Constitution Radio with Douglas V. Gibbs
Saturday 1-3 pm Pacific LIVE on KMET 1490-AM. Listen on your radio, online, or with your KMET phone app. Call in 951-922-3532
First Hour: Travis Allen, Candidate for California Governor, 2018 called me yesterday, and I will be playing back the conversation.
Second Hour: Mark Meuser, Candidate for California Secretary of State says that fair elections can be in California’s future . . . especially if we put Mark in office. He will be calling in live during the second hour.
June 2, 2018:
⬝ Report on A.B. 2943
⬝ The La Raza Agenda: Invasion
⬝ College’s Anti-White Policy Hurting Enrollment
⬝ The Unconstitutional Appointment of Robert Mueller
⬝ To Negotiate, or Not to Negotiate, that’s the North Korean Question