By Douglas V. Gibbs
Author, Speaker, Instructor, Radio Host
Mueller does not have the unlimited power the liberal left claims he has, and Trump, as the chief head in charge of the executive branch can fire him if he desires (since the Department of Justice is, whether most people realize it or not, a part of the executive branch of government). Trump hasn’t because of perception. The whole game the Democrats are playing is not about truth, it is about perception, and they are working night and day to make sure the impression the voters get is that Trump needs to be impeached yesterday. They want you to believe that Donald Trump’s presidency is illegitimate, even though they have no evidence, they still don’t have some kind of legal report supporting their accusations, and they haven’t been able to gaze upon his tax returns in the hopes that it backs up their claim.
It’s a flurry of expectations without any evidence of collusion with the Russians. If anything, these investigations are not proving collusion between Trump and the Russians as much as they are showing us how sleazy and corrupt the Democrats truly are.
They want authoritarian control, and they can’t accomplish it with Trump in office, and the Republicans in control of the two Houses of Congress. They want to rule and control everything you do and say, rule and control your travels on the internet, centrally control the economy (even though Trump’s free market strategies have proven to work wonderfully), and they constantly remind us of how much they hate the capitalistic system that we have been using that has made America the most prosperous country in history.
The fact is, under Obama we were thrust further into a coup designed to destroy our liberty and overthrow our Constitution, and as far as the liberal left is concerned, we are in a civil war that they must win, and one they can’t win until they get rid of Donald J. Trump.
They think Cohen and Manafort having anything guilty about them, even if it has nothing to do with what the Democrats are after, is a point in their favor. It’s the job of the court of public opinion to say otherwise, and the expose the liberal left for who and what they are.
The 2018 midterm elections are not a referendum on Trump as much as they are a decision by Americans regarding where we go next. Do we remain a constitutional republic, or do we chase the socialist nightmare being presented by the liberal left Democrats?