By Douglas V. Gibbs
Author, Speaker, Instructor, Radio Host

When using Cultural Marxism to destroy a society, the word “Old” is used.  The Communist Chinese, specifically, call it the “Four Olds”.  Mao’s vision was to rid China of Old Customs, Old Culture, Old Habits and Old Ideas.  The same is being applied against the United States by the Democrats.

There is a fifth “Old” on that list, which the Soviets, Fascists, and Chinese Communists (including down into Southeast Asia) all used.  Get rid of Old History.
If you eliminate Old History, old customs, old culture, old habits and old ideas largely die with it.  Take down statues, destroy any signs of the rich history of a targeted society, rewrite the history books, convince the people great things in history never happened and are a part of an expanding list of conspiracy theories, and the party that is seeking becoming the ruling communist party must even erase their own history or project it onto their opposition.
The Democrats have projected their racist history of being the pro-slavery white supremacist Jim Crow KKK party onto their opponents, they have convinced folks that great achievements by Americans never happened (like landing on the moon…if you support that theory you are helping the communists destroy America), and they are trying to erase their tracks in the things that Americans can still remember.
In their latest Cultural Marxism move, the House Democrats are seeking to “Repeal 2002 Iraq War Authorization“.
Conservatives and Republicans have used the 2002 vote by Democrats to support the invasion of Iraq as a sign of hypocrisy by the Democrats.  They “voted for the war before they were against it”, is the common theme used.  Yes, George W. Bush is a globalist, and the invasion was ultimately something the global Marxist cabal was able to use to their advantage, but in the grand scheme of things the Democrats believe they need to be seen as united against any Republican, ever, and voting in favor of a Bush decision is a stain on that “united front against the GOP” endeavor.
Personally, I didn’t have a problem with hitting Iraq at the time, I just didn’t like the way it was carried out.  We should have targeted the weapons of mass destruction without telegraphing our plans (so that Saddam Hussein didn’t have time to move the weapons to Pakistan and Syria as he did … that’s right, the “there were no WMDs” narrative is a false one, as well), and then departed without any ground troops being used, and without the stupid idea of a regime change (which simply creates a void and opens the area up for something worse to fill it).  
Last Thursday, June 17, 2021, The House of Representatives voted to repeal the 2002 Authorization for Use of Military Force in Iraq with a 268-to-161 vote.  Almost all of the Democrats were joined in the vote by 49 turncoat Republicans.

You can’t undo what you did.  It is a part of history, good, bad, or in between.  However, since the Democrats later changed their mind and decided they were later against the Iraq Resolution passed in response to 9/11, which gave President George W. Bush broad authority to green-light military operations in Iraq in order to fight Islamic terror, it has become imperative that they erase that decision the best they can. 

The argument being presented is that it continues to give the executive branch broad discretion over military actions in the country, and the repeal is simply to make sure no other President uses it for operations in Iraq since the war has been over for nearly 10 years.

Republicans who oppose the repeal have said although some powers should be peeled back, there needs to be a new authorization in place so that Iran, a major state sponsor of terror, is not emboldened to commit more acts of terrorism.

“This short sighted and purely political effort to repeal the authority without a replacement sends the wrong message and will embolden the Islamic terror groups and the world’s largest state sponsor of terror, Iran,” stated my own Representative in Congress, Ken Calvert (R-California). “I urge my colleagues to vote no on this bill until we have a viable replacement that addresses the threat of Iran and its proxies. We have already turned our backs on Afghanistan.”

The bill has yet to get through the U.S. Senate where it is expected to face stronger opposition.

Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell has already spoken out against it while arguing the authorization extends far beyond the Iraq war.

Political Pistachio Conservative News and Commentary

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