By Douglas V. Gibbs
Author, Speaker, Instructor, Radio Host

Rahm Emanuel once famously said, “Never let a crisis go to waste.”  He meant that when a crisis arises, big government progressives like him must do what they can to increase government intrusion into our lives.  In short, when it comes to the coronavirus, while the presence of the virus on our planet is true, it is a reality that the virus makes people sick, and it can kill some people who have compromised or lower immune systems, it is also providing just the crisis the left had been hoping for to shove government down our throats just a little bit more. 

The fact that the disease has spread around the world is true.  The hysteria, however, is manufactured.  The virus is being intentionally misrepresented as something we would see in science fiction dystopia movies, with the intent to create panic, and use the crisis as a political weapon against the Trump administration.  The progressive left intends for the coronavirus to be Trump’s Katrina, a convenient opportunity during an election year.

California is one of the States with what is considered a large number of coronavirus cases.  125,000 cases have been identified worldwide.  80,000 cases have been confirmed in China, and 1,300 cases have emerged in the United States.  198 of those cases have hit California, with eight cases in Southern California, all of them in Riverside County’s desert communities east of the Los Angeles Basin along Interstate 10 heading east pass the San Gorgonio Pass area towards the deep desert and the State of Arizona.
I live in Riverside County, and in my county store shelves are looking more bare than usual, and thanks to a recommendation by Governor Gavin Newsom, large gatherings are being cancelled.  Countrywide, the NBA, MLS, and NHL have all cancelled the remainder of their seasons, and the NCAA has cancelled March Madness.  Disneyland is closed, as are other places that generally attract crowds.  Schools are cancelling classes, and are in many cases moving everything online.  All of this in the name of stopping the spread of the disease.
In other countries, like Italy, the whole nation is shutting down.  And, you know, I kind of get it.  The dead have piled up to the tune of 1,016, with 15,113 cases of the coronavirus in that country.
That all said, this is not the Black Death that wiped out Europe during the Dark Ages, or a global scourge of death like in Stephen King’s The Stand, or the massive list of zombie apocalypse movies we have seen in theaters.  I agree we should be concerned regarding any viral threat, but we must not live in fear, or overstate the realities for the sake of political expediency.
The world population is a bit more than seven and a half billion people, with about 125,000 cases of the coronavirus that have been reported.  Yes, it is likely the number is actually higher, but let’s go with what we know.  We are talking something like a millionth of a percent of the population testing positive for corona virus. Only 0.00000305 percent of the U.S. population has tested positive with the coronavirus.  Worldwide, roughly 1 out of every 15 million people have been infected, and in the U.S., 1 in every 3 million have been infected.  And, truth be told, a massive majority of those reported cases have already recovered.  80% of the people’s symptoms are mild, and of the over 4,000 deaths worldwide, nearly all of them were people who were older, or had some kind of condition that lowered their ability to fight off the disease.
Meanwhile, in recent history, we lose a little more than 10,000 people per year to the flu.  18,000 people have died from the Swine Flu, and when it first appeared in April of 2009, it took the Obama administration ten months to take action because they didn’t consider it that large of a threat.  HIV/AIDS has killed 36 million since its emergence in 1981.
The coronavirus, based on those numbers, is not nearly the killer they are making it out to be.  In truth, it is actually a minor irritant.
Also, we are being told the coronavirus is spread from person to person, can remain airborne for about three hours, and you could be up to six feet from an infected person and catch it.  A distance beyond six feet from an infected person will likely keep you safe.
The common cold and our annual flu is more viral than that.
So why are we seeing all of the panic?  Why are we scrambling as if we are living in the world of Resident Evil?  Don’t get me wrong, I’m concerned, but I am not going to be hysterical about all of this, and I am disappointed that as citizens we are literally allowing the government to take advantage of this situation to dictate our lives even more so than usual, and blame a Trump administration that has not only been pro-active, but was criticized as being overcautious February 2 when the President shut down travel from China to the United States, and his decision to declare a public health emergency on January 31.  Back then, none of the Democrats supported the President’s actions, by the way.
In short, it’s a false flag being used as a political weapon against the President, and against Liberty.
Yes, be cautious.  Yes, I get it, take precautions to guard against the illness.  But, no, let’s not be hysterical, and let’s not be willing to give up our liberty for a promise of security when in truth, there’s not a lot a government can do about a virus.  Diseases spread.  It will get a lot worse before it gets better.  Wash your hands.  Cover your cough.  If you are sick, stay home.  But let’s not be hysterical.
Political Pistachio Conservative News and Commentary

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