By Douglas V. Gibbs
Author, Speaker, Instructor, Radio Host
They keep saying how fascist Trump is, and how racist America is, and they burn the American Flag and fly their own . . . so, why do they want to be here?
Because, thanks to our American System of Liberty based on the U.S. Constitution that they spit on, we are the greatest country in the world. If America was what the Democrats and the hard left Hispanic base claims, they wouldn’t be trying to get in . . . they would be trying to leave.
You know, like we saw when the Soviet Union and the Eastern European Bloc existed. Defectors trying to get out of those countries because living under communism was so bad.
That’s what’s happening here. They are defecting from Mexico, Honduras, etc. not because America is bad and their home of origination is so good, but because they are trying to escape a horrible situation.
Therefore, why in God’s name would they come here and then demand that the United States be more like where they came from?
A part of what has made America great is that we are a melting pot where immigrants must go through a vetting process so that we are not receiving the rejects of other countries, but people who wish to be a part of the American Dream. What we are getting with illegal aliens, for the most part, are unskilled laborers with nothing to offer other than acting as an addition to our already overpopulated welfare system, members of gangs like MS-13, criminals, drug dealers, rapists, and Middle Eastern terrorists. I am sure there are some good people in that crowd, as well. Hell, it may be possible (but I doubt it) that the good people outnumber the bad by a huge margin, but just the very fact that among the illegal aliens, no matter how small (or large) the percentage, are unskilled people bound to suck off our system, gang members, criminals, drug dealers, rapists, murderers and terrorists, should that not be enough reason to become more strict in our enforcement of existing immigration laws? Should that not be reason enough to build a wall?
This is not a simple question of immigration. When I look at the caravan currently trying to ram through the border, there is no doubt in my mind this has nothing to do with immigration, and everything to do with invasion.
They broke through the Southern Mexico fence (that’s right, Mexico has strict immigration laws and a heavily guarded fence) and now they are forcing their way through Mexico, ramming through riot police, specifically to test President Trump’s resolve and to act as an invasion force determined to force its way into the United States, whether we like it, or not, and despite any laws to the contrary.
Do we really want people in this country bound and determined to break our laws to get in, and force their way across the border through violent resolve?
Our National Security hangs in the balance. This is the kind of thing we must call forth the National Guard to stand against, even if it means using deadly force . . . because we are being invaded by an unfriendly horde of invaders who don’t care about our laws.
And, my friends, don’t be naive. This is not just a sudden groundswell of people who decided to come to America. This is being orchestrated and paid for by outside sources who desire to bring about America’s demise.
In short, it is a well orchestrated, well coordinated, well funded invasion, and we must not treated it as anything else.
In World War II if Nazis and Japanese warriors were storming our border, would we not have met the invaders with force?
If these people were storming your homes, breaking in the windows, and demanding that because they got into your house you must adopt them as family and provide for them, would you stand by and say, “well, gosh, they are just looking for a new home”?
We are being invaded. The invasion force has broken into Mexico and their aim is the American border. It is Congress’s duty to call forth the National Guard (and the other armed forces if necessary . . . don’t give me the Posse Comitatus argument . . . that protects against using the armed forces against citizens, not an invading force) and the Commander in Chief’s responsibility to face this threat head on, and do what is necessary to protect the citizens of the United States against the invasion.
Notice in the picture at the top . . . most of them are fighting age males.
However, there’s a problem. The Democrats are excited. They are chomping at the bit. They can’t wait for the Trump administration to use deadly force. Then, they can call Trump a murderer, and they believe they can create an uprising against the President that will bring about his impeachment. In short, the timing of the caravan is specifically designed to help the Democrats get into the House and Senate in massive numbers, and remove our President. They think it’s a win-win. No stance against the invading force brings the Democrats hordes of new voters and sends a message to the next caravan to come on in. A stance against the invading force, in the minds of the global left, criminalizes President Trump, giving them all the reason in the world to force his removal.
I can’t wait to see what Donald Trump has in mind. He always outsmarts them, and plays them, and comes out on top. While I worry to a point, I have a feeling our President, once again, has already outsmarted the liberal left progressive commies, and now it’s just a matter of the whole thing playing itself out.
— Political Pistachio Conservative News and Commentary