By Douglas V. Gibbs
Author, Speaker, Instructor, Radio Host
The great deceiver and the great counterfeiter. If you don’t know who I am talking about, you might as well close the page and go back to your life of blind challenges.
The liberal left Democrats stand against everything right. They raise taxes, making it harder for the poor to survive, and then say they are for the poor. They increase regulations, killing small business, which gives the corporations less competition, and then claim they are for the little guy and are against the great big corporations. They claim they want you to be free to do what you want (by supporting all kinds of bizarre groups), and then pass laws to limit soda intake, straws, water usage, and any other government control they can muster.
A friend of mine recently told me, we need to quit saying this is a battle between the right and the left, and understand this is a battle between right and wrong.
Immigration, for example. The liberal progressive commie Democrats, in their push to make every place a sanctuary for illegal aliens, have convinced themselves that breaking in and entering, stealing from residents, and bringing into the country with them those who do not have the best for America in their soul is the moral and right thing to do. They (illegal aliens) should be, according to the liberal Democrats, able to drive, able to vote, and given citizenship without any questions asked.
Let’s change the scenario and see if their argument still makes sense.
They have convinced themselves that if someone breaks in and enters a home, stealing from the homeowners their food in the fridge and overtaking the spaces of their dwelling, and bringing people into the house who wish to destroy the hard work the family has labored over the years to make it their home, is the moral and right thing to do. Then, after breaking into the house, they demand to be admitted into the family, be in the will for when the parents pass away, eat the food when they damn well please, and to bring whoever into the house they want since they are now a part of the family, even if the person wishes to kill or rape any of the original family members. And they want you to believe this is the moral and right thing, and if you have any inkling against it, it’s because you are racist, and you hate people.
Meanwhile, while we are wrestling with illegal immigration, and the crime and loss of jobs (and murders of citizens) the situation brings with it, we have Americans, youngsters who have been trained in socialism and how to be radical agitators by Marxists in our public school system, banding together in the name of Antifa for the purpose of forming an army to cause a civil war. These ungrateful pukes are going beyond agitation and are preparing for black shirt tactics, and a Bolshevik-style revolution.
The illegal aliens, by percentage, largely agree with the Antifa pukes who are pushing a communist revolution. The Democrats have refused to speak out against this, because Antifa is their militant arm. For the Democrats, it began with the KKK, long ago. Now, their militant force of chaos are groups like Antifa, and Black Lives Matter.
The real enemy of the progressive commie Democrats, however, is God. So, they do everything they can to stand against The Creator. If He Created the sexes, then with transgenderism they must destroy God’s Creation – even if it takes on a psychological madness that could destroy our culture, and people’s lives. It doesn’t matter to them, as long as they get the votes, and silence their God-fearing opposition. They don’t care about the destruction they are causing. The Democrats don’t even care if their drive to normalize gender-confusion leads to massive suicides by these poor pawns in the Marxist game the liberals are playing. They don’t care as long as they advance themselves politically. Besides, it’s a natural marriage, because the tactics used by homosexuals and transgenders to normalize their bizarre behavior is radical, tyrannical, and exactly what the Democrats want. In the end, remember, the ends justify the means, and anything is game, just as long as the opposition is silenced, and ultimately annihilated.
Karl Marx once said that the “meaning of peace is the absence of opposition to socialism.” The Democrats, and their allies, agree. Political speech is being targeted, not only through political correctness, but by eliminating such speech on campuses, silencing any conservative or Christian speech in social media, and by shaping the message to fit the Marxist plan through the online search engines like Google.
How can our republic (not democracy) survive this kind of assault?
To be honest, the only thing holding them back from taking the final steps toward tyranny and bloody revolution is the fact that the right to keep and bear arms is still considered an individual right, and the fact that Donald J. Trump has decided to stand up to them, and fight them with fire. Despite their attacks, science has proven that Trump is of sound mind and sound body, and the reality is, it’s looking like he may go down as one of the best Presidents of the United States this country has ever seen. He’s created a historical scenario that has North Korea ready to rejoin the free world and turn its back on communism, and in a recent visit by the South Korean President to North Korea, the crowds were chanting “unification”.
The economy is doing so well, even CNN is willing to admit Trump deserves some credit.
That all said, the rise of President Trump, and the strong conservative messaging that is out there right now, is only a short reprieve. The anti-American progressive commies are regrouping. Preparing. Inserting Satanic messages of doom (largely through entertainment). They are getting so desperate that Obama is snapping at people during speeches, and one minion professor went so far as to shoot himself in the arm.
Insanity? I think “Evil” might be a more appropriate word.
The liberal progressive commie Democrats are pulling out all of the stops. Stay vigilant. Stay focused on God and preserving American ideals. And, my friends, do what you can to stay sane, because the other side isn’t.
— Political Pistachio Conservative News and Commentary