Douglas V. Gibbs, your local Constitution Guy in California’s Inland Empire, hosts two radio programs on KMET … and we are beginning to see the various election campaigns develop and get interesting. The most interesting is in the same area where our radio antenna is … where Republican Chad Mayes last year did his best impression of a Democrat when he worked with a bunch of other GOP traitors when he voted to extend Cap and Trade.
Now, five challengers have emerged.
Here’s today’s radio schedule:
8:00 am, Conservative Voice Radio, KMET 1490-AM … one of our topics will be the Democrat Party’s registering of illegal aliens. Tune in at if you can’t get the show on your radio dial.
1:00 pm, Constitution Radio with Douglas V. Gibbs, KMET 1490-AM … I have invited all of the candidates from the California 42nd Assembly District to visit us on the program. So far, I have gotten confirmations from Andrew Kotyuk (he’ll be on at 1:05) and Gary Jeandron (he’ll be in the studio at 2:30).
Here’s who the invites went out to:
Primary Election Candidates: 2018
Join us, not only to listen, but to participate. Phone in during the show, 951-922-3532