Class Announcements

Tuesday Online Constitution Class

Tuesday Constitution Class

4:00 PM Pacific




I am at my new location on the Oregon Coast, and even though things are a little disheveled, it is time to start all over with the United States Constitution. Join us for one hour tonight for an Introduction to the Constitution discussion on Rumble 4pm Pacific/7pm Eastern.

Online Mr. Constitution Class


Untold History Channel

Learn about all of the classes at:

Torrance Constitution Class: THE END

Torrance Constitution Class

Tonight we are, in addition to class, having a little fun for our final hurrah…

The meal before class will be at 4pm at:

El Amigo #3

4438 E. 182nd St.,

Redondo Beach


Friday Night Torrance Constitution Class, 6:00 pm,

Woodlake Apartments Club House

5410 West 190th St.

Torrance, CA


Bring a dessert for a final dessert potluck for my final goodbye to the Torrance Class. I hope to see those of you in the area there (and maybe a few outliers if you dare make the drive all the way out to Los Angeles County).

Tonight’s Lesson: The End




For all of the handouts, go to:

Fallbrook’s Last Hurrah

  • Tuesday, July 2, 11 am: Fallbrook’s final Constitution Class with a Bar-B-Que afterward, hosted by the pastor of the church where we hold class. As with the other opportunities, all of my Constitution peeps are invited (that means you, too, Vista Class Folks!)

Emanuel Baptist Church

911 Elder Street


Tuesday Online Constitution Class: Final Amendments

Tuesday Constitution Classes

4:00 PM Pacific

Online Class

While the final countdown to my departure from Southern California has commenced, and this week all of my live in-person classes (except Torrance) have been canceled, tonight’s online class will air as scheduled. See you today (Tuesday) at 4pm for what might be the final class before we start over with the Preamble on July 10.

Online Mr. Constitution Class


Untold History Channel

For Past Episodes on YouTube before we moved to Rumble go to:

Learn about all of the classes at:

Torrance Constitution Class

Torrance Constitution Class

Friday Night Torrance Constitution Class, 6:00 pm,

Woodlake Apartments Club House

5410 West 190th St.

Torrance, CA

If you did not prepay, $15 per person per session

Tonight’s Lesson: War Between the States & Progressive Era


For all of the handouts, go to: