4 thoughts on “2015 Back to Basics, Constitution Speaker, Douglas V. Gibbs

  1. though I believe your intent is good i just wanted to say that i always felt that the Declaration of Independence is the Owners manual (paragraph 2) and the Constitution is the operators manual. which replaced the first one (Articles of Confederation, because it was lacking) also the Founders didn't write the Constitution but the Framers. Founders wrote the DoI.  Barron V Baltimore 1833… The Constitution was ordained and established by the people of the United States for themselves, for their own government, and not for the government of the individual States. Each State established a constitution for itself, and in that constitution provided such limitations and restrictions on the powers of its particular government as its judgment dictated. The people of the United States framed such a government for the United States as they supposed best adapted to their situation and best calculated to promote their interests. The powers they conferred on this government were to be exercised by itself, and the limitations on power, if expressed in general terms, are naturally, and we think necessarily, applicable to the government created by the instrument. They are limitations of power granted in the instrument itself, not of distinct governments framed by.

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