Douglas V. Gibbs, Mr. Constitution, who has said that the poisoning of the word “citizen” by those who push being a sovereign national might be a PsyOp.  Doug has repeatedly argued against the theory that the Organic Acts of 1801 and 1871 has made the United States (via the incorporation of Washington D.C.) a corporation and that as citizens we are nothing more than employees locked into doing the bidding of the elitist corporation owners.  While Doug has recognized the authenticity of the concept of becoming a sovereign outside the protection of the privileges of and immunities of the United States he has argued it is not a good way to go, especially in regards to fighting to return our country back to its roots as a republic.  He has been asked to debate the topic with those who would believe otherwise, and has accepted.  The debate will occur on The World Is Awake on July 29 at 8pm Pacific.

 8pm Pacific/11pm Eastern on July 29 on your The World is Awake show

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