By Capt Joseph R. John, November 9, 2018, Op Ed # 411
US Marine Corp Birthday
We honor all US Marines not only on this November 10th, the US Marine Corps’ 243rdBirthday, but on every day. Over the last 9+ years, 35 of the 121 endorsed Combat Veterans For Congress were elected to Congress. In addition, 36 of the 121 endorsed Combat Veterans For Congress, were US Marines; they are listed on the Endorsements and Alumni pages of our Web site.
Eight of the 36 US Marines that were endorsed as Combat Veterans For Congress were elected to Congress. Those US Marines who have served their country in combat as US Marines, and subsequently continued their service to the Republic as members of US House of Representatives are Cong John P. Kline (Col-USMC/Ret), Cong Paul Cook (Col-USMC/Ret), Cong Duncan D. Hunter (Maj-USMCR), Cong Michael Coleman (Maj-USMC), Cong Michael J. Gallagher (Capt-USMC), Cong Steve T. Kuykendall (Capt-USMC), Cong Michael Gallagher (Capt-USMC), and Cong Michael Grimm (Sgt-USMC).
Veterans Day
On November 11th , Veterans Day, and every day we recognize and respect Veterans and active duty personnel who have served their country in the US Armed Forces in US History. We especially “Honor” members of the US Armed Forces who gave their last full measure of devotion in defense of the Republic. Veterans and active duty personnel can click on the below listed link to learn of the many deals and discounts that restaurants extend to thank them for their service on Veterans Day, and in some cases discounts are good on the Monday following Veterans Day.
Veterans Day Discounts:
Daily many Veterans, including US Marines, are still feeling the negative effects on their health from volunteering to defend the Republic. An average of 22 Veterans commit suicide every day, many of them are suffering from PTSD and disabling wounds , as a result of their duty on foreign fields in combat, and some have not been able to obtain timely or adequate medical treatment for their wounds or PTSD.
However, many millions of Veterans, including US Marines, continue to quietly go about their business to provide for and raise their families. They also to serve their country and their fellow countrymen in Law Enforcement, as First Responders, in Government service, as members of the clergy, in the Medical field, in Education, in the US Airlines, and in many other civilian endeavors. All Veterans, at one point in their lives, wrote a blank check made payable to “The United States of America” for an amount “up to and including their lives.”
By clicking on the below listed link, you will be able to listen to a powerful message delivered by President Ronald W. Reagan about “A Soldier and His Pledge.”
If you know or recognize a Veteran who served in the defense of the Republic, and have an opportunity to communicate with that Veteran, you can show your appreciation, by thanking them for their sacrifice and service.
Copyright by Capt Joseph R. John. All Rights Reserved. The material can only be posted on another Web site or distributed on the Internet by giving full credit to the author. It may not be published, broadcast, or rewritten without the permission from the author.
Joseph R. John, USNA ‘62
Capt USNR(Ret)/Former FBI
Chairman, Combat Veterans For Congress PAC
2307 Fenton Parkway, Suite 107-184
San Diego, CA 92108
Then I heard the voice of the Lord, saying, “Whom shall I send, and who will go for Us?” Then I said, “Here am I. Send me!”
-Isaiah 6:8
-Isaiah 6:8
— Political Pistachio Conservative News and Commentary