Constitution Radio with 
Douglas V. Gibbsas V. Gibbs 
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1-3 pm Pacific Time on Saturday Afternoon … or if you miss the show, listen later to the archived podcast at 
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Today’s Guest: DOUG OSE, CHAIRMAN, Rebuild California Foundation.  A Sacramento native and graduate of UC Berkeley, Ose rose to business prominence constructing real estate projects in the Sacramento area. In 1998, Ose ran for and was elected to Congress. He served three terms. His committee assignments were Committee on Financial Services, Committee on Agriculture, and Committee on Government Reform. His focus was on capital markets, rice and specialty crops, and energy and regulatory affairs, respectively. Honoring a term limit pledge, Ose returned to Sacramento after 2004 and went back into private business. 

Ose continues to be active in real estate and investment in the Sacramento area. He has been married to Lynnda Ose for 31 years. They have two grown daughters.  Ose argues that California Governor Gavin Newsom’s massive overreach during this lockdown is unconstitutional, and he is collapsing California into a “one-man rule” system with his unprecedented number of executive orders.  Stunned by the list of “allowed outdoor activities” released by the Governor, Ose responded, “What the public is rightly concerned about is that everything we were warned about in our high school civics classes about one-man rule or Soviet-style governance is playing out under some of these public health directives that attempt to limit our daily activities.”  Doug Ose joins us today on Constitution Radio, during the first hour.

Then, we will discuss:

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