Constitution Radio with Douglas V. Gibbs: Saturday at 1:00 pm Pacific, KMET 1490-AM

○ First Hour: Doug, Alex, and Dennis discuss issues through the lens of the U.S. Constitution

○ Second Hour: Doug, Glenn, Jan, and Diane discuss the issues from a Tea Party perspective

KMET 1490-AM

1-3 pm on Saturday Afternoon

archived podcast at


◉ First Hour: Constitution Radio CARSTAR/AllStar Collision Big Stories of the Week:
🚩 Why We Do What We Do

🚩 Sins of the Democrat

🚩 Judicial Corruption

🚩 China’s Artificial Intelligence
🚩 China’s Economic Gambit
with Alan Myers

◉ Second Hour: Conservative Voice Radio
Are we being groomed for another “illegitimate” election coming up? Intelligence Assessments that differ from the President’s.
The President’s Intelligence Assessment is Correct – What’s the Agenda Here?
THE WALL has legal standing! Will he use it? 
taken from 10 U.S. C. Section 284:
Another statute that authorizes the Secretary of Defense to assist civilian law enforcement with counterdrug activities may provide some authority for the construction of barriers along the border. 10 U.S.C. § 284 (Section 284) provides that the Secretary of Defense “may provide support for the counterdrug activities or activities to counter transnational organized crime” of any law enforcement agency, including through the “[c]onstruction of roads and fences and installation of lighting to block drug smuggling corridors across international boundaries of the United States…

Conservatives Have Had It! They are going to the Border to “build their own wall”!
Border Patrol Finds Drug Tunnel:
Largest Fentanyl Siezure Caught at Border:
It’s Time to Designate the Mexican Cartels as Terrorist Organizations!
GOP Lawmakers have a lower Liberty score than some radical Democrats!
New Green Deal Means and Old Socialist Ploy:
Patriots Owner Praises Trump:
Tech Tyranny! Facebook to silence Conservative Sites!
Is this another Fake News Covington Situation Aimed at demeaning MAGA patriots?
New York’s New Partial Birth Abortion Law is Accepted Before “Killing Puppies!”
“No Regrets” Governor of VA on Infanticide Law!
Democrat Radicals Propose Slashing Homeland Security Funding! Good Luck Border States!
The Rise of Anti-Semitism – Is all of this coincidental?
The Real Story Behind Maduro’s gold “heist” of Venezuelan Gold and the coutnries that are helping him stay in power.
CA’s Next Plan to rob its Citizens of their rightful vote in 2020!
CA’s Gov. Newsom’s Plan for Universal Health Care – What it means for us:
High School Students Disqualified from Debate because they quoted Jordan Peterson and Ben Shapiro! Parents Speak Up!

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