Constitution Radio


Douglas V. Gibbs, 

Saturdays, 1-3 pm Pacific

Call in Number: 951-922-3532

  • Seven Signs Trump Won the 2020 Election
    • 1) Biden won a record low 16.7% of counties in the US but had the most votes of any presidential candidate ever. 10 million more than Obama.
    • 2) Voter turnout for every election in the past 100 years fell within 2 standard deviations but 2020 was above 3 standard deviations. This should happen roughly 1 in every 2,666 elections and is 99.7% indicative of voter fraud.
    • 3) Republicans won all 27 “contested” House seats but lost the presidency?
    • 4) The winner has always carried 15 or more of the 17 Bellwether counties but Biden won just 1 of them.
    • 5) Trump had the highest % of non-white votes of any Republican in history.
    • 6) Biden was down more than 10% in NY but up huge in very specific large cities –but only in the cities in battleground states.
    • 7) 450,000+ ballots in battleground cities had a vote for only Biden. No down ballot votes cast, no independents, green party or write in candidates voted for on those ballots.
    • FrontPageMag: Why Trump Will Win
  • Trump Pardons General Michael Flynn
  • Overwhelming Evidence
  • Patrick Byrne: Election 100% Rigged
  • Analysis Reveals multiple anomalies from election
  • Congressman McClintock congratulates Governor Gavin Newsom

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