By Douglas V. Gibbs
Author, Speaker, Instructor, Radio Host

Donald Trump has done what he does.  He pushed back.  He is addressing the illegal immigration problem, and he is working on building his border wall.

The battle against the illegal alien invasion is nothing new.  In July of 2014 we, in Murrieta, stood firm and turned around buses full of illegal aliens who were ill, and prepared to be dropped off to spread through our community.
Now, the war has escalated, and Mexico is preparing to do more than fire a shot across our bow.  An invasion force of more than 1,500 aliens (if not more) is marching towards California, preparing to arrive at the US-Mexico Border in the coming days to demand refugee status.
An embedded reporter, Adolfo Flores, states the group is organized with a leader, Pueblos Sin Fronteras, and the approaching horde has received guidance and training.
The procession, so far a week old, has crossed immigration checkpoints, military bases, and police in a desperate, chaotic march toward the United States, with the specific intent of illegally entering the United States and defying federal law.  The goal is for the invasion force to be so big that immigration authorities, and any other obstacle, will not be able to do anything to stop them. 
Political Pistachio Conservative News and Commentary

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