By Douglas V. Gibbs
Author, Speaker, Instructor, Radio Host
As I was reading a disingenuous misleading Associated Press article by an obviously liberally biased Darlene Superville about Trump touting his historical week at an Ohio rally, I grinned at the language used that was aimed at making the President sound braggadocious. The writer used language like “jocular”, “boastful”, “touting his own track record”, “swaggering”, and “extolling”.
With as much success as he has had as a direct result of his policies, I don’t blame President Trump for pointing out the higher points of it all. It’s not like the media is going to point any of it out.
At one point during the article Superville even finds a way to throw in the popular leftist jab of racism (which reveals the desperation of the Democrat Party since they have no arguments regarding policy) when the writer stated in her article that President Trump “danced along the edge of offending two ethnic groups by exaggerating the threat posed by Latino MS-13 gang members by suggesting they be hauled off in ‘paddy wagons.'”
Exaggerating the threat of MS-13? Have she not been paying attention? And how is Trump’s comment offensive to a couple ethnic groups? Hispanics know that MS-13 is dangerous. If you don’t recognize the danger the gang poses, as they cross our border illegally, you are either stupid, or lying to yourself, no matter what your ethnic group is.
The author of the AP piece also referred to Kanye West’s visit to the White House, calling the rapper’s time with President Trump “bizarre,” a word I’ve heard from the media many times about Kim Kardashian’s husband’s fondness of Donald J. Trump. They believe it is “bizarre” because they believe blacks should be unwilling to depart from the Democrat Party plantation. Kanye West is somehow a traitor to his race because of his political opinion, and the liberal left is now doing whatever it can to ridicule him into silence.
What is bizarre is the fact that after the Republican Party freed blacks in America from the bondage of slavery a century and a half ago, the Democrats have not only figured out how to return them to bondage, but to convince the black community that being in bondage is good for them. Enemies of the Democrat Party collective hive are then violently dealt with, and silenced, if possible.
To me, that sort of sounds like what the fascists of Nazi Germany, and the communists of the Soviet Union, did to any and all dissenting voices.
The part of the article that drove me the most bananas, however, was when Darlene quipped “Returning to a recent incendiary talking point, Trump deemed the Democrats who opposed Kavanaugh ‘a mob’…”
The lefties are beside themselves when conservatives refer to them as a mob.
Wasn’t the screaming, shouting, crying protesters during the Kavanaugh confirmation a mob? They were disrupting the hearing with mob behavior inside the chamber, and pounded and scratched on the door from the outside while Kavanaugh was being sworn in as the next Supreme Court Justice. Do the Democrats not recognize that kind of behavior the actions of people with a mob mentality?
Don Lemon went nuts on CNN when a guest said “mob behavior” and “mob mentality” applies to Democrats “protesting” people like Senator Ted Cruz at a restaurant, or Kavanaugh as he was being sworn in.” The CNN host refused to call it “mob behavior”. Why? What is the definition of mob behavior?
“You’re thinking of mob rule,” said Lemon. And then, he called on the Constitution, saying it says that people can protest.
Perhaps Lemon didn’t notice that in the First Amendment it says “peaceably assemble.”
Lemon then challenged his guest to look up “mob behavior.”
Don Lemon is correct in that mob rule and mob behavior are not the same thing. However, what he is not willing to admit is that mob behavior always accompanies mob rule.
The Democrat Party is all about “democracy.” That is their goal. Pure democracy. That is why they complain about rural States having an equal voice in the U.S. Senate, and why they are calling for an end to the electoral college. In a republic, the voice of the minority (less populated areas) serve as a barrier against the calls for authoritarianism that historically always rises out of population centers. Democracy is mob-rule. Thomas Jefferson called it the “tyranny of the majority where 51% can vote away the rights of the other 49%.” Isn’t that what the Democrats are trying to do? Gain a majority of voters, make us a democracy, and then vote away the rights of all who disagree with them (pro-life, Christians, supporters of a free market, cake bakers, and those who support a secure border and only allowing citizens to vote in elections).
What the protesters were doing regarding the Kavanaugh confirmation was mob behavior. The attacks against Ted Cruz and his family in a restaurant was mob behavior. What Antifa, Black Lives Matter, and La Raza does is mob behavior.
They know what they do is mob behavior. They just don’t like being called on it.
This whole argument reminds me of when I served on a panel at an NAACP event. We were asked what our opinion was of Black Lives Matter, and the NFL players kneeling during the National Anthem. I responded that I support the right to protest. “Knock yourself out. Enjoy your voice of freedom. But, remember that in the First Amendment it says that you have a right to peaceably assemble. Therefore, my opinion is that while I agree with the right to protest, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances, I also believe it should be peaceful protests. I disagree with the violence being performed by people like Black Lives Matter.”
An older gentleman in the back of the room raised his fist and shouted, “I ain’t gonna have no white man telling me how I am allowed to protest.”
Sums it up, I suppose.
I never focused on race, my detractors in the audience did, yet, somehow, I was considered the racist.
— Political Pistachio Conservative News and Commentary