By Douglas V. Gibbs
Author, Speaker, Instructor, Radio Host

While the passing of Ruth Bader Ginsburg, a long-serving Supreme Court justice, has many political ramifications, I want to be careful here and try not to journey into disrespectful territories.  I was not a fan of her politics.  I had a problem with her when she told Egypt not to use the U.S. Constitution as a model.  Her voting record was, in my opinion, one of the most far left, unconstitutional, records in judicial history.  But, she was considered a pioneer by many people, and despite the fact that I disagreed with her pretty much all of the time, she was talented enough to become a Supreme Court Justice … not a feat that should be scoffed at.

She died today.  She was 87.

Some people I have talked to have believed she’s been dead for some time, and that the Democrats were trying to delay knowledge of her death until after the election with the hopes that a Democrat Party President of the United States could choose her replacement.  This news of her death, today, however, cancels the Ruth Bader “Weekend at Bernie’s” Ginsburg jokes.  What it does do, though, is place the country in a very interesting position.

Suddenly, we have a president who may be able to have three justices appointed in his first term.  While over a dozen past presidents have appointed more than three Supreme Court justices during their presidencies, it is not exactly a common occurrence to appoint more than one or two.
In this time of political division, and fears by both sides about the advances of their opponents, this third appointment (and possibly another one should Trump win reelection) could have an impact on the direction of the United States for generations.
Ginsburg, a hardcore liberal, was appointed to the Supreme Court in 1993 by President Bill Clinton.  Clinton’s other appointment, Justice Steven Breyer, has also had his share of issues with health, and some believe his seat will also become available within the next four years.

Liberal Democrats pressured Ginsburg to step down during the Obama years, but she refused.  Perhaps she was sure Hillary Clinton would be the President following Obama, and perhaps she felt strong enough in her mind that she felt she would outlive Trump’s terms should he be the 45th President.

Ginsburg is only the second female justice to sit on the United States Supreme Court, and the Democrats championed her as a great feminist and a woman who has helped shatter the “glass ceiling” for women.

Her work in the federal court system began long before she was appointed to the High Court.  In 1980, President Jimmy Carter appointed her to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit, where she served until Clinton tapped her for the Supreme Court. 

Ginsburg battled cancer for years, four times, until finally this time pancreatic cancer put her in a position to leave this world.  She is survived by her children, Jane and James.  
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