By Douglas V. Gibbs
Author, Speaker, Instructor, Radio Host

California once had mobile hospitals and a ventilator stockpile. But it dismantled them – Los Angeles Times

Democrat Governors Exploit Coronavirus To Attack President Trump – Trending Politics

Pelosi Accuses Trump of Killing Americans in Coronavirus Crisis: “As President Fiddles, People are Dying”; Raises Watergate Impeachment Question – Gateway Pundit

DISGRACE: Hillary Mocks Trump After USA Tops Coronavirus Charts; ‘He Did Promise America First” – Trending Politics

Media Twists Trump’s Message About Governors Being “Appreciative”: “I’m not talking about me” – 100 Percent Fed Up (.com)

Rhode Island Public School Teacher Offers to Pay for Someone With Coronavirus to Cough on President Trump – Gateway Pundit

Andrew Cuomo Admits New York Has Thousands Of Unused Ventilators – American Lookout

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