By Douglas V. Gibbs
History is once again being made by President Donald J. Trump. The “Peace and Prosperity” President, who has achieved movement towards peace regarding North Korea that no other President could achieve, will also go down in history as achieving the placement of a U.S. Embassy in Jerusalem, an activity no other President would achieve.
It’s interesting. The liberal left Democrats swear up and down that Trump is a fascist, and loved by Nazis. If that’s the case, why would he be a greater friend to Israel than any President since Ronald Reagan? Not exactly the actions of an alleged anti-Semite.
Past Presidents promised to recognize Jerusalem as Israel’s capital, but only President Trump had the guts, and the willingness, to follow through with that campaign promise.
In the Muslim world, of course, there are protests, especially in Palestinian areas. They claim Trump’s move shows American support for Israel to have full control over the city, of which the Muslims claim “East Jerusalem” should be the future capital of the mythical State of Palestine. Israel considers all of Jerusalem as its indivisible capital.
President Trump has shown the world that Israel has no greater friend than the United States. Trump has solidified our alliance and friendship with Israel, not only showing the Jewish Nation our willingness to stand by them, but also Israel’s neighbors that Trump is unafraid, and willing to do what it takes to defend our interests in the region. In return, Israel has fallen in love with the American President, thanking him for doing something that no other world leader has been willing to do since the day in 1948 when Israel became a nation.
The strength of President Trump brought North Korea to the negotiation table, and the President’s resolve has placed a U.S. Embassy in Jerusalem. It is only a matter of time before Iran realizes their rhetoric is falling on deaf ears, and they too will fall in line just as Kim Jong Un did.
Trump already deserves a Nobel Peace Prize for his historical work regarding the two Koreas. When Iran backs down, and truly removes its tentacles from the hot zones of the Middle East, and truly ceases their chase for nuclear weapons, if Trump doesn’t wind up with a Peace Prize, it will definitely reveal to the world the one-sided nature of the progressives on the world stage.
In attendance at the opening of the U.S. Embassy in Jerusalem will be President Trump’s daughter Ivanka and her husband, Jared Kushner.
Israel captured all of Jerusalem through the 1967 Six Day War, occupying East Jerusalem and effectively annexing the East Jerusalem sector. Since 1967, Israel has built a dozen settlements, home to about 200,000 Jews, in East Jerusalem. While the world stands in alliance with Islam with the belief that the settlements are illegal under international law, Trump has decided to stand with Israel, and call Jerusalem the capital of the Jewish State.
Throughout the world countries normally have their embassies in the capitals of countries. However, countries have rejected Israel’s proclaimed capital. Israel passed a law in 1980 formally making Jerusalem its capital.
Today, a small interim embassy opened, and has begun operations inside the existing U.S. consulate building in Jerusalem. A larger site will be established later when the rest of the embassy moves from Tel Aviv.
President Trump is expected to address those attending the grand opening event in Jerusalem via video link.
Europe and the United Nations have joined the Muslims in their criticism of the move.
From a secular point of view, it’s hard to understand why the whole world considers a small sliver of a country about the size of New Jersey poses such a threat. As a Christian, I know exactly what is behind their hysteria.
— Political Pistachio Conservative News and Commentary