By Douglas V. Gibbs
Author, Speaker, Instructor, Radio Host
As an involved individual with politics going way back to Reagan, I thought I had seen it all.
I’ve always known that the liberal left is pretty much always wrong on their stances.
I’ve always known the Democrat Party has one foot planted in Marxism, but they’ve always denied it.
I’ve always known the progressives were more than liberal leftists, but that their value system is completely the opposite of the Christian values I hold near and dear.
I’ve even always known the liberal left Democrats believe the ends justify the means, so they are willing to do things the average person would think is going too far.
But, even I am amazed at how out of their mind crazy the liberal left has become. It’s almost like they are possessed.
During the swearing in of Brett Kavanaugh as a Supreme Court Justice they were clawing at the doors like animals. They claim Kavanaugh is joining a high court bound and determined to take away their ability to slaughter babies in the womb, and while technically it is a State issue and the federal government could simply pull their tentacles out of the issue and leave it up to each State as per the Tenth Amendment, we must stop and consider their argument for a moment. They are freaking out because they are afraid they may not be able to continue killing babies.
Never mind that every accusation against Kavanaugh has no evidence. Never mind that you can’t judge someone’s character only based on their alleged actions as a teenager.
Not just that, but I was told that nationwide at least forty Democrats running for Congress call themselves socialists, and wacky children fresh out of indoctrination camp (public school) like Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez are calling for an end to the republic and a stronger move towards socialism through the transitional nightmare of pure democracy with a push to eliminate things like the Electoral College. Do that, and the half dozen largest cities will be electing the President, and nobody else’s vote would matter. There would be no need for candidates to campaign in places like Iowa or New Hampshire because their votes would not matter.
We have judges claiming that California’s Sanctuary State law is not only not unconstitutional, but that the federal government owes the out-of-control-State money for its role in enforcing immigration law.
Never mind that we hear story after story of previously deported illegal aliens committing horrific crimes, and if there was a wall in place along the Mexican border, and if illegal aliens were being deported as we properly vet immigrants who wish to join our melting pot, much of the crime related to illegal immigration would stop.
Kate Steinle comes to mind, and the fact that her killer walked free due to a hard left trial in San Francisco also crosses my mind.
The Democrats have been in control of the big cities for pretty much my entire lifetime, and not only has poverty and homelessness gotten worse, but whole new problems, like human feces and drug needles in the right of way, have emerged.
Yet, these people are clawing at doors in support of the madness that accompanies the leftist agenda of the Democrat Party.
The problem is, it is well orchestrated, manufactured, carefully planned and well funded madness designed to destroy the soul of America, and to decimate any remnant of our moral values, and the virtuous principles of liberty enumerated in the U.S. Constitution.
The good news?
All of this madness has energized Republican voters, and even voters who have been straddling the fence, or considered themselves conservative but couldn’t bring themselves to registering with the GOP.
We won’t see a blue wave.
In fact, thanks to the madness presented by the Democrat politicians and protesters during the Kavanaugh confirmation, there won’t even be a blue trickle. The Republicans, in November, will pick up at least four Senate seats, and at least two House seats (overall, after the dust settles). That’s right, I am expecting a red trickle . . . and if you all get out there to support your President, and to stand against the insanity the liberal left has been providing, we may even see a GOP wave that solidifies Congress in ways the Democrats had not even imagined in their nightmares.
If you think you saw a lot of Democrats whining and crying after the 2016 election, how entertaining would it be to see them curling into safe-zone balls of trembling whimpering basket-cases after a GOP romp against them in 2018’s mid-term elections?
— Political Pistachio Conservative News and Commentary