By Douglas V. Gibbs
Author, Speaker, Instructor, Radio Host
The Democrat Party cannot win in the arena of ideas, so their big government leftism must be hidden behind emotional claims that they are the party of peace, love and dope. To stand against them is to be racist, mean, hateful, and to be a possessor of all kinds of phobias. They have established themselves as the champions of immigrants, minorities and women, even though their policies harm those folks, and despite the fact that the Democrats were originally the party of slavery, the KKK, and Japanese internment during World War II.
The survival of the Democrat Party, since their political aims would be unpopular if people really understood what they are up to, is dependent upon deception, misleading tactics, and drawing in groups to vote for them who fall for the identity politics rhetoric they spew. Their greatest fear should be those groups realizing that from the Democrat Party’s point of view, they are actually only useful idiots.
Kanye West may have finally figured out the truth.
While I am not a Kanye fan (music, or past political spewings), I have found it interesting that he is suddenly down with Trump . . . or at least he is saying he is.
Either, he’s seeing the light, it’s a bunch of B.S., or he’s realizing how doing so will get him all kinds of attention and a new audience (that would be the capitalist in him, which also is not exactly the Democrat way to think).
Recently, Kanye was photographed wearing a MAGA (Make America Great Again) as he left a studio. The red hat was donned after he also traded an interesting series of tweets with President Trump, and after he blasted Obama in a series of tweets.
Has Kanye returned from the clutches of the socialists in the Democrat Party?
Wifey, Kim Kardashian, we are not so sure about.
Kanye’s entourage was smiling. Either they agree, or they like being around Kanye’s fame and money.
When confronted, he responded, “the mob can’t make me not love Trump.”
He praised the President’s “dragon energy”.
“We are both dragon energy. He is my brother. I love everyone. I don’t agree with everything anyone does. That’s what makes us individuals.”
The love he’s giving Trump may stem from a sudden realization. Trump is not Republican or Democrat. He’s a businessman doing things that has the politicians all in a tizzy. What’s not to love about that?
After his tweet exchange with Trump, Kanye also tweeted, “Obama was in office for eight years and nothing in Chicago changed.”
Good point. In fact, the Democrats have had control of the major cities for generations, and crime, poverty, and living conditions have gotten worse under progressive policies.
That said, Kanye was willing to give Hillary a little of a benefit of the doubt, too, writing “I love Hillary too”.
Kanye revealed he’s also a fan of Apple CEO Tim Cook.
He posted a photo of Trump and Cook speaking together, later writing “2 of my favorite people”.
In December of 2016, he actually met with Trump but soon after deleted all his post about the President after he was hit with a wave of criticism
Kardashian took to her own Twitter account to defend West and said he was “years ahead of his time”.
The mob was quick to say Kanye has mental health issues. Wife Kim Kardashian responded, calling the accusations “not fair” and “actually scary”.
The more the mob attacks, the more it will convince Kanye he’s on the right track, and move more of Kanye’s fans over with him in the red column.
And that, my friends, is the Democrat Party’s greatest fear . . . an exodus of black voters away from the Democrats, and into the Trump Column. Even better, it will reveal more and more that not only is Trump (and his supporters) not racist, but that Trump’s policies are good for the black community, the Hispanic community, and so on and so forth.
Heck, if played right, Kanye West may be launching a revolution against leftist rule, and prove to be the man who began the beginning of the end of the Democrat Party.
Sounds great, but I won’t hold my breath.
It could be true, though. After all, Kanye also retweeted a post from Chance The Rapper which read, “Black people don’t have to be democrats”.
This could get interesting.
It’s interesting what happens to someone’s political opinions when the get a little older, and have a house with kids in it.
Suddenly, the “Me” becomes “We,” and the progressive policies are no longer appealing. After all, don’t we all want what’s best for our kids, and their future?
Not a fan of Kanye, but I’m willing to listen . . . to his new found political revelations, that is.
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