By Douglas V. Gibbs
Author, Speaker, Instructor, Radio Host

When Donald Trump became the Presidential nominee for the Republican Party, the Democrats began an out-of-their-mind temper-tantrum strategy that defies all logic.  When Trump nominated Neil Gorsuch to the U.S. Supreme Court, they went nuts.  When he nominated any of his appointees, allegations of racism, sexism and sexual impropriety exploded.  While it worked with candidate Judge Roy Moore, for the most part their attacks have not pulled off what they want.

So, they increased the insanity when Brett Kavanaugh was nominated to the U.S. Supreme Court.  There is no strategy.  There are no political tactics involved.  It’s all about desperation, and striking out.

It’s a Bolshevik-style resistance that isn’t sitting well with a large swath of Americans.

The Senatorial hearing regarding Kavanaugh began with radical agitators screaming in the back of the room, and protesters in the street.  Senators Kamala Harris and Cory Booker made fools of themselves as they tried to delay the procedure.  But, since those tactics didn’t do the job to scare Kavanaugh off, or make President Donald Trump withdraw the nomination (like spineless Republicans would do in the past), the attacks increased, and the political madness got louder.

Now, as expected, sexual allegations have emerged.  The problem for the Democrats is, however, that not only has Kavanaugh denied ever having any sexual contact with anyone (and that he was a virgin throughout high school, and for many years later), witnesses that may have been able to corroborate accuser Christine Blasey Ford’s story are saying it didn’t happen.  The Democrats, however, don’t believe in due process, or the idea that there is a presumption of innocence until proven otherwise.  They are lining up to say they believe Ford’s story.

“If at first you don’t succeed,” is the Democrat Party’s motto, “get nastier.”

A second accuser has emerged.

This one’s name is Deborah Ramirez, and like Ford, she’s a Democrat Party operative, and nobody is corroborating her story.  In fact, everyone who knows, or has known Brett Kavanaugh, is saying the judge is a stand-up guy, a moral person, and that all of these allegations are way outside the realm of his normal operating procedures.

Now, a third accusation is on the barbie.

Kavanaugh says these are smears.  Nothing less.

Notice how the Democrats and the media are silent about an easier to prove sexual assault case surrounding one of their own, Keith Ellison.

The madness being portrayed by the Democrats is not their finest hour, or the media’s, and they are ruining any hope in the future of doing what they’ve done in the past.

In truth, in their maniacal frenzy to not lose what little hold they thought they had on the American political system after Obama, they are throwing out any hopes of future infiltration.

Let’s think hypothetically, for a moment, and enter the mind of the Democrat.

When Donald Trump first emerged, the #NeverTrumper crowd, both Democrats, and conservative #NeverTrumpers, said that Donald Trump is not a Republican.  A friend of mine from New York City told me, “The guy’s a Democrat.  Everybody knows it.”

JASmius, a former writer for Political Pistachio, and a former co-host on my radio program, is still waiting for Trump to take off his sheep’s outer-covering and proclaim, “Fooled all of you, now it’s time to institute Democrat policies.”

What if JASmius was correct.  What if the original plan of Trump was to get into the White House as a Republican, and then go lefty on us?

It wouldn’t be the first time.

George W. Bush claimed to be a conservative, but more often than not, he wasn’t.  Daddy Bush was worse.  Both of them are globalists.

What about Gorsuch and Kavanaugh.  What if they were the next Justice David Souter?  Souter was a George H.W. Bush appointee.  Souter claimed to be a Republican.  But his judicial opinions often said otherwise.

Justice Anthony Kennedy is another case of being a Republican nominee, but turning out to, quite often, jump ship and rule with the hard left progressive judges.  Remember, Kennedy was a President Ronald Reagan nomination.

What if Gorsuch and Kavanaugh were capable of finding themselves somehow sympathizing with the liberal lefties?

The liberal left has literally ruined any possibility of that.  They have literally thrown Trump, Gorsuch and Kavanaugh into the arms of conservatism (if they weren’t conservative, already).

If the Democrats ever thought in their empty little brains that defection by someone like Trump, his judicial nominees, or anyone else that might have been straddling a fence, was possible, their antics have killed the possibility.  Infiltration, thanks to a myriad of straight-jacket moments being provided by the Democrat Party and their minions, can only be achieved now by their own extremists.  Even moderates like Senator Susan Collins is saying that the Democrats have gotten . . . well . . . a little on the ridiculous side.

In truth, voters are the same way, and every time the Democrats pull this garbage, they are sending more voters in our direction.  The Democrats have no argument.  All they have are temper tantrums.

And, to be honest, Republican voters aren’t the only ones shaking their heads and thinking, “Wow, these Democrats sure have lost their mind.”

Political Pistachio Conservative News and Commentary

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