By Douglas V. Gibbs
Author, Speaker, Instructor, Radio Host

Arguing politics goes way back.  The whole point of mentioning Free Speech in the 1st Amendment was so as to protect religious and political speech.  Therefore, when the liberal left loonies act crazy, while I think they are idiots, and they adhere to a very dangerous ideology, they have, in this country, the freedom to speak their mind.

The Democrats, in the past, used to say, “I may disagree with you, but I will defend your right to say what you believe to the death.”

Now, the Democrats are not so tolerant.  Now they say, “I disagree with you, and I will ridicule and attack you as much as I can to silence you, and to eliminate any opportunity for you, or those who agree with you, to operate in public or contribute to any form of social discourse.”

Remember when Barack Obama was president and whenever people began to bring up Michelle, we were told that “family is off-limits”?

That, too, no longer seems to apply.

Since Trump has been President they’ve attacked his whole family, and during the Kavanaugh confirmation hearings the leftist protesters have been so bad in their harassment of Kavanaugh’s children that his kids had to be escorted out of the U.S. Senate in order to protect them.

There is no longer room for free speech or free thought in this world, and if you verbalize a point of view that opposes their Marxist communist view points, you will be silenced, as will your entire family.

The violent hate coming from the liberal left Democrats is getting to the point that they are beginning to make the mafia, and big city street gangs, look like pacifist organizations.

Political Pistachio Conservative News and Commentary

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