By Douglas V. Gibbs
Author, Speaker, Instructor, Radio Host

Patriotism is love of country.  Nationalism is love of government.  Therefore, despite the cries by the Democrats that people who agree with conservative constitutional ideals are nationalists, the reality is that we are not.

We are believers in a concept that goes way back to the times of the Founding Fathers of this country who established our system of liberty through the construction and ratification of the United States Constitutionlaissez-faire.

Laissez-Faire:  A policy or attitude of letting things
take their own course, without interfering. 
Abstention by governments from interfering in the workings of the free
market.  A concept supported by Thomas
Jefferson, and associated with the concept of republicanism.

When problems arise, when a free market is in place, and the people who engage in that economic system are moral and virtuous, problems are solved.  Solutions are a natural offspring of conservative, non-socialist societies, which is why the Saxon System influenced peoples of the world is also where nearly all inventions have sprung from.

Donald J. Trump represents that kind of attitude.  He is a problem-solver.  He is solutions oriented.  The Democrats and their socialist allies just can’t have that because they are the true nationalists.  They are the proponents of growing government, and trying to service things through governmental intrusion, rather than seek solutions so that we can make things the way they ought to be while reducing the size of government interference, is more their style.  That’s why they hate Trump so much, and are foaming at the mouth that they want to impeach him.  They are afraid he will solve too many problems, and the dependency upon government that has been on the rise in America will be largely wiped out.

Benito Bernal, a Republican Candidate for the United States House of Representatives in California’s 29th Congressional District, explains that when he was a Democrat, he asked his superiors about solutions.  He asked the Democrat Party leadership why they weren’t actually solving things like homelessness and poverty.  The response he received was enough to convince him to change his political affiliation forever.

“What would we run on in the next election if these problems were solved?” was the honest answer by one of his Democrat Party colleagues.  “Do you realize how many government jobs are created by these problems, and how much federal funding we receive as long as these problems exist?”

The Democrat mentality lives for government paternalism.  How can they create more government and put more power and funding into their own pocket if we were to begin solving problems?

The conservative mentality is to solve the problems so that we can make America as it ought to be, not only for ourselves, but for our posterity.

The Democrats have an irrational fear of solutions because if the world’s problems were to be fixed they’d be out of a job.  Government’s iron fist would be loosened, and removed.  People would operate their lives without interference, and be able to do so without the help of government because the things that may pose as obstacles would be solved and out of the way.

Ronald Reagan once told us that the most fearful thing to hear is the phrase, “I’m from the government and I’m here to help.”

If they, the purveyors of governmental paternalism, can’t help because the problem’s solved, they can’t appoint a special government employee to the task, they can’t have the special department receiving funding that would take care of the administrative work associated with the problem.  Solutions to problems would cost them millions in government jobs and funding, and they just can’t have that.

So, when a problem solver like Donald J. Trump appears on the scene, their fear that the money-train may be reaching the end of the line reaches a level beyond the far reaches of insanity.  They go into desperation mode.  Problem solvers, if they are successful in solving problems, are capable of making liberal leftists an endangered species.  They would no longer have a reason for existing.

If the unemployment rate drops, there is less need for workers in the unemployment offices.

If less people are in poverty, and become more self-reliant, there is less need for workers at the social services offices.

If illegal aliens are not allowed into the country, the liberal left loses voters, and low-wage workers who, if they weren’t there, would be replaced by more American workers, putting more American workers to work, which then reduces the size of the other programs in place designed to help these people who were not working because they couldn’t find any work.  Loss of government jobs. Loss of government bureaucracies.  Loss of government control over those lives.

They don’t want to solve the unwanted pregnancy problem because their money train from Planned Parenthood would go away.

They don’t want tax cuts, because that puts more money in people’s pockets, and then those people will be less dependent upon the government (thus, reducing government jobs and funding).  Remember the economic crisis during the presidency of Barack Obama?  When numbers remained stagnant, they didn’t look deeper for solutions.  They began to tell us it was the new normal and things would never be as good as they were, again.  Why?  Bad economic times creates a larger need for governmental assistance.  Trump’s booming economy has them in a tizzy.  It’s reducing government dependency, and for their ideology, that’s a very bad thing.

They love the fact (though they won’t tell you) that big cities like Los Angeles and San Francisco are having a problem with human excrement and drug needles in the streets and on the sidewalks.  They have been pleasantly surprised by the rise of the sudden problem because it created a whole new need for programs, employees and government funding.  An app for people’s phones now exist to inform you where the crap in the public right of way is so that you know where not to walk.  Government agencies to address the problem has sprung up all over the place.  New government employees exist to administrate regarding the problem.  Other government employees were hired to help with the clean-up.  A whole new government bureaucracy that exists because of the poo-poo and needles problem could not have made the liberal left Democrats any happier.

They fear solutions because government needs crisis.  When there is crisis, it presents an opportunity to do things they couldn’t do before.

Rahm Emanuel said so.

Political Pistachio Conservative News and Commentary

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