Fellow constitutionalists and patriots,

It is time to resume the Constitution Classes.  The long break was necessary not because I did not wish to defy the ridiculous and unconstitutional orders regarding the coronavirus, but because a) I had a lot of catching up to do regarding a number of things, and b) the choice about the classes was not mine.  Out of respect to the landlords/owners of the properties we use as venues I waited until they were ready to allow us to resume our weekly constitution classes.

The Temecula Constitution Class will resume Wednesday Night, June 24, 2020 at 6:00 pm, GOP HQ, 28120 Jefferson Ave., Temecula.  I will provide the pizza.

The Corona Class will resume Tuesday Night, June 30, 2020 at 6:00 pm, CARSTAR/AllStar Collision, 522 Railroad Street, Corona.

In both classes we will spend the first evening discussing the Constitution, and the Founding Fathers, in relation to the recent issues of impeachment, the coronavirus, and the rioting.  Then, on the second meeting, we will resume from where in the Constitution we left off.  If you are new, and wish to attend, you do not have to wait until we start from the beginning.  And, in fact, if you have been considering joining these classes, this is the time to do it because it is possible that I may leave the State permanently at the end of the year.

The Wednesday Class in Temecula may have its starting time throttled forward by half an hour since it may conflict with a new Wednesday Night program being offered by a local church, 412 Murrieta.  I will advise you if that happens.

There have also been requests for classes in Beaumont and Menifee, but the exact nights of the week, times, and locations have not been established at this point.  Those classes will carry a $10 per person, per session door charge.

Fallbrook has also shown interest in having a class, I will let you know if that materializes.

Any other group or organization who may wish to be added is urged to do so, and we can discuss when, where and how much ($) when you contact me at constitutionspeaker@yahoo.com. 

Thank you. Looking forward to seeing you all again, and the new faces who plan to join us.  God Bless.


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