By Douglas V. Gibbs
Author, Speaker, Instructor, Radio Host

Benito Bernal is running for Congress in California’s 29th Congressional District as a Republican.  He is the only Republican in his race, running against two Democrats, a Green Party candidate, and a “non-partisan” candidate (which I guess means, in that last candidate’s case, that they really don’t stand for much of anything).  Benny is pro-life, pro-free market individual who stands against everything the liberal left has to offer.  Oh, and he used to be a Democrat.  In fact, he had climbed the ladder to Democrat leadership in the State of California.  He remained a leader in the party of the donkey, until one day he learned the truth.

In a meeting with his fellow Democrat Party leaders, Benny asked a simple question.  “We keep complaining about all of these problems, but why don’t we actually solve them?”

The room went quiet.  Every conversation stopped, and all eyes were on Mr. Bernal.  Finally, one of the leaders spoke up, and to everyone’s amazement who hears this story, he decided to speak honestly.

“If we were to solve the problems that plague our society, what would we run on in the next election?  Besides, do you realize how many government jobs rely on the existence of those problems?  Do you realize how much federal money we get regarding those problems?”

Problems in society creates the perfect scenario for power and wealth in the government sector, and the politicians like it that way.

Solutions are discussed to the public, but never implemented because to keep the middle class and lower economic rungs of the ladder on the plantation, the problems must continue in perpetuation.  We must depend upon the government to tend to the consequences of the problems, they believe.  Otherwise, why would we need them in power?

In Tim Donnelly’s book, “Patriot Not Politician” he discusses what he calls “The Quiet No.”

He explains, “You may be wondering why you do all the work to elect someone to office, and then they fail to represent you after a few months or a few years in office.  I had always wondered about this phenomenon, and then I learned firsthand.  The monied interests who make up the political power class have an army of individuals who are expert in the art of seduction…legions of these experts made contact with me…She was so attractive and so good at what she was doing, that she made you feel as if you were the most interesting person alive.  In the course of our meeting, she kept asking me questions about my race, how I won it and told me how amazing it was…I wanted to believe that I was this special, amazing and brilliant person because it was intoxicating.  When someone who is gifted in the art of seduction turns their charms on you, it’s hard not to be seduced…she made everyone feel this way because it was her job…What the establishment does is work overtime in the beginning to make you feel special, to make you feel important, and to figure out what makes you tick.  Their goal is to develop a relationship with you, so that you become dependent upon them.  For some people it’s about being part of the club – being respected – being on the inside.  For others, it’s about raw power and ambition, and knowing that the powerful monied interests are the key to that career path…All you have to do is sell your soul.  That is if you have one.  A lot of people get into politics and they talk a big game, say all the right things but the truth is – they never meant any of it.  It was just a means to an end.  It’s just the path of least resistance – human nature.  That’s why so many of them are easily bought…re-election is much easier if you just play the game.”

I titled this article “Democrats Stand Against Solutions,” but perhaps a more accurate title would have been “The Political Class Stands Against Solutions.”  Or, perhaps, “The Establishment Stands Against Solutions.”

In reality, the most appropriate title would have been, “The Politicians Stand Against America.”

Power and position, and the wealth that comes along with it, are more important than anything else to these people.  That’s why President Trump is hated so much.  He is a viable threat to the game.  He not only cannot be conned into the “quiet no” described by Tim Donnelly, but Trump has decided it is time to shatter the whole mess, and the deep state that goes with it.

A GOP prison reform bill has emerged in Congress.  The Democrats should be all excited.  The Republicans are hardly ever willing to chase after Democrat led efforts to reduce minimum sentencing, improve federal prison conditions, or buy into the rehabilitation scheme that allegedly is designed to ease a prisoner’s return into society as a functional law-abiding citizen.  Trump and the Republicans have suddenly offered exactly what the Democrats have been waiting for (or claim to be waiting for). The House has passed the First Step Act that would authorize $250 million in new funding for prisoner-reentry programs, ban the shackling of pregnant inmates, and expedite early release for elderly inmates and those who earn “good time” credits during their sentences.

Yet, the Democrats are split on the bill, and only roughly half of them threw in their support for the bill.  Some members of the media claim their reluctance to go along with it stems off of their hate for Trump, and willingness to go against something that normally they would embrace has turned in a different direction for fear of agreeing with Trump on anything.

I believe it may go deeper than that.

For many politicians it is easier to be louder when they are in the minority.  However, once they gain a position where they have the power to present solutions, they whimper into the corner fearful to actually do what they claim they stand for.  We saw that with the Republicans, didn’t we?  During Obama’s reign the GOP was unified in their resolve to repeal Obamacare, yet when they had the chance last year with a majority and a President of the United States willing to sign such a bill, they cowardly rejected full repeal and began monkeying with the idiotic idea of “fixing Obamacare.”

It’s like being offered a bicycle, and someone hands you a dog turd, but then they promise they can fix the turd so that it is more like a bicycle.

Is it possible that the GOP regarding Obamacare, and the Democrats regarding prison reform, are revealing a slight glimpse into the truth?

They don’t want solutions.  What would they run on in the next election if the problems (that they created through governmental policies, mind you) go away?  Do you realize how many jobs and massive flows of cash are created by these problems?

Liberal left policies do not bring about solutions, and in fact their policies create more and larger problems.  San Francisco has become one of the world’s worst disgusting slums as a result of hard left policies, yet the California legislators in Sacramento are doubling down on those kinds of policies.  Do they wish for the whole State of California to go down in complete ruin?  Have they learned nothing from Detroit, Venezuela, or San Francisco?

The policies, while destructive to society, are popular to the purveyors of cultural Marxism.  In addition to giving them something to run on (promises to clean up the streets of San Francisco, promises of creating new needle programs and rehabilitation programs for drug users, promises to help the homeless, blah blah blah), which creates government jobs to handle each crisis, it also provides more excuses for them to figure out how to get more money out of the taxpayers.  Plus, in addition to all of that, their policies attract more power through the creations of new voting blocks (such as illegal aliens, and their emotionally distraught supporters).

That’s why they hate Trump so much.  He’s a businessman who doesn’t play these games.  He’s known for making things happen, producing solutions, and cleaning out the trash.  He’s disrupting their whole game with his promises to drain the swamp.  He’s exposing them for who and what they are, and they are panicking.  They have been willing to fix our elections with fraud to keep people like him out of office.  They do not wish for their game to end.  The power and money must flow, no matter what.  The truth, and someone like President Trump, threatens to create solutions, and they just can’t have that.

Political Pistachio Conservative News and Commentary

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