Corona Norco Eastvale Tea Party Patriots meeting Saturday, March 2nd, 2019 from 9 a.m. – 11 a.m.

Reserve Saturday, March 2nd, 2019 from 9 a.m. – 11 a.m.

Our meeting of the Corona Norco Eastvale Tea Party Patriots will be held at our usual location:

Marie Callender’s Restaurant & Bakery
160 E. Rincon Street
Corona, CA 92879

This will be a no-host breakfast so a minimum donation is no longer required (even though we need to spend altogether $100.00 to keep from being charged for the room). However, free will donations are requested in order to defray any of the costs for our group. We will have our next meeting on March 2nd, 2019 and we will be having as our guest speaker Douglas V. Gibbs, who the book “The 7 Worst Constitutional Liars” along with other great books as well regarding the Constitution and the Culture War. He will be discussing the Basics of the US Constitution and how to defend, protect and preserve it for present and future generations of Americans. His website is: Please make every effort to attend this meeting. You will be glad you did! Please RSVP by February 28th, 2019.We look forward to seeing everyone there! 

Also, be sure to listen to our weekly Unite IE Radio Broadcast on KTIE AM590: from 4:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. each and every Saturday. You can listen the radio archives of the broadcasts on the Unite IE on AM 590 podcasts page:

Copyright © 2019 Corona-Norco-Eastvale Tea Party Patriots, All rights reserved.
You are receiving this email to let each member know and be involved in turning our nation back to God and His Word and to the American principles (fiscal responsibility, limited Constitutional government, free enterprise) that made this nation the greatest on earth.

Our mailing address is:

Corona-Norco-Eastvale Tea Party Patriots
P.O. Box 77371

CoronaCA 92877

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