What happens if the Pillow guy’s S0uth Dak0ta symp0sium does in fact prove there was fr@ud in the 2o2o EIecti0n?
The U.S. Supreme Court says that “Fr@ud Vitiates Everything”
What does that mean, and how does the Constitution play into all of this?
Mr. Constitution Douglas V. Gibbs explains…
www.douglasvgibbs.com and www.politicalpistachio.com
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“People picking process” seems to be a safe way for to refer to that day in November
They are doing everything to surpress this information getting out. The stream was attacked in minutes of going on air. They're not going to Stop ????, he has the information and he is going to get it out before they can strick again.
Doug would that include the vice president
I think part of our armed forces know we have an illegitimate and criminal group in our government.
Wow great info