Constitution Radio with Douglas V. Gibbs
1-3 pm on Saturday Afternoon
archived podcast at 

  • Plant Blast in Texas leads to Mandatory Evacuations
  • London Bridge Knife attacker convicted terrorist released last year
  • Impeachment Circus hurts Dems, strengthens Trump’s ratings in the polls
  • Was there Quid Pro Quo?
  • Netanyahu being investigated and attached same as Trump
  • Incestuous Nepotism between Dems and Media
  • Democrat Debate: Every wishlist policy is unconstitution
    • Medicare for all
    • Wealth Tax (Closing the Wealth Gap)
    • Climate Change
    • Taking on Big Tech
    • Gun Control
    • Affordable Housing
    • Decriminalization of Illegal Border Crossings
    • Legalize Marijuana
    • End Mass Incarceration of Blacks
    • Reproductive Rights (Abortion)
    • Federal Election Reform
    • Abolishing the Electoral College
    • Packing the Supreme Court
    • Universal Childcare
    • Universal Pre-K Education
    • Free College
    • Reparations
    • National Service Program
    • Requiring Equal Pay Certification from companies to make sure they are paying different races and genders fairly
    • Universal Basic Income
    • LGBTQ Rights

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