By Douglas V. Gibbs
Author, Speaker, Instructor, Radio Host

The power hungry governors, county officials, and mayors of the Blue States revealed who they really are during this COVID-19 coronavirus scamdemic.  In all fairness, I kept track of party affiliation if possible, and there is one Republican on the list.  All of the rest are either Democrats, or I couldn’t find out what the party affiliation was (marked with a ?).  Here’s the worst (in addition to stay at home orders, mandatory face covering orders, and banning group gatherings):

Brighton Colorado Police, ?:

California Governor Gavin Newsom, Democrat:

Champaign, Illinois Mayor Deborah Frank Feinen, Democrat:

  • Used declaration of a coronavirus emergency to ban the sale of guns; Bearing Arms
Colorado Governor Jared Polis, Democrat:
  • Shut down restaurant on Mother’s Day for violating shutdown order, “in the name of science”; Washington Times
Dallas City Attorney, ?:
  • Prosecuted salon owner for remaining open.  Business was shut down by force, she was arrested, sentenced to seven days in jail, and ordered to pay fines by Civil District Judge; Gateway Pundit … Judge is an Obama loyalist; Gateway Pundit
Florida Monroe County Police, State Department of Transportation, ?:
  • Police checkpoints established to stop people from crossing stateline into Florida, threaten $500 fine or up to 60 days in jail; Business Insider
Illinois Governor J.B. Pritzker, Democrat:
  • After issuing order closing all restaurants and bar, his wife is caught in a bar violating the order; NewsMax
  • Threatens fines and prison against business owners who violate order by opening businesses before he says they can; The Hill
Kansas Governor Laura Kelly, Democrat:
  • Sues Republican legislature for overturning executive order banning church gatherings; Fox News
Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti, Democrat:
  • Wet sand okay, but stay off of dry sand; LA Times
Louisiana Governor John Bel Edwards, Democrat:
  • Threatened churches he would use military force to shut them down; Western Journal.

Louisville Kentucky Mayor Greg Fischer, Democrat:

Maine Governor Janet Mills, Democrat:
  • Strips business of business license for violating shutdown order; Boston dot com
Maryland Governor Larry Hogan, Democrat:

Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer, Democrat:

  • A ban on using commercial lawn service; Detroit News
  • Stay at home order, calls protests “life endangering”; MSNBC
  • Claims authoritarianism is okay when it’s snowing; TODAY SHOW
  • Closes churches, but keeps abortion clinics open, calling them “life sustaining”; Fox News, 100 percent fed up
  • Legislature votes to sue governor over her orders, calling them an overreach of authority; TownHall
  • Forced most businesses to close, ordered a limitation of goods at those businesses she allowed to remain open; Rev
  • Used force to shut down 77 year old barber who defied her shutdown order; TownHall
  • Sent patients across state lines even though there were 1,000 empty beds in Detroit; Gateway Pundit
New Jersey Governor Phil Murphy, Democrat:
  • Shuts down gun sales background check system because he considers firearm purchases non-essential business; TownHall
New Jersey State Health Department, Democrat:
  • Police force used to shut down reopened gym, despite the fact that other “non-essential” businesses around the State are being given the okay to reopen; NBC 10
  • Four New Jersey cities establish police check points to enforce coronavirus stay-at-home rule; New Jersey dot com
New Mexico Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham, Democrat:
  • Demands federal funding in phone call to President Trump because she believes coronavirus will wipe out Native American Tribal Nations; U.S. News and World Report
New Orleans Mayor LaToya Cantrell, Democrat:
  • The mayor of New Orleans, a city infamous for confiscating firearms in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina 15 years ago, issued a COVID-19 emergency order last week allowing her to suspend the sale of firearms; TownHall.
New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio, Democrat”
  • Beaches closed, swimmers will be “taken right out of the water”; The Hill
  • Claims coronavirus opportunity to nationalize all industries; Fox News
  • Mosque allowed to remain open as churches are shut down; Big League Politics
  • Keeps quiet that expectations were far worse than reality of empty hospitals, and the Naval Hospital Ship left due to receiving no patients; Sara A. Carter
New York Governor Andrew Cuomo, Democrat: 
  • Forced Nursing Homes to Admit COVID-19 positive patients; Fox News
  • Golf Courses closed during pandemic; Forbes
  • New York caught padding the numbers of deaths by falsely labeling on death certificates coronavirus the cause of death; Gateway Pundit
  • Shuts down Broadway; U.S. News and World Report
New York Nassau County Official Laura Curran, Democrat:
  • Bans doubles tennis, singles okay if open court between players, don’t touch other people’s tennis balls; New York Post
Ohio Governor Mike Dewine, Republican:
  • Orders voting polls shut down mere hours before Primary Election; CNBC
Pennsylvania Governor Tom Wolf, Democrat:
  • Orders all gun stores in the State to shut down.  After lawsuit, Pennsylvania State Supreme Court lets order stand; TownHall
  • Tweets threats against those who dare to defy his orders, threatens consequences against county leadership who disobeys his orders; Twitter
  • Pennsylvania caught padding number of coronavirus deaths after coroners come forward; Western Journal
  • Caught padding number of coronavirus deaths directly tied to governor; Gateway Pundit
Rathdrum Idaho Police Department, ?:
San Diego, ?:
  • Organizer of a protest against coronavirus orders arrested; CBS 8
  • Beach-goers in San Diego cited for watching sunset at the beach; Times of San Diego
  • Visitors to beach cited for non-essential travel, including persons eating lunch in their car in the parking lot at the beach; NBC San Diego
San Francisco Mayor London Breed, Democrat:
  • Using law enforcement to execute stay at home order against citizens; CNN
San Jose City Council, Democrat:
  • Considers gun stores non-essential, orders them to shut down; Mercury News
Seattle City Council, Democrat:
  • $100 million coronavirus fund created for illegal aliens; Sean Hannity
Washington Governor Jay Inslee, Democrat:
Westport Connecticut Police Chief Foti Koskinas:
Wisconsin Governor Tony Evers, Democrat:
  • State Supreme Court finds governor’s orders an overreach of authority; RedState
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