By Douglas V. Gibbs
Author, Speaker, Instructor, Radio Host
Satan’s greatest trick was to convince everyone that he does not exist. The Democrats have taken a page out of the Devil’s playbook, and want you to believe that the Swamp, Deep State, and all of their other creeping incrementalism tactics and strategies don’t exist.
Except . . . they do.
This is why they are so angry about the election of Donald J. Trump as President of the United States. He’s not a part of the establishment machine, and he has told Americans he plans to dismantle the political mechanism that fuels their madness, and drain the swamp while he’s at it.
The liberal left, and their allies in both the Marxist end of things, and a bunch of them in the GOP, don’t care if what they are doing is the straight and narrow road to economic ruin . . . as long as it lines their pockets with gold, and their political coffers with power.
They throw at us the Marxist argument of “we are just trying to make everything equal and fair.”
Life doesn’t work that way. Life isn’t fair. It’s for us to forge our own pathways, and for government to get the heck out of the way.
Anything different is not liberty.
What the Democrats, and their minions, want is a socialist coup. In fact, the socialist coup is already in full gear. They wish to use their revolution to disrupt liberty and upend our free market. For them it is all about socialist central economic planning, and resisting anything that has anything to do with the exceptional ingredients that made America Great in the first place. The problem is, that kind of utopianism is incompatible with our republic as designed by the U.S. Constitution, and the wise men who fought and laid on the line their lives, fortunes, and sacred honor.
The ends, for these hard left Democrat Party people, justifies the means. Anything reasonable or legal is off the table. No rules. They disregard the destructive nature of their planned journey, fully believing that in the end it will be a wonderful utopia with equality, and fairness, and love and kisses – even if they have to force you into it, and take away your possessions to make you participate.
It is a blatant disregard for the rule of law, and a big soviet embrace of the rule of man.
Last time the rule of man was unleashed, civilizations fell. Rome collapsed from within. Greece burned. The Israelites danced around a golden calf.
The good thing about trying to reveal and drain the swamp is that all of the swamp monsters have started to freak out, exposing to us their identities. They are calling for confrontations and violence. They are becoming desperate. Their plans to destroy America, and remake it in their Marxist image, was disrupted, and might be pushed aside for generations, if President Trump gets his way.
Desperate is a nice way of putting it. They are desperate. Delirious in desperation. They are a cornered wild animal willing to claw and bite as much as possible so that their arrogance is not exposed, and their socialist plans are achieved.
They want rigged elections where even illegal aliens vote to choose our fate. They want larger governing bureaucracies. Welfare statism that expands to the point of where most Americans are dependent upon government to survive.
They support everything the Founding Fathers fought against.
Their arrogance is unreal. Their aggressive consolidation of power through Obama and Hillary Clinton was disrupted by a personality greater than theirs. They don’t know what to do with Trump, and they fear he may actually have the ability to drain the swamp.
That is why they are trying to convince you that there is no swamp. The swamp, they say, is a lie. If there is no swamp, then Trump can’t drain it.
Their central planning has moved to the streets, where it usually transitions to when tyrants seek power. Clodius used street gangs in Rome. The communists used the Bolsheviks. Hitler used the Brown Shirts. The Democrats are now using riots, violent confrontations, Black Lives Matter, Antifa, and a whole slew of disruption methods by people who don’t even realize they are mindless automatons being manipulated by Marxist schemes and power-hungry politicians.
The Democrats have shouted against private enterprise, wealth and possessions, private ownership of the means of production, and the uniqueness of individualism. They want us to be genderless, featureless, and carbon copies of each other . . . just as the communists wanted, just as the Nazis wanted, and just as every other tyrant in history wanted.
Yet, somehow, they have convinced an awful lot of people that the real culprit is President Trump, and his conservative base of supporters.
Remember that greatest trick of the Devil . . . you know . . . the one about convincing everyone he doesn’t exist?
The Democrats want a planned economy and a regulated society . . . just like the communists did, and just like the Nazis did, but they don’t want you to know that their leftist plans of authoritarian madness exists in the manner that it does.
In F.A. Hayek’s Road to Serfdom, the writer explained that central planning is not only anti-Constitution, but leads to a “perception of the inherent tendency of statist systems to promise the undeliverable and to seek overweening power vainly to attempt it”.
We must recognize that this is not only a war going on in the United States. This is a global war. It is a global movement for authoritarianism. And Trump is the only major political figure in the world willing to stand against it.
Cato the Elder, a member of the Roman Senate before the younger Cato and the great Cicero took the stage, said regarding a great enemy and threat to the Republic of Rome, “Carthage must be destroyed.”
He did not call for the defeat of Carthage, but for its destruction.
We must remember that we do not simply wish to defeat the swamp, and the rising tide of leftism worldwide. It must be destroyed. Today’s Progressive liberal left socialist commies of the Democrat Party are seeking to destroy our constitutional republic, so it is imperative that we take the same attitude towards them. I don’t wish to compromise with the progressives, nor do I wish to defeat them. We must destroy their movement, and make sure it ceases to be a leading force of moral decay in America. As Benjamin Franklin once stated, “Only a virtuous people are capable of freedom.”
To drain the swamp we must destroy its tributaries. It is fed by the rising rivers of the sacrifice of innocent blood through abortion, deviance through homosexuality and transgenderism, division created by racial strife, and the reality that all of this is disobedience to God. They don’t recognize godliness. They don’t embrace American values or morality. The Democrat Party liberal left worships at the feet of the idol of radical secularism. They wish to corrupt every institution in the U.S. because without a godly people, liberty cannot survive. They know that if they rot out the Judeo-Christian foundation of our society, and undermine the family, they can topple civilizations, and force the American People into self-induced bondage.
The list of tools being used is vast. They are hitting us in all directions. They have targeted our economics with growth suffocating regulations, high taxes, and crony capitalism. California is a great example of what they wish to do to the whole country. They hate personal self-sufficiency and self-reliance. Your individualism terrifies them because it stands in direct opposition to their hive mentality of collectivism. The collective is more important, in their eyes, than your individual nature, or anything that has to do with the traditional family unit. If you love God, believe in yourself, and have a traditional family to rely on, you won’t be willing to pray at the alter of government dependency; therefore, you are an enemy.
Their leftism is worse than a disease or mental disorder. It is their religion. They are willing to destroy our borders, assassinate sovereignty, and embrace lawlessness to achieve their utopian dreams.
They have a 16-year plan. Obama was the opener, and Hillary Clinton was supposed to be the closer. Daddy Bush and Reagan disrupted their plans in the past, as well. But, they arrogantly believed they really had it, this time. Lawless social upheaval was on the horizon. They could taste it. They could smell it. The politicians of the Grand Ol’ Party had become too soft, or too dependent upon the establishment machine. The Democrats believed y could manipulate any Republican, and they could beat any Republican, until the businessman showed up. Trump screwed up everything with his tough talk and appeal to the blue collar workers of the country.
The darkness of leftism had almost completed its journey, and then Trump struck a match, and the creatures of the dark scurried to the corners, angry and ready for revenge as the light began to flicker all around them.
The oppressors are on the retreat, and the only thing they have is projection. They have been projecting everything they are onto Trump, hoping people will believe it. Their fiery darts are named racism, Nazism, authoritarianism, and abuse of power. And President Trump sees the darts coming. He recognizes the game the liberal left plays. He has informed us, “I will take the darts and arrows.” His shield of truth and liberty has guarded him, and us, from the attacks. The question is, how long do we have until the Democrats figure out a new game? How long before figure out how to compromise those who claim to be devoted to the Constitution and the rule of law? How long can Trump, and the conservatives around him, hold out?
They are relentless, like a raging current under a boat. Merciless. Tireless. Unwilling to relent. Their goal is simple. Our destruction, and they won’t stop until they’ve destroyed us, or we destroy them. They demand us to kneel at their feet, to kneel in protest against American Liberty, and to worship at the alter on the edge of the Swamp.
Drain the swamp, and the altar will be powerless.
But first, we have to be willing to admit that the Swamp exists in the first place, and that it is indeed in need of draining; well, there’s that, and we need to be kneeling at the feet of the true King, and the one and true God. If we are not a godly people, we are not capable of liberty, nor the principles of the Constitution we claim to hold so dear.
— Political Pistachio Conservative News and Commentary