By Douglas V. Gibbs
Author, Speaker, Instructor, Radio Host

The word on the street is that California is now so deep blue that the GOP ought to just close its doors in the State, and quit offering candidates.  Gavin Newsom, the former mayor of San Francisco and Lieutenant Governor of California, is the new radical Democrat Governor of the Golden State, and he makes hard lefty Jerry Brown look conservative.  All of the other State positions went to Democrats, as well, and according to the media, the Democrats have also secured a super-majority in both houses of the State legislature.

Except, there’s a problem.

The votes are not done being counted.

In California the number of registered voters is higher than the number of eligible voters.  The number is downright ridiculously high in eleven counties, with Los Angeles County at 112%, and San Diego County at 138%San Francisco has decided to register illegal aliens, DMV definitely registered illegal aliens to vote, and a number of those illegals not registered probably voted illegally for the dead, the moved, or those who hadn’t shown up to the polls yet.  Meanwhile, hundreds of thousands of legally registered voters have been left off of rosters, DMV knocked 23,000 voters off the rolls, and another 3,000 registrations were found unattended.  And that’s the garbage we know about.  God knows how much fraud and error actually went into California’s elections (and other States).

Then, today I got a call from Mark Meuser, an election lawyer who ran as a Republican for Secretary of State, and according to him, in Riverside County alone there are still 225,000 ballots left to be counted.  So, while the Democrats say the election is over, the Bill Essayli versus Sabrina Cervantes race for California assembly, the last I looked earlier today, had a gap of only 700 votes between the candidates.

How can they say the election is over?

Why do we even allow the media to project winners?

Well, like Josef Stalin said, it’s not who votes that counts, but those who count the votes.

And in California, guess who’s counting the votes?

Political Pistachio Conservative News and Commentary

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