foreign intrusion when in reality their Alien and Sedition Act was a tool being used to silence their opposition, and even jail and fine anyone who spoke out against the Federalist Party agenda.  As public opinion turned against the chaos being caused by the leftists in society, the Federalist Party turned to the courts, weaponizing the judicial branch to go after their enemies and ultimately they used a court-packing scheme that gave them dominance throughout the federal court system.  Then, when the election of 1800 arrived, they did everything they could to keep Thomas Jefferson from winning the presidency, and while their guys didn’t win a majority of electoral votes, neither did Jefferson.

In the end the decision landed in the lap of the House of Representatives.  Ultimately, thanks to a couple of States who, after nearly three dozen votes that left the Office of the President empty, had members like Congressman Lyons of Vermont who, after feeling the political wrath of the Hamiltonian Federalist Party, voted for Jefferson, the author of the Declaration of Independence became President of the United States.

What followed was the dismantling of the Federalist Party and the power-hungry deep-state.  Jefferson fired the Federalist Party allies of the bureaucracy, his Congress worked with him to reverse all of the Hamiltonian laws that were unconstitutional and wreaked of tyrannical policies, and Jefferson worked to reduce the National Debt every year of his presidency except one; the year he needed funding to target the Islamic threat of the Barbary Pirates.

The Presidency of Jefferson led to the demise of the Federalist Party, and ushered in a period known as the Era of Good Feelings.  From there, America grew, and liberty proved to be something valuable, successful, and something the world also desired.

Had things gone the other way, with the leftists already showing that they were willing to fine and jail their opposition, the potential was something nobody wanted to think about, and it would have not only been a disaster for the United States, but ultimately for the entire planet.

Today, we are amazed by the inflation caused by Democratic Party policies and monetary system influence by the central bank (Federal Reserve).  We have been alarmed by federal intrusion into local issues and the lives of Americans.  Foreign illegal immigration is at an all-time high with a foreign invasion that includes persons from countries who are vocal enemies of the United States.  The President claims to have policies in place to resolve the issue, but in truth it is being used to target his opposition, largely by making sure that chaos ensues, the rule of law is against the wall, and his administration is playing games that will enable people not eligible to vote to impact the upcoming election.  Schemes have been used to silence their opposition, and they’ve even gone as far as to fine and jail their political opponents.  As public opinion has turned against them they have turned to the courts, but the United States Supreme Court has not been playing their game as they would hope, so they have begun to attack the high court as well, threatening to pack the court so that they can dominate the court system and use it to maintain their semblance of power.  They are doing everything they can to stop Donald Trump from winning the presidency, but it is beginning to look like their efforts are all for naught.

We are at a crossroads; a fork in the road faced many times in history.  Do we step on the path of renewal, or do we trek down the road to tyranny and ruin?

Then, the recent CNN debate happened.  An old man barely able to keep his eyes open looked so horrible that even the Democrats were alerted to his incompetency.  The walls closed in on him during the debate as he stammered, grasping for straws, and then he lied; over and over again.

When Trump brought up Biden’s disaster in Afghanistan, Joe blamed Trump for the debacle, and falsely claimed there were no lives lost.  In fact, Biden falsely claims that no lives have been lost during his entire watch as President.

Trump brought up immigration, the issue that led to his successful election in 2016, and Biden claimed the onrush of illegal aliens into the country is Trump’s false, and then falsely claimed his policies were common sense ways of keeping families together.  As Biden claims that the illegal aliens are good for the country, the reality is that the criminal element has been killing Americans, and many will be illegally voting in the upcoming election.  In the end, Biden’s policies encourages the illegal alien entry into the United States.  His policies do not curb the activity no matter how much he claimed that to be the case during the debate.

Meanwhile, despite their majority control of the inferior federal courts, the U.S. Supreme Court is challenging the Democratic Party’s demand for federal control of everything, among the latest being the upending of the Chevron deference.  In short, the Supreme Court held up the separation of powers doctrine, explaining the executive branch cannot make their own laws.

Like the Federalist Party in 1800, the Democrats are in panic mode. 

As the media lies and does what it can to stop the bleeding, even operating in an obvious manner that defies reality, the Democrats are already beginning to turn on the media claiming that any loss of popularity of the Democrats will be the media’s fault

We know that the problem is not Biden’s policies because they are somehow solely his ideas; his policies are the policies of the Democratic Party, which means it doesn’t matter who’s in office, they all are a danger to liberty.  Biden is simply the guy who is the face of the party at the moment.  The Democrats, however, operate largely on perception.  They are tyrants, but they yearn to be seen as moderates.  The problem is, the best person to give them the look of not being the radicals they truly are is seriously not a man capable of carrying out the responsibilities of the Office of the President of the United States.  His lack of mental acuity is not only bad for the Democratic Party, he poses as a threat to national security.  To use a little sleight of hand the Democrats have leaned heavily on the issue of abortion, but their position is not as popular with the public as they seem to be telling themselves

Biden revealed in the debate, and has been revealing all along, that he can only operate for short stints at a time, but despite his shortcomings he is determined to remain in office and in the race during the 2024 Election cycle.  In fact, Biden has verbalized that he somehow won support with his debate performance.  You can’t fill a vacancy if a vacancy doesn’t materialize, so the Democratic Party has no choice but to support Biden, well knowing that his continuance as the Democratic Party’s candidate will also negatively influence the down-ballot candidates.  And, as much as they are trying to distance themselves from Kamala Harris, if Biden stays in, so does Harris.  The thing is, the Democrats knew that all of the problems the public now sees clearly existed all along, which is exactly why they’ve been hiding the Hur Report, despite the GOP’s calls for the tapes to be released.

They can’t help themselves.  Their arrogance and allegiance to tyranny dooms them to follow the same path of all of the tyrants of history.  The Democrats are using the same playbook as all tyrannies in the past.  They have shown who they are, and in an effort to secure power they have painted themselves into a corner.  They are stuck with Biden, and they have revealed their tyrannical nature and schemes.  All there is left for them now is to lose (again) to Trump and regroup, or go full tyranny and expose themselves further as the true tyrants of modern times that they are.

The Democrats and their leftist allies are not roaming the halls of government to defend the constitution, bring down your grocery prices, or make sure the free market works for all Americans.  They are in it for one reason, and one reason only.  They infest America’s political system because they want total power in their hands.

Despite claiming they have the country’s best interests in mind, they are no different than the Pharaohs of Egypt, the tyrants of Ancient Greece, the Caesars of Rome, the monarchs of the Old World, the Napoleons of France, the Kaisers and NAZIs of Germany, the communists of the Soviet Union and Communist China (and every other communist country) or the tyrants of Islam.  They have no interest in honestly debating issues because they can’t win in the arena of ideas.  They have gone too far to care about debate.  They sit on highways preventing people from getting to an airport or important personal engagements because of their pet causes, they cancel you if you dare say anything that disagrees with their sensitivities, they set fire to cities like Portland and Seattle and then call it a peaceful demonstration, they don’t care if there is a ton of data proving that their Climate Change scam has been proven wrong by real science, they don’t care if there is a ton of data explaining how EV cars are overall more detrimental to the environment than they claim, and they don’t care if nature produces more CO2 than humans and that all of the end-of-the-world climate predictions have never come to be because they don’t understand that those actions are the actions of the pawns of tyrants.  They feel rage when you talk because they are mindless tools of a leftist, Marxist, communist takeover of America, and they will threaten you if you dare cross them without even realizing they are clones of the Brown Shirts and Black Shirts of NAZI and communist history.  They have been ideologically programmed to hate anything that stands outside the narrative they have been trained to embrace, even if that means completely disregarding truth, facts, or evidence to the contrary of what they’ve been programmed to believe.

There is only power—their power—or at least that is what they’ve been convinced to embrace.

The leftists of the Democratic Party, and their radical allies, claim they seek to preserve democracy, even though we are a republic (see my book, Repeal Democracy, to learn the difference), but the will of the people or following the true rule of law is not inside their realm of interests.  Their goal is power through their version of leftism.  And controlling the United States is not the end-game.  Theirs is a cancer on the body politic that has spread within every Western country, despite the fact that we fought and defeated the same kind of thinking twice (NAZI Germany and the Soviet Union) during the last one hundred years.  They don’t see themselves as those tyrants, however, for theirs, in their minds, is a more modern and fair tyranny that improves their poor victimhood lives, while shutting down and silencing anyone who dares to stand against them.  Of course, as we know from history, when this kind of tyranny rises, only the lives of the rulers improve.  Despite all of their promises and claims, they can’t improve society.  Only liberty and the free market improves society as a whole.  Theirs is a system of power and tyranny that feeds like a vampire on the lives of the people they claim to be there for, which in the end only improves the lives of the tyrants in charge.  In the end, history shows us over and over, that the tyranny being offered by the Democrats is a derailed train that controls all of the levers of power, and destroys economies and societies.  They care not what works, they care only to appease their gods of power through communist schemes, climate lies, and anything they can muster that stabs God and Liberty square in the eye.

The Trump Train, however, remains on the tracks, and it frightens them greatly.  They have no political answer for him.  Biden could not compete with Trump on the debate stage.  Using the courts against him has backfired and Trump is more popular than ever.  Their bench is shallow, and their patience is short.  Their only hope, and I fully expect them to act upon their limited options, is to simply remove Trump, and then begin the process of jailing (or worse) anyone who supported him.

That’s what tyrannies do, history has shown us the truth many times. 

Of course, their victory, and death to liberty, is not the only option.  Like Thomas Jefferson, I believe we can find a way to stop them, lead them to their demise, and usher in a new Era of Good Feelings.  A key to that path not only requires Donald Trump to win in November, but it requires that he has a Congress that allies with him along the way.  Our job in that equation is simple.  We must simply make it happen with a massive vote and support system that is too big to rig.

Political Pistachio Conservative News and Commentary