Constitution Radio with Douglas V. Gibbs
Saturday 1-3 pm Pacific LIVE on KMET 1490-AM. Listen on your radio, online, or with your KMET phone app. Call in 951-922-3532
Save our Police: Michael Haltman of the Heroes to Heroes Foundation joins us today.
Michael Haltman
June 18th Join Heroes To Heroes Foundation For A Day Of Golf In Support Of Combat Veterans At-Risk For Suicide!
For our nation’s active duty police officers who have a similar problem with suicide, the completely confidential Heroes To Heroes Blue is going to provide the same extremely successful spiritual healing program that Heroes To Heroes has been providing to U.S. military combat veterans suffering with depression, moral injury and are at-risk for suicide. First ‘Blue’ journey in 2018!
Heroes To Heroes Foundation – Why Us?
‘A common thread for these American heroes is that in many ways they have lost their faith! Heroes To Heroes Foundation, through a program based in spirituality, helps these brave men and women reconnect with the faith that the horrors of war erased!’
They stepped-up to serve in the United States military so that the rest of us could continue to live the American dream in peace!
⬝ Trump’s Presidency: Peace, Prosperity, and the American Way . . . and the Democrats Are Still Angry!
⬝ Why Opting Out of Sanctuary State is SO IMPORTANT
⬝ Launch of the Constitution Study Patriot Network and Constitution Study Television
⬝ Democrats Cornered
⬝ Non-Shooter Defends Second Amendment . . . She’s my wife