By Douglas V. Gibbs
Author, Speaker, Instructor, Radio Host

The Democrats in California have shown how far to the left they have truly gone when the State’s Democrat Party sent more votes for endorsement to State Senator Kevin De Leon, who is practically a communist, than for their longtime U.S. Senator Dianne Feinstein.

If reelected, it would be Feinstein’s fifth six-year term.  State Senate leader Kevin de León has established himself as a huge supporter of illegal aliens, California’s sanctuary State status (in fact, it was De Leon’s bill), and single-payer socialist-style healthcare programs.  Rewarding his left-leaning insanity that even makes Feinstein look a little bit on the conservative side, he won the support of 54 percent of the delegates at the state party convention, short of the 60 percent needed to secure the party endorsement. Feinstein received only 37 percent of the votes.

Could it be that California Democrats want more federal intrusion, and more socialism, than even Feinstein was willing to try and offer?  The endorsement contest was a “test of the establishment’s authority and power,” de León chief of staff Dan Reeves said before the vote.

The California State Senator sees himself as outside the establishment.  He’s a far left offering who is willing to move in socialist directions that the Democrat Party has been willing to go, but not just yet – and they are not willing to admit.

While Feinstein maintains a large financial lead, De Leon’s win could be signalling not only that he is a force on the rise, but that the party is no longer satisfied with the stealth communism they’ve always pushed.  Now, the younger Democrats are ready to rip off the shroud, and go for broke.

No endorsement was also made in the governor’s race, with Lt. Gov. Gavin Newsom receiving 39 percent of the delegates, compared to 30 percent for State Treasurer John Chiang, 20 percent for former state schools chief Delaine Eastin, and just 9 percent for former Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa.

That all said, it is possible to win without the party’s endorsement.  Feinstein’s run for governor in 1990, coupled with a very non-Democrat Party stance regarding capital punishment cost her the party’s endorsement.  The party endorsed her more liberal rival, Attorney General John Van de Kamp, but in the end, she won the primary that year.

In his speech, de León seemed like he wanted to reveal how far to the left he truly thinks (and I think he thinks more leftward than he is willing to reveal).  He said he would have voted against the Iraq War and domestic wiretapping.  Feinstein voted in favor of both.  He also said that he will never be “fooled into believing Donald Trump can be a good president.”  It was a statement designed to stand in stark defiance of a comment by Feinstein, “I just hope he has the ability to learn and change — and if he can, he can be a good president.” She voiced the comment at a Commonwealth Club forum at the historic Herbst Theater in San Francisco last year.

Feinstein, in her speech, hammered on gun control, trying to capitalize on the news that has been a constant buzz in the aftermath of the school shooting in Parkland, Florida.

As she spoke, she lost track of the time, and as the music played to usher her off stage, she innocently said, “I guess my time is up.”  De León’s supporters grabbed the opportunity, and ran with it, shouting back, “time’s up!”

The hard lurch to the left of the Democrat Party in California may not be in line with what the voters want.  I am wondering if they’ve bitten off a large bite of being Soviet that might be bigger than voters are willing to tolerate.  For Republicans, that might be good news, because the hard left positions of California’s Democrats, and the incredible number of Democrats jumping into each of the races, may, in the long run, hurt the Democrat Party’s attempt to gain seats in legislative bodies.

Republican Representative Darrell Issa’s seat may be one of those seats the Democrats may not be able to grab.  Issa has announced he will be retiring, and for that seat so many Democrats are running that it may split the votes, and cause the Democrats to not have a chance at changing that district from red to blue.  A number of seats for Congress in a number of districts are facing the same reality.  It may even be possible that with all of the vote splitting, it could change the whole dynamics of the June 5 primary and send two Republicans to the November election in the case of some of the seats, thanks to California’s top-two primary system.  Democrats need 24 seats to reclaim the majority in the U.S. House — and are putting money and attention toward 10 California contests.  Each and every race matters, but the volume of Democratic candidates is a particular problem they may have to try to figure out how to overcome.

In the 39th Congressional District, where Retiring Representative Ed Royce will be departing, at least eight Democratic candidates so far are on the ballot.

While there is an effort to eliminate California’s Top Two Primary, which has been supported by pretty much all parties, and advocates on both sides of the aisle, the Republican Party establishment, led by top funder Charles Munger, has refused to back the effort.  As for myself, I am in full agreement in eliminating the top two primary.  Open primaries are an attempt to move us towards a pure democracy, and it compromises some of the mechanisms in place that create a check and balance, not only against the politicians, but against pure democracy and a one-party system that could move us toward the kind of dictatorial tyranny that the Framers of the Constitution meant to protect us against.

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