Constitution Radio with Douglas V. Gibbs
Saturday 1-3 pm Pacific LIVE on KMET 1490-AM. Listen on your radio, online, or with your KMET phone app. Call in 951-922-3532
First Hour: Constitutional Training
Second Hour: Forensic Accountant Alan Meyers – Let’s talk about money and the Federal Reserve.
May 26, 2018:
⬝ Constitution Study Television: Secession
⬝ Constitution Study Television: We the People
⬝ Congress Works to Roll Back Banking Regulations
⬝ Yes, Many of the Illegal Aliens are Animals
⬝ The FBI, Inside
⬝ American Freedom Alliance: School Shootings
⬝ Republican Candidate Jazmina Saavedra versus Cultural Marxism
⬝ Constitution Association Upcoming Events