By Douglas V. Gibbs
Author, Speaker, Instructor, Radio Host

The End is Near!  Or, at least it may be for the Democrats.  Let me revise that.  If the media was actually reporting the news, and people realized the failures of the Democrats and the triumphs of the Trump administration in only its first year, the end of the liberal left ideology of the Democrats would be upon us.  Planned Parenthood is on the ropes. The Russian collusion investigation is not only not going the way the Democrats want, it’s turning out that their special counsel, Robert Mueller, was also knee deep under the skirt of Hillary Clinton when it came to her treason regarding Uranium One and the Russians creating a situation of a conflict of interest that is appalling.  The United States, under Trump, is standing up to the communists of the United Nations, and standing up for the people of Iran as they once again scream out for freedom (the Obama administration sided with the Iranian leadership when it happened under The One’s watch).  The federal leviathan is shedding some pounds, under Trump, reducing the number of federal employees right out the gate, cutting back expenditures, and killing a whole mess of draconian regulations.  Former FBI Chief Comey’s sins as a double agent deep under the cover of the Clinton Crime Family are being exposed left and right … mostly left.  And, as the Russian Probe expands, the deep state holding the reins in the FBI are now beginning to sweat bullets.

President Donald J. Trump is not only making America great again, but his administration is exposing the Democrats for who they really are.  But, thanks to the #resistance, nobody is noticing because the media picks and chooses what to report.  The media is spending so much time trying to be negative about Trump (90% of their reporting is negativity about Trump) that they don’t even report the news, anymore.  For example, did you even know about the shooting in Pennsylvania? Several police officers were shot and injured in Pennsylvania in an apparent terrorist attack by a man from Egypt named Ahmed Aminamin El-Mofty. CBS literally went out of their way to completely ignore the story.  ABC, NBC, CNN, and MSNBC have all to some extent given attention to the subject, albeit minimal coverage slipped in amongst their “we hate Trump” reporting.  FNC gave attention to the story, minus the anti-Trump diatribe.
How many people who pay attention to the media even know that Trump’s economy is essentially roaring?  The Barack Obama administration was extremely damaging to our system, yet now the arrogant leftist is taking credit for Trump’s economic successes, and the media is doing the same.  Fact is, the consumer confidence fueling the growing economy is in Donald Trump and the policies of the Republican Party, not the bad economic strategies of the Democrats.
Wall Street is booming, with the DOW reaching 25,000 for the first time in history. Companies hired 250,000 new workers to close out the year, well above Wall Street expectations of 190,000. The month was the best for job creation since March and topped the 185,000 in November, a number that was revised lower by 5,000.  The total brought 2017’s private payroll growth as gauged by ADP and Moody’s to 2.54 million, an average of 212,000 a month.  Layoffs are at the lowest in the United States since 1990, the unemployment rate is at a seventeen year lowcompanies are returning from overseas to do business and manufacturing in the U.S., and polls other than the ones who were in the tank for the Democrats and believed Hillary was a shoe-in in the 2016 election have Trump as high in the polls (if not higher) than Obama at this same juncture.

The problem is, the temper-tantrum by the liberal left of not turning the corner in the U.S. as they had thought they had done, the disappointment of not destroying the GOP, and the rise of Republican President Donald J. Trump has the liberal left so out of their mind crazy that they are not capable of reporting the news.  As Sean Hannity put it, their hate for Trump has become like a drug addiction – and deep down, they deny all that is going on, and actually believe they will take back the Houses of Congress by a landslide in November of 2018.
Then again, as we’ve seen before, tell a lie enough and it becomes the truth in the minds of the voters.  Just ask Judge Roy Moore.
Political Pistachio Conservative News and Commentary

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