By Douglas V. Gibbs
Author, Speaker, Instructor, Radio Host
When Barack Obama was elected President of the United States in 2008, the Democrat Party’s smug arrogance convinced them that the United States had finally turned the corner, and was on a non-stop trajectory for socialism. Obama won his reelection, solidifying their opinion that the Republican Party was soon to become a relic of a fading past. Seventeen Republicans lined up to challenge the Democrats in 2016. Hillary’s only obstacle, as far as the Democrats were concerned, was Bernie Sanders inside her own party. Sure, the self-avowed socialist believed what they did, but he was willing to inject the socialism too quickly, and the Democrats had crafted out carefully a sixteen year plan that began with Obama, and finished with Hillary Clinton’s skilled iron-fisted closing act. Bernie was dispatched with the help of super-delegates, and the Democrats were convinced with certitude that Mrs. Clinton was a shoe-in against any of the Republicans. They secretly hoped Donald Trump would win the GOP nomination, because he would be the easiest to beat out of all of them.
The billionaire businessman won the nomination, and the Democrats jumped for joy. Not only would Hillary Clinton win, according to the pollsters and the embedded members of the deep state, she would win by a massive landslide. The Republican Party would die sooner than they thought. The Trump loss would be so destructive to the party, splitting it into battling factions pitting far right crazies against the moderate establishment types, that the party would destroy itself from within.
The Democrats were jumping up and down in glee. They almost could not contain their excitement. The breaking of the glass ceiling would also lead to the shattering of that silly right-wing constitutional foundation.
Election day came. The evening began with the Democrats on the edge of their seats.
As the hours passed, it turned out it wouldn’t be a landslide. But, surely the non-politician, non-establishment candidate, Donald J. Trump, could not possibly beat the anointed heir apparent, Hillary Clinton.
It went past midnight, and in the end, Trump not only won, when it came to electoral votes, he won decisively.
Panic set in, but not completely. Surely the non-politician would fair miserably. Between his failed policies and the relentless attacks by the liberal Democrats, they would grab the White House in 2020, and maybe, just maybe, pull a Nixon style victory early on, and impeach Donald Trump.
The establishment’s trough is being drained, and Trump is about to kick the whole thing over.
The Democrats are crying out for help to fuel their resistance, paying protesters with George Soros money to create chaos at the hearings for Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh. They’ve also loaded the back of the room with members of Antifa, and feminist groups. They’ve gotten to the point of doing whatever it takes, because, frankly, they are becoming desperate.
It’s organized pandemonium that goes beyond the mafia style killings the Clintons orchestrated with the Democrats to cover up Hillary’s emails. The Democrats have decided that breaking rules, lying, and using every deceptive trick in the book is not enough. Now, they are calling for utter chaos.
And as they continue their frantic effort to stop the bleeding, Trump keeps winning. The economy is booming. We have become more respected abroad. And, the Supreme Court nomination of Kavanaugh, despite all of the silly antics by the Democrats, is not only an inevitability, but the behavior of the Democrats is simply making them look worse, and the whole thing is actually gaining more supportive votes for the GOP. In the long run the out of control behavior of the Democrats is solidifying Trump’s place in history as not only the accepted President of the United States by most Americans, but a highly successful President of the United States. It got so bad at the senatorial hearings that the shameful leftists were actually attacking Kavanaugh’s kids, and the poor children had to be escorted safely out of the senatorial chambers.
I am not sure which was worse. The op-ed, or the fact that the Times were willing to publish such a piece of trash.
They have good reason to be desperate. They are losing badly.