By Douglas V. Gibbs
Author, Speaker, Instructor, Radio Host
The news cycle today has been dominated by reports regarding protests and counter-protests in the streets of Washington D.C. One year has passed since the Charlottesville confrontation between White Supremacists, Antifa, and Black Lives Matter, where a car was driven through the crowd resulting in one death, and nineteen injuries.
The scene at our country’s capital today is being reported as a clash of opposites. White Nationalists (supremacists) versus anti-fascists and pro-minority groups. The dirty little secret is both groups are a part of the same anti-liberty and anti-Constitution coup facing the United States of America.
In the 1930s the Nazis and the communists claimed to be polar opposites, but the truth is both ideologies were based on collectivism, central control over the people by a powerful few, and they were willing to use violence if necessary to make sure their version of socialism achieved dominance in the halls of government.
In today’s protests, the “alt-right” groups and the left-wing groups are ready to fight, calling for a violent overthrow of our government system as it is, willing to use violence to make sure their version of tyranny achieve’s dominance in the halls of government.
The reality is they all stand against the U.S. Constitution and serve the aims of the leadership of the Democrat Party in the end.
First Amendment: Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people to peaceably assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.
Antifa: There should be no religion, especially when it comes to anything associated with government. Christians should only be able to discuss their religion inside the four walls of a church, and have no right to talk about politics in any way, including from the pulpit. Freedom of speech is allowed as long as it is not considered hate speech by Antifa’s definition. All conservative press outlets should be shut down and silenced. Peaceable assembly unless the opposition shows up, then violence is allowed for the sake of silencing the fascists. Antifa supporters believe we are beyond petitioning the government because fascists are now in charge and must be removed by any means necessary.
Black Lives Matter: Religion has no business involved in government or the public square, unless it is Islam. In that case, they must be protected against the haters. Christians should only be able to discuss their religion inside the four walls of a church, and have no right to talk about politics in any way, especially from the pulpit (allies like Jeremiah Wright, Obama’s pastor, are exempt). Freedom of speech is allowed as long as it is not considered hate speech or racist by definitions presented by Black Lives Matter. All conservative press outlets should be shut down and silenced. Peaceable assembly unless the opposition shows up, then violence is allowed for the sake of silencing the racists. Or, as a black man said to me at an NAACP event during which I served on an informational panel after I suggested freedom of assembly is fine as long as it is not violent, “I ain’t gonna have no white man telling me how I am allowed to protest.” BLM supporters believe we are beyond the point of petitioning the government because racists are now in charge and must be removed by any means necessary.
White Nationalists (Supremacists): Religion has no business involved in government or the public square (while most white supremacists are self-proclaimed atheists, and anti-constitution, they have no problem wrapping themselves in the American flag or embracing the cross if it will help promote their viewpoint). Religion has no place outside the four walls of a religious facility. Freedom of speech is allowed as long as it is not considered to be in opposition of the White Nationalist agenda by definitions presented by the leadership of the cause. All press outlets should be shut down and silenced. Peaceable assembly unless the opposition shows up, then violence is allowed for the sake of silencing the opposition. White supremacists believe we are beyond the point of petitioning the government because, while the Trump administration has advanced some of their aims through tougher immigration laws, the Republicans in office are not willing to go far enough to completely ban all immigration from non-white countries, and be especially strict regarding immigration from European countries so as to only allow white skilled persons into the country. They believe the next step needs to be taken. The government needs to be taken over by their allies and minions, and the enemies of whites must must be removed by any means necessary.
Muslims: Religion has no business involved in government or the public square, unless it is Islam. Christians must be converted, forced into servitude, or killed. Government and Islam are one, and sharia law must be spread worldwide. Freedom of speech is allowed as long as it is not critical of Islam, or the Prophet Muhammad. All conservative press outlets should be shut down and silenced. Peaceable assembly unless the opposition shows up, then violence is allowed for the sake of silencing all who stand against Islam. Muslims believe time is on their side, and eventually through demographics they will take control of the government. Petitioning the government for a redress of grievances is therefore not necessary since eventually Islam will march peacefully into Washington D.C. as the ruling class, and the Constitution will be replaced by Islam as the law of the land.
Liberal Left Progressive Democrats: Religion has no business involved in government or the public square. Christians should only be able to discuss their religion inside the four walls of a church, and have no right to talk about politics in any way, especially from behind the pulpit. Freedom of speech is allowed as long as it is not considered hate speech or racist by definitions presented by a Democrat Party dominated government. All conservative press outlets should be shut down and silenced, as well as any conservative voice online. Peaceable assembly, but for the sake of encouraging division, Democrats look fondly upon violence in the streets be it through ideological clashes or inner-city riots. After all, “You never let a serious crisis go to waste. And what I mean by that it’s an opportunity to do things you think you could not do before.” – Rahm Emanuel. The Democrat Party faithful believe we are beyond the point of petitioning the government because an enemy is now in charge and must be removed by any means necessary. They prefer impeachment and a blue wave, but will accept violence if it works in their favor and the November expectations do not come to fruition.
Recognize the anti-constitution similarities between each and every one of those groups? Can you see the authoritarian tyranny each of them stand for?
Race War, of course, would be best of all. After all, the left is happy with achieving their ends by any means. If the races go to war, it will necessitate the activation of big government in order to quell the violence, and bring peace and safety to society, again. A perfect storm for a liberal left takeover.
The governmental response would then be to establish authoritarian laws to keep it from ever happening again. In other words, the populace must be forced by government to get along and behave, by any means necessary, or at least that is what the anti-constitutionalists will say.
— Political Pistachio Conservative News and Commentary