Life Legal Defense is representing pro-life advocates, led by the Survivors of the Abortion Holocaust, who were arrested last week at a California abortion facility. The pro-lifers were engaged in a peaceful protest outside Zuckerberg San Francisco General Hospital (ZSFG). University of California San Francisco (UCSF) is partnered with ZSFG, which performs abortions and then provides the remains of the aborted babies to UCSF’s research labs. The hospital bears the name of Facebook founder and CEO Mark Zuckerberg, who has come under fire for suppressing and censoring pro-life speech.
UCSF is known for its gruesome experimentation with fully developed pre-born babies.
The pro-lifers engaged in the demonstration to raise awareness about human subject experimentation at UCSF, including bizarre procedures in which fetal intestines and reproductive tracts were transplanted into laboratory rodents.
From LLDF release 11/23