From the Desk of California State Senator Mike Morrell (R-Rancho Cucamonga)
“God cannot sustain this free and blessed country which we love and pray for unless the Church will take the right ground … politics are a part of religions in such a country as this, and Christians must do their duty to the country as a part of their duty to God.”    
    Charles Finney, a leader of America’s First Great Awakening
Dear Friend,
AB 2943 (Low, D-Silicon Valley) is now set for hearing in the Senate Judiciary Committee on Tuesday, June 12, at 1:30 p.m. in Room 112 of the State Capitol.
As a reminder, the bill would make it fraud to offer the option of paid counseling (including pamphlets, books, or other reference materials) to adults questioning their sexuality. It would entangle ministries in litigation and red tape for practicing their closely held religious beliefs, setting a dangerous precedent that would infringe on all Californians’ First Amendment rights to freedom of speech and religion. 
This hearing is the final opportunity to stop the bill in the policy committee process when the threshold of votes needed to keep AB 2943 from passing is lower (in this case, we need to prevent the bill from receiving four votes in support). If it gets out of this committee, it will likely make it to the full Senate, where the threshold to stop the bill increases to 21.
Once again, I have included in this email contact information for the Senate Judiciary Committee’s Democratic members along with the cities they represent. If you see your senator on one of the committees, please consider encouraging your members to contact him or her and voice their concerns. If your senator is not on the committee, but you have contacts in the represented areas listed, please consider forwarding this information to those individuals.
At the same time, every senator should also hear from his or her constituents on the bill. I encourage you to reach out to your organization as well as others around the state to impress upon them the importance of making their voices heard on this critical issue.
Constituents can find their representatives in the state legislature by entering their address at this Additionally, you will find suggested talking points below.
Thank you for all that you already do in your community. Your work is vital and necessary. I am grateful for your leadership.
Please let me know if you have any questions.
Best regards,
Senator Mike Morrell
(909) 938-1138
P.S. – The Christian Broadcasting Network (CBN) recently reported on AB 2943. It’s an informative piece – you can watch it here.
Note: The CEO of the California Family Council, Jonathan Keller, is our key-note speaker at the 2018 Constitution Association Annual Dinner.  GET TICKETS HERE
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