By Douglas V. Gibbs
May 1 is also known as May Day.  It represents the shadowy cloud left behind by Karl Marx.  In 1889 it became International Workers’ Day.
“Workers of the world, unite!”
Except, communism (a.k.a. socialism, progressivism, liberalism (modern day, not classical), utopianism) fails every time it is tried.
Lenin and Stalin carried on Marx’s theories, and slaughtered civilizations.  Hitler honored Marx while claiming to be the opposite of Marx with the Day of National Work. Khrushchev honored Marx with violent rhetoric and spectacular parades.  All on May 1.
But, it didn’t stop there.
Today’s Democrat Party is resurrecting Marx, and a communist cultural revolution has America in its grip.  Wokeism, some might call it.  In truth, it is two things: A push to make communist principles and schemes mainstream, and an attempt to kill all things that have anything to do with Creation (and in the end, the destruction of the belief in God).
Communism fails because it cannot sustain itself.  Liberal left progressive socialist collectivism is unable to survive on its own.  It is a parasite that is dependent upon free market economics.  Without a free market, capitalist system, government dependency goes broke, and breaks into riots, and starvation.  Just ask every country in Africa except Botswana and South Africa (until they too, lately, also headed in a leftist direction).  Observe Brazil and Venezuela.  Recognize what started in Greece, and is infecting the rest of Europe.
May Day reminds us that Karl Marx has not gone away.  Communism exists as it always has as the dark side to the right side.  He exists in Black Lives Matter.  Marx hangs on in La Raza, Antifa, and the alphabet lifestyle agenda.  Communism is alive and well in the hard-left policies of the Democrat Party, and their accomplices known as RINOs in the Republican Party.  Marx remains powerful because the radicals remain in place, and they are conducting a new revolution.
Marx understood that his system was parasitic.  That’s why China finally inserted a little bit of capitalism into their communist system.  They needed the economic boost.  The government control, however, is going to bring it all crashing down, eventually.
Free economic systems work.  That’s why socialist Nelson Mandela kept the British Saxon system in place in South Africa for a while.  South Africa prospered under capitalism, but has been in collapse ever since the free market system was abandoned.  Marxism and Islam has devastated the rest of Africa with violence, hunger, and poverty.
Socialist Marxists are hypocrites.  They want the workers to unite and be alike (equitable) in mediocrity, but the political leaders expect to live in luxury.  Marx’s personal life was the same.  Full of hypocrisy.
Marx preached communism, but lived through capitalism.
So do the leading politicians of the Democrat Party.
May Day is the history of international workers’ day.  It is a celebration of Karl Marx, the father of communism, and the Democrat liberal left progressives are celebrating it today.
The Soviet Union collapsed, and our country has been in big trouble, thanks to leftist policies.  Marxism is an opponent of the United States Constitution.  Yet, some Americans celebrate Marx’s May Day.
Shouldn’t that be considered treasonous?
— Political Pistachio Conservative News and Commentary

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