By Douglas V. Gibbs
Author, Speaker, Instructor, Radio Host
The exact date and place has not been determined (they are searching for a neutral site), but the meeting is a potential turning point after more than six decades of confrontation involving North Korea, its southern neighbor and South Korea’s allies.
President Trump’s charisma, his seemingly unpredictable nature (especially in the eyes of the leftist politicians and media), and his “take no prisoners, I am not backing down” attitude, has paid off, and the media is breathlessly watching, as they clutch their chests, to see what happens.
Kim is the only person able to make decisions in his “uniquely authoritarian” regime, so elevating the pudgy dictator by being willing to talk to him seems dangerous to the media talkers. Then again, President Trump was put into the White House partially because of his incredible ability to be a superior deal maker.
“At this point we are not even talking about negotiations,” a senior U.S. official said, while stressing that the U.S.’s ultimate goal was complete denuclearization by North Korea, subject to stringent verification.
Any program of negotiations is a step by step process, and I am sure the fake news leftist media is already preparing their “Trump failed” broadcasts if a taming of the North Korean communist regime doesn’t occur after the very first meeting. That said, this is a sign of obvious progress between the two leaders since nobody, and I mean “nobody”, has been able to get North Korea to talk since the cease fire at the end of the Korean War during the youthful years of The Greatest Generation.
Mr. Trump said he believed he was seeing “great progress” from North Korea.
“Skepticism and caution are critical as these discussions continue,” said Sen. Bob Corker (R., Tenn.), the chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee.
While there is a hope of denuclearization, for North Korea the agreement may require the U.S. withdraws troops from South Korea, and to effectively end the U.S.-South Korean military alliance – something President Trump would never allow.
“North Korean regimes have repeatedly used talks and empty promises to extract concessions and buy time,” he said. “We’ve got to break this cycle.”
Democrats fear that if the talks don’t go well, an itchy button-finger of the President may seek a military solution. Democrat Senator Ed Markey voiced exactly that concern. “If the talks between the two leaders do not go well, it is not an excuse to justify military action for a situation that has no military solution.”
It’s almost as if the Democrats think that Trump is more dangerous than North Korea’s pudgy dictator.