Author, Speaker, Instructor, Radio Host
President Donald J. Trump is the greatest thing to happen to America’s economy since . . . well, President Ronald Reagan. The number of employed is now at a smashing upward, ceiling shattering record of
And the Democrats are hating it. In fact, they hate it so much that they are calling the job boom “reckless.” You know, like when they were calling more money in your pocket due to the tax cut nothing but “
One of two things are probably likely, here. Either, they hate Trump so much that any sign of success must be met with derision, or they hate American Liberty so much that they hate any sign of success that supports liberty and the free market.
I think it’s both things.
In June,
213,000 new jobs were added, and the Democrats saw nothing good about it. If people are working, and the economy is booming, what will they run on in November?
“Reckless,” they said.
The free market is reckless, and economic growth is reckless, according to the Democrats who are actually socialists, and the only way to get to socialism is for
capitalism to do so badly that people start screaming for a change. Deep down, that’s why people like
Bill Maher wants an economic crash to strike. He’s rooting for a 1929 crash and a
great depression.
I made a joke this morning on
Conservative Voice Radio that if Trump cured cancer, the Democrats would complain that he was depriving the poor cancer cells of an equal opportunity to exist.
The Democrats do not want what is best for America. They want power. They want a single-party system where socialism reigns, and liberty is lost forever. They thought they had it with a Hillary Clinton presidency. What a perfect way to complete a socialist coup, with Hillary following Obama in a destructive tag team against the U.S. Constitution. Trump is the stick in the spokes of their plans. He fouled it all up for them, and they are in a panic . . . to the point that they are even willing to criticize and complain about economic growth, and job growth, in America.
After the U.S. Department of Labor released the latest jobs and unemployment numbers, DNC Chair and former Labor Secretary Tom Perez released the following statement:
“With slow wage growth, rising health care premiums, and skyrocketing gas prices across the country, Donald Trump’s reckless policies are hurting millions of hardworking families. Trump and Republicans in Congress have been so determined to undermine workers that they held a Supreme Court seat hostage for nearly a year in order to nominate an aggressively anti-union justice, who became the deciding vote in last week’s disgraceful decision in the Janus case.
“This is all part of the Republican playbook. For decades, Republicans and their wealthy corporate allies have been chipping away at workers’ rights, weakening unions, and depressing wages – all while giving massive tax cuts to the top 1%. And Janus is their most dangerous attack yet.
“Trump and Republicans in Congress are trying to build a winner-take-all economy that enriches their wealthy friends and saddles working families with the bill. Democrats want to create good-paying jobs and build an economy that works for everyone. And we will continue to stand shoulder-to-shoulder with workers and with our brothers and sisters in the labor movement as they fight for the wages, benefits, and livelihood they deserve.”
Spoken like a true communist.
Let’s see. The job boom is good for everyone. The tax cuts were not for the top 1%, but were good for everyone. The
Janus decision disallows the unions to take money whether you like it or not from you, and then feed it into the coffers of the Democrat Party. How is that “anti-worker”?
I was waiting for Tom Perez to pull a Karl Marx and scream, “Workers of the World Unite, You Have Nothing To Lose But Your Chains.”
I have a different quote for them.
It was uttered by James Carville, the Bill Clinton campaign strategist in the 1990s. “It’s the economy, stupid.”
Keep it up, Democrats. Your defiance against good policy, job growth, and economic prosperity will give the Republicans even more votes in November than you realize.
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