By Douglas V. Gibbs
Author, Speaker, Instructor, Radio Host

The State of California is in open rebellion against the United States Constitution.  Article IV, Section 4 of the Constitution authorizes the federal government to secure the national border.  Article IV, Section 2 indicates American privileges and immunities are applicable only to citizens of the United States.  The 14th Amendment echoes that sentiment.  Amendments 15, 19, 24 and 26 indicate that only citizens may vote in our elections.  Article I, Section 8 establishes the federal government’s authority over naturalization, and Article I, Section 9 grants to Congress the authority to make law prohibiting persons from migrating into the union of States.  Article VI of the Constitution, in the clause known as the “Supremacy Clause,” disallows States from enacting law that is contrary to federal law when the U.S. law is pursuant of the Constitution.  2012 Arizona v. United States, U.S. Supreme Court ruling also establishes immigration as being a federal issue.  1905 Manigault v. Springs, U.S. Supreme Court ruling confirms the Supremacy Clause, indicating that a State canmot legally pass a law contrary to constitutionally authorized federal law.

Every city’s general plan states that their city is dedicated to public safety, and fiscal responsibility. According to studies, the tax burden associated with illegal immigration is approximately $8,075 per illegal alien family member. In 2013, the estimated total cost was approximately $113 billion, with the price rising per year by nearly $3 billion.  According to U.S. Customs and Border Protection statistics a significant number of illegal aliens have committed criminal offenses in the United States since arriving. According to GAO, in FY 2009 295,959 SCAAP criminal aliens, of whom approximately 227,600 are illegal aliens, were incarcerated in state jails and prisons. This was a 40 percent and 25 percent increase, respectively, in criminal-alien incarcerations in state jails and prisons since FY 2003.  In 2018 a Department of Justice report revealed over 90 percent of foreign born criminals who are incarcerated in federal custody are here illegally.

This morning, as I do most Tuesday Mornings, I joined the Banning-Beaumont-Cherry Valley Tea Party at their weekly breakfast meeting at the Farm’s House Restaurant in Banning, California.  The Tea Party group is very active in the San Gorgonio Pass area, and tonight they will be at the Beaumont City Council meeting in force presenting a Sanctuary Opt-Out ordinance I wrote back in January. The ordinance was written in such a way to not only for the purpose of enabling a city to not only opt-out of California’s unconstitutional Sanctuary State law (a.k.a. SB-54), but to present a bullet-proof legal strategy for that decision.

The Beaumont City Council meeting begins tonight at 6:00 pm, and the ACLU and La Raza have vowed to also be present.  I plan to be there to defend my ordinance, and explain to the council members of the City of Beaumont…

—— I was writing the above when I ran out of time.  I am now at the Beaumont city council meeting writing the remainder of this post on my phone.  When we got here a little over an hour ago, we stood out front with signs hrld high.  I was interviewed by KMIR, NBC Palm Springs.  After the interview, and after Glenn Stull (president of the local tea party) was also interviewed, a car drove by cussing at us and then they threw a full, popped open, Modelo can of beer at us.

Pretty much sums up the liberal left response.

The room where the meeting is being held is full.  I am in the overflow room, and it’s full.  Meeting begins at 6:00 pm.  I am on the list to speak.  I will tell you how it went later.  Stay tuned.

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