By Douglas V. Gibbs
Author, Speaker, Instructor, Radio Host
Immigration is the current issue being debated in Congress. It’s all about DACA, and the Democrats are attempting to defend their stance of putting illegal aliens above Americans and military service personnel in the last round of budget talks.
The Democrats are all about open-borders, a stance that has been historically championed by globalists and communists. Dick Durbin is the guy with the loudest argument, retelling the same old worn-out lines that simply aren’t true. On the Senate floor Durbin was willing to proclaim, “Hispanics and Africans taking what are pretty tough, dirty rough jobs, because others don’t want ’em…not many of us say to our sons and daughters ‘I’m hoping the day will come when you decide to go and pick fruit for a living’. Hardly ever hear that, because we know its hard, back-breaking work and immigrants do the work.”
Can you get more racist and offensive than that?
My grandfather was a sharecropper. My dad and my wife, at times in their lives, worked on assembly lines. My brother and I, in my case for fourteen years, dug ditches for a living. My hands bled for the first two weeks on the job. Yes, most of the people on the job sites were Hispanic, but a good portion of them were American-born, or “white.”
My son applied for a job to pick fruit many years ago. He was a young man who had failed to chase the college dream, and after spending a few years working with me in the dirt he decided to pick fruit. He found a local employer, but was rejected because he doesn’t speak Spanish.
If the situation was reversed, and it was over whether or not he could speak English, it would be considered a case of discrimination; but in the fruit-picking industry it’s not. What that told me is that it isn’t that Americans aren’t willing to do that kind of work, but that the industry refuses to allow Americans to do that kind of work.
Who does Durbin, and his Democrat Party friends, think did that kind of work prior to the influx of illegal aliens working under the table for slave wages? Before those job positions opened up as a result of the expansion of welfare programs by Lyndon B. Johnson’s Great Society, it was Americans who did the jobs that the leftists are now claiming Americans aren’t willing to do.
How is a young person supposed to break into the workforce if the low-wage jobs are taken up by illegal aliens?
Oh, wait, Durban kept using the word “immigrants.”
Immigrants are people who go through immigration protocols established by immigration law. He’s not defending immigrants, Durban is defending illegal aliens … people who broke federal law to cut in line and come to the United States illegally – which makes them federal fugitives.
The reality is, mixed into the illegal alien population are people who are not good for America. Among the families seeking a better America are drug dealers, rapists, gang members, the diseased, terrorists, and various other criminals. Are all of them these kind of people? Of course not, but the fact is the rule of law is in place for a reason. Immigration laws protect the receiving population from the wrong people coming into our country that in the long run could be detrimental to our safety.
As for the DACA argument of the poor kids, many of those people are also criminals, illiterate and wish harm against Americans. Again, I realize that every DACA recipient is not what I just described, but enough of them are that we have no choice but to demand that none of them receive amnesty . . . and if they truly do wish to be Americans, once they return home, they will be determined to go through the process in place to become a legal immigrant.
— Political Pistachio Conservative News and Commentary