By Douglas V. Gibbs
Author, Speaker, Instructor, Radio Host

James Comey lied.  Andrew McCabe lied.  Barack Obama lied.  Hillary Clinton lied.  And as I watch the Brett Kavanaugh Senate Confirmation hearings, it is becoming more and more clear that the Democrat Party has gone completely off the reservation.  Notice, I did not say they are becoming unhinged.  They have already dropped off the hinge.  Their hatred of Donald J. Trump, the Republican Party, and all things American and reasonable has made them acting sloppy, spiteful, and made to look like petulant children throwing temper-tantrums.

The fake Steele Dossier has been proven to be nothing more than a work of fiction that was bought and paid for by the Clintons.  The allegation of Russian Collusion has been proven to have no evidence, and therefore, there is no truth to it.  It’s a witch hunt.  The investigation seeking a crime is back-firing on the Democrats, and in their anger they have literally outed themselves.

Could you imagine if the cops showed up to your house and say to you, “We have no evidence, nor a solid idea of what you may have done, but we know you’re guilty of something.  So, we are going to search through your home, scrutinize your history, and interrogate everyone who knows you or have known you, and when we find something, whatever it may be, or even if we don’t find something, we are going to make sure that we ruin your life, and have you removed from your job.”

Would you consider that tyranny?

That kind of out-of-control, Star Chamber, Banana-Republic kind of garbage is exactly what is going on against President Donald J. Trump … simply because the Democrats are sore losers, and they not only hate those who oppose them, but they especially hate those who they believe may be a threat to their establishment machine.

The politicians drink from a trough that feeds their power and wealth through collusion and unethical political practices, and Donald Trump not only has refused to drink from the trough, he has kicked it over.

The angry Democrats, liberals, Rhinos and other trough addicts are so angry that they are revealing who they are.  They are revealing their ugliness.  People like me always knew that they were this disgusting, but now the mask is coming off, and they are revealing who they really are in front of the American People . . . and as a result, voters are walking away from the Democrat Party.

The liberal left has Trump Derangement Syndrome so bad that they are literally alienating a portion of their own base, and those Americans who thought they were Democrats are shaking their heads and are proclaiming that “enough is enough.”  They are done with the Democrat Party.

I volunteer for the GOP headquarters in my area three days per week, and aside from handing out “Yes on 6” signs (repeal the gas tax), my number one request is registration forms so that people can change their party from Democrat to Republican.

Understand, that is going on here in California!  I couldn’t even imagine how often that same scenario is playing out in fly-over country.

The New York Times has shown all of us (most recently through the willingness to publish an anonymous op-ed by someone who claims to be on the inside of the Trump administration) that they, especially, have Trump Derangement Syndrome, and that “The Crazy” is running rampant through their journalistic halls.

The Kavanaugh Hearing is also proving how out of their minds these people are, from the attempts to change Senate procedural rules by Cory Booker to Kamala Harris hammering Brett Kavanaugh about whether or not he talked about the Mueller investigation to people who work for a particular law firm as Kavanaugh tries to explain he doesn’t know because he doesn’t know all of the names that are on the law firm’s employee roster.

In the end, at the Kavanaugh Hearing, the only thing the Democrats have accomplished has been revealing even more how crazy they have truly become.

Funny thing.  Mainstream media has been silent as Democrat Keith Ellison finds himself hiding from domestic violence allegations.  There has been silence regarding the role FBI Democrat Party operatives played in disseminating the fake Steele Dossier.  There has been little said about Bernie Sanders and his wife being investigated for bank fraud.  As the economy soars, and consumer confidence rises to its highest level in 18 years, Barack Obama is out there claiming the economy blasting off during Trump’s presidency is somehow his doing.  While the Democrats continue to call Trump a sexist and misogynist, the reality is women are doing better under Trump than they have in a long time, and President Trump recently signed a bill into law that supports women entrepreneurs.  Would a sexist sign such a law?

While the Democrats are claiming that the damage Trump has done to international trade will take years to repair, the reality is his threats of tariffs has engineered multiple trade improvements with Asia, with Europe, and in North America.  Meanwhile, socialist leaders, like Justin Trudeau in Canada are reeling and are not knowing what to do in the face of their own partisan socialist ways.  The trade war the liberal left claimed was on its way never happened.  Trade growth, instead, has been the result.  The tariff threats were brilliant.

The fact is, under Trump, the news is good.  The louder the Democrats get, the more unhinged they become, and the more ridiculous their crying and interruptions of the Kavanaugh Hearing becomes.  The truth is they are fueling a GOP win in November.  They are handing us ammunition for 2018 as they throw their own political noose around their own vulnerable necks. There not only won’t be a blue wave in November, I am here to tell you that the GOP will actually gain seats in both Houses of Congress.

Political Pistachio Conservative News and Commentary

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