By Douglas V. Gibbs
Author, Speaker, Instructor, Radio Host

Politically, I want to believe that Judge Brett Kavanaugh is innocent of sexual assault, and that Christine Blasey Ford is nothing more and nothing less than a Democrat Party operative participating in a well-planned conspiracy not only against Kavanaugh, but against all things involved with President Donald J. Trump.

Personally, I understand that sexual abuse is a disease that has infested our world.  I do not wish to take lightly the possibility that Christine Blasey Ford was in fact the victim of a sexual assault.

Logically, based on the detail of the account being described by Christine Blasey Ford, I believe that somebody did in fact sexually assault her at one time in her life, and likely at a party during her high school years, and very possibly while she was only fifteen years old, as she has testified.  However, I also believe Brett Kavanaugh that he is positive that he did not sexually assault Christine Ford, or anyone else, for that matter, be it in high school, college, or at any other time during his life.  As he explained to Martha McCallum of Fox News, Kavanaugh was a virgin throughout high school, and for a number of years afterward.  Considering the Christian Faith that Kavanaugh has exhibited, and the testimony of people who know him regarding his character, his decision not to engage in sexual intercourse outside of wedlock early in life is no surprise, should be applauded, and should be believed.

The liberal left Democrats have argued against the possibility that a man, any man, would be willing to remain pure well into his adulthood, not just because they don’t believe them, but because they cannot fathom anyone in this day and age of sexual promiscuity, and a revolving door of sexual lifestyles and behaviors, holding on to that kind of purity throughout those years in which most guys, it seems, are incredibly sexually active.

In short, I believe Ford was sexually assaulted, but I do not believe she actually remembers who it was; or she does remember, but as a Democrat operative, she wants to pin it on Kavanaugh.  It’s a win-win for her.  She has the opportunity to vent and release her anger and horrible fears through this psychological exercise before the U.S. Senate, but at the same time, fry the nominee of a President she likely hates with a passion due to his unwillingness to enable the forward thrust of America towards a socialist progressive nightmarish dystopia.

The Democrats are upset because they believe that Republicans are rejecting Ford’s claim.  How unfeeling of the Republicans in the face of such a horrible claim.  “Her claim must be considered,” they have proclaimed.

We are not doubting that Ford may have been sexually assaulted.  We are not doubting that sexual assault is rampant in our society, and that the victims of sexual assault deserve to be heard, and they deserve a platform from which to speak from.  But, when it comes to the Kavanaugh hearing, I believe the Democrats are jumping to conclusions for political expediency, and they are tossing aside an important American ethical practice best described as “innocent until proven guilty.”  I agree that sexual assault and violence is something we would like to put an end to in this country.  It’s a noble goal.  But, let’s not execute the character of potentially innocent people in the process because of the Democrat Party’s affliction of Trump Derangement Syndrome.

We can’t afford to assassinate due process or the rule of law because we are desperate to cooperate with the cries of a segment of society that has been sexually assaulted at various times during their lives.  We can’t afford to dismiss a very qualified judicial nominee who I believe was honest when he said he did not sexually assault Christine Ford, and in fact had had no sexual relations with a woman during that time period in his life.  And, let’s be honest, we know that the Republican Party can’t afford to allow the Kavanaugh confirmation hearing to go much longer because, as Rush Limbaugh has so plainly laid out for us, if the GOP doesn’t get the Kavanaugh appointment resolved by election day, it could cost the party a great number of seats in representation.

With all of that said, I do not expect a blue wave if the Kavanaugh hearing is not completed by election day.  Overall, I think most voters understand the deceptive and maligned tactics the Democrat Party is using as they do everything they can to hang on to the last remnants of power they believe is in their fists.  If anything could derail the Republican Party’s hold of either House of Congress, or soil Trump’s presidency, it would be if Trump signs any budget or funding bill (such as the current cromnibus bill) without having funding included in it for his Mexican-American Border Wall.  He said he would not sign a bill of that nature without funding for the wall, so if he does sign something like the cromnibus package, and his wall remains unpaid, it will be his “read my lips” moment.

Political Pistachio Conservative News and Commentary

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