Mr. Constitution Hour airs every Saturday Night at 9pm.
K-Praise (
Mr. Constitution Hour on KPRZ is a radio broadcast that looks at The United States Constitution through the lens of Christianity. The program is hosted by Mr. Constitution Douglas V. Gibbs.
This Week: Mr. Constitution Hour by Douglas V. Gibbs; Elections, Presidential Immunity, Russian Collusion, and Biden’s gift of money to Hamas — Article I, Section 3 addresses presidential immunity, and what conditions must be met if a former President of the United States is to be indicted for actions during his presidency. The Constitution explains where the roles regarding the manners and procedures of elections lie, as well. Can the federal government interfere as it has been? While we all know that the Russia, Russia, Russia collusion claim was untrue, more is coming out about how much of a false production the whole thing was, and how Russia’s Vladimir Putin really wanted Hillary Clinton to win. Meanwhile, Biden’s gifts to Hamas for killing 1,200 Israelis on October 7 is astounding.
Past episodes are available at the radio station’s podcast page set up for Doug
and at
And on the following podcast platforms:
I-Heart Radio
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